1. ZOLL M Series/E Series Biphasic: CO2 Self-Paced Training Module #8
2. Objectives At the end of this module the participant can:
Apply an proper adapter for CO2 monitoring
Zero a sensor and/or adapter
Connect the CO2 cable to the back of the machine.
3. Selecting an Airway Adapter Determine whether an adapter is needed with or without a mouthpiece
4. Sensor: Re-Usable Based on an endotracheal tube diameter, use the following table.
Verify that the airway adaptor windows are clean and dry.
Mouthpiece Only: Verify that adapter and mouthpiece are intact and securely fastened to each other.
6. Zeroing the Equipment To ensure the EtCO2 measurement is accurate, the sensor and the airway adapter must be zeroed before use.
The M Series/E Series automatically displays ZERO CO2 SENSOR or ZERO CO2 ADAPTER when zeroing is necessary.
The M Series/E Series retains the zero setting in memory, so zeroing is not necessary for later use of the same sensor, adapter and unit.
7. Zeroing the Sensor Place the sensor in the zero cell located on the sensor cable.
ZEROING CO2 SENSOR will display and takes 15 seconds to complete the process
Place the sensor in the REF cell located on the sensor cable
Confirm the ETC02 value displayed is 38mmhg (1/-2mmgh)
8. Zeroing the Airway Adapter Press the Zero and the EtCO2 Zero menu displays
Press the Enter softkey
15 seconds to complete the process
9. Connecting the Adapter Insert the elbow tubing into the endotracheal tube
Hold airway adapter so side with two arrows is on the bottom with cables facing away from the patient
10. Insert end of elbow into the airway adapter
Insert end of ventilator wye into opposite end of airway adapter
Connect airway adapter to sensor cable
11. Attach Sensor Cable to C02 Cable EtCO2 cable will connect into ETCO2 port at back of machine
Attach end of CO2 cable to the sensor cable and click into place
12. Displaying the EtCO2 Menu By accessing the Param softkey, the menu will display the CO2 option
Press the Select softkey until EtCO2 highlights
Press the Enter softkey
13. The EtCO2 Menu Displays at the Bottom of the Screen Scale softkey: adjust the scale (size) of the waveforms
Average softkey: adjust the length of breath measurement
Comp softkey: adjust to compensate for excessive oxygen
Press the Enter key after any selection of softkey.
14. Factors That Can Affect EtCO2 Oxygen levels in excess of 60% (unless compensated for)
Nitrous oxide in the airway adapter (unless compensated for)
Desfluane in the exhaled breath beyond normal limits (5-6%)
Halogenated agents
This concludes Module #8 EtCO2 Measurement.
Please continue on with other modules which may be required at your facility