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Butter ( Le Beurre). Butter is the product made from churning fresh cream. It consists of more than 80% butter fat & small amount of proteins, vitamin- A & D, minerals & lactose {milk sugar} & water. NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION: -
Butter ( Le Beurre) Butter is the product made from churning fresh cream. It consists of more than 80% butter fat & small amount of proteins, vitamin- A & D, minerals & lactose {milk sugar} & water. COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.
NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION: - Butter must have a minimum milk fat content of 80%, a minimum non-fat solid content of 2%, & a maximum of 16% water content. While milk is oil in water emulsion, butter is water in oil emulsion. The average % of composition of butter is: - FAT --------------- 82.5% PROTIENS -------- 1.5% {CASIEN} LACTOSE --------- 2% SALT --------------- 2% WATER ------------ 12% FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE QUALITY OF BUTTERS: - The breed of the cow from which the milk is obtained. The type of feed that was available for the cow. The method of manufacture. The efficiency of manufacturing. Whether or not the butter is blended. The addition of salt & colouring. The method of packing & storing. COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.
CLASSIFICATION: - There are 2 main types of butter: - ‘Fresh’ or ‘sweet’ cream butter. Ripened cream or lactic butter. Besides these two, there is also blended or milled butter & special butter. USES: - The catering uses of butter are endless & without doubt will enhance the product in which it is used. They are generally available in 3 sizes- individual, portions or pats (10gms), blocks of 100gms, blocks of 500gms. The main uses can be categorized to: As a spread for bread & toasts. As a basic ingredient in pastry making. As a cooking medium. In soups & sauces to enhance the flavour & texture can be used as a thickening) As a basic ingredient in cake making. As a main ingredient e.g. Holland & Béarnaise sauce, brandy & rum butter. COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.
PROCESSING / MANUFACTURING OF BUTTER The manufacture of creamery butter is done in 4 main stages: - HOLDING: - • The cream is pasteurized at 95 will be added during the holding stage. In this case the holding temperature will be 15.5˚C to 18.5˚C for 3-4 hrs before being cooled to 4.5˚C. The starter is a laboratory culture of acid producing bacteria. This gives the butter a much fuller flavour which on storage unfortunately “fades” .It therefore has a much shorter life than sweet cream butter. This stage must be omitted when making SWEET CREAM BUTTER. COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.
CHURNING The churning of the cream is done in large steel containers holding about1000 gallons of cream. The temperature must not exceed 4˚C.The containers (churns) are rotated whilst internal rollers pass through the cream. This breaks the envelope of non fat solids around the small flat globules which are released and form larger groups of butter fat. The envelope is dispersed in the thin liquid part of the cream to form butter milk after about 30 minutes of churning, the butter seperates out of the buttermilk in the form of grains & floats on the surface. The buttermilk is then carefully drained away and is useful byproduct. COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.
WASHING & SALTING: - The butter is now washed with ice-water to remove any buttermilk left on the surface of each grain in order to maximize the keeping quality. Ice water helps to harden the butter grains. Salting can be done in 2 ways → by adding fine grains or salt called dairy salt or by adding a brine solution allowing the butter grains to absorb it. The butter grains are then worked into a smooth solid mass by rotating the churns slowly to 10-15 mins. Colouring may also be added at this stage. If unsalted butter is desired, this stage of salting is omitted. The butter is now ready for packing. KINDS / TYPES OF BUTTER:→ BLENDED BUTTERS: - This is a blend of butters from different regions or countries. They are mixed together to obtain a uniformly acceptable product at a competitive price. SPECIAL BUTTERS: - This group includes some uncommon butter and those which are not “True” butters. These include:- Whey butter: The fat content of whey obtained from the curd in cheese making may be used to produce butter or it may be added to fresh cream/milk prior to being processed into butter. Due to its origins, this butter has a fainty “Cheesy flavour”. COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.
Milk blended butter: - Quantities of milk are blended into butter, thereby increasing the moisture content to 24 % (maximum) Powdered butter: - This is spray dried butter containing 30% milk fat & non fatty solids. It is produced on a large scale in Australia & is mainly used in bakery trade. Compound butter: - These are made by adding a particular natural flavour or colouring which will depend on the type of food with which it is served. It is generally used as an accomplishment. e.g. Lobster butter, parsley butter, herb butter. Cocoa & Peanut butter: - These are not “true” butters. They are obtained by crushing the cocoa & peanut nibs during the manufacture of cocoa powdered. & processing of peanuts. The resulting pastes are emulsified & flavoured. STORAGE: - Butter is a perishable product & tends to loose its flavour & go “rancid”.It must be stored at refrigerated temperature of 2*c(35*f).If purchased in bulk, it can be frozen at -25*c to -30*c (-10*c to-20*f) for several months.Do not expose to sunlight as it will loose the vita. A content & tend to go rancid faster.Ripened cream butter has a shorter keeping quality. Salted butter will last longer than unsalted butter. ******* COMPILED BY : CHEF REETU UDAY KUGAJI.