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Ancient Japan. Amey , Julian, Melvern , Omar. S ociety. (food related).
Ancient Japan Amey , Julian, Melvern , Omar.
Society (food related) Most ancient Japanese people usually became farmers, because of this farmers grew lots of rice, and Japans rice industry started to incline. About 80% of Japan became farmers. And the population of Japan started to increase. Language spoken Kanji is a Japanese writing system in which they use. Over 120 million Japanese people have used it. But before Japan were introduced to the writing system kanji they had used an old writing system named Kojiki. After they had been in introduced to Kanji writing system they have used it all the way up until now.
Society Different cultures Japan has a various amount of different cultures and beliefs. Some of there different cultures are samurais, geishas and Japans tea ceremony. Because of these different types of cultures it has made a big impact in the society around Japan. Information about the people who lived in japan (ancient) The Japanese People are a nationality originating in the Japanese archipelago and are the ethnic group of Japan. Worldwide, approximately 130 million people are of Japanese descent of these, approximately 127 million are residents of Japan. People of Japanese elders who live in other countries are referred to as nikkeijin Ethnic Japanese may also be used in some contexts to refer to a locus of ethnic groups including the Yamato, Ainu and Ryukyuan people.
Society Values of the people Ancient Japanese people valued lots of different stuff but they mostly valued paper cranes. There was a legend that is still believed in about paper cranes. The legend was if you made 1000 paper cranes you would’ve retrieved a wish, so there was a girl who was named Sadako and she was diagnosed with a sickness called leukemia the doctors said that she won’t be living for long because she only has a few months left . But then Sadako’s best friend had told her “if you make 1000 paper cranes the paper cranes will give you 1 wish” so Sadako tried to make 1000 paper cranes she then unfortunately passed away left with 644 paper cranes before her death. So that is one of Ancient Japan’s legend.
PHYSICAL/CAUSE AND EFFECT • For many centuries there had been no organised system of transport in Japan because they didn’t travel much. The cause of this was because thy did not travel much and the effect was no organized system of transport. • There were horse powered buses, many types of traditional hand-drawn carts and rickshaws which carried people from place to place as well as transporting food supplies. The cause for having the transport was for transporting food supplies and people. The effect of this was they built all these types of transportation. • By the 11th century they had especially designed carriages for members of Japan’s royal and noble people. The enclosed vehicles based on a Chinese design, stood high off the ground covered with rich coats of lacquer and beautifully decorated with silk curtains. They were identified by their green gabled roofs. The cause of the noble and royal people having different carriages was that they wanted to show a difference between a royal or noble man compared to a average man even in their transport. The effect was that they had to build special carriages for the royal and noble people. • Carriages owned by members who are less noble commonly had thatched roofs. The people with even lower status still owned carriages, however these were made simply from poles that together held a roof of stretched straw and a floor of wooden boards, but all carriages held a maximum of four people. The cause of less noble people having simple carriages was because they were less noble so the effect of this is that whoever wasn’t noble had simple carriages.
PHYSICAL/CAUSE AND EFFECT • In ancient Japan, for governments to control security there were many rivers that you could not cross because there were no bridges built over those rivers. The reason for this was to discourage enemies from gaining access to certain areas. The result of this made it impossible for some people to travel throughout Japan. However people, who had the money to afford it, could hire people to carry them over the water or would pay to be carried in litters which were a type of shelter that was carried on the shoulders of four men. The cause of this was so government could control security and the effect was people couldn’t travel throughout Japan unless you had the money to afford it. • One of Ancient Japan’s traditions were flat bottom boats. They were slightly different as they were used for different purposes like some for gathering seaweed, some for cargo. Some were even used as water taxis. The largest cargo boat which was of this type weighed 80 tonnes and was 40 feet long. The cause was that people like seaweed gatherers or transporting cargo or water taxis and the effect of this was it made things like transporting cargo, seaweed gathering easier and could be used as water taxis. • Soon after 100 CE there was a highway system which was used for movement of people or goods. People known as the Yayoi-Japanese had developed a fleet of ships which its purpose was to move goods up and down Japan’s coast as well as between Japan and other Asian countries. Because of this closer ties were made between Japan and Korea. The cause of building a highway system was to transport people or goods up and down Japans coast and other Asian countries. The effect was they built a highway system and they were able to move people and goods up and down japans coast as well as other Asian countries. They also made closer ties between them, the Japanese and the Koreans.
ENVIRONMENTAL Ancient Japanese compared with Modern Japanese In ancient Japan they had carts and horse-pushed buses, now they have aeroplanes, trains, automobiles and bikes. Today not many use cars, but rely on train networks to get around. Modern Japanese Train
ENVIRONMENTAL Ancient Japanese compared with Ancient Rome Ancient Rome: people on a donkey • In ancient Japan has carts and horse-pushed busses but unfortunately, in ancient Rome poor people had to walk because they couldn't afford a donkey or a cushioned carriage pulled by oxen. If they were lucky they would be able to hitch a ride in a lumbering farm wagon which was not comfortable.
ENVIRONMENTAL Ancient Japanese compared with Ancient Egypt In ancient Egypt the main method of transportation was boats. Ancient Japan had boats to but boats weren’t the main method of transportation in ancient Japan Ancient Egyptian boat
ENVIRONMENTAL Ancient Japanese compared with Modern Australia In Australia we have aeroplanes to travel from country to country but in ancient Japan they used boats and ships to move from country to country. Australian aeroplane Ancient Japanese boat
Strengths and weakness The highway system (the fleet of ships): The strengths of the highway system are that they could move people and goods up and down japans coast as well as other Asian countries. They also made closer ties with Korea. The weakness was that if there was bad weather it would be a rough ride. Horse-powered busses: The strengths of this type of transport are that it can carry a quite a few people as it is a bus and it is drawn by horses so It can go longer distances than a cart or rickshaw but, the weaknesses are that you have to take care of the horses and make sure they’re healthy. • Hand-drawn Carts and Rickshaws: • The strength of the carts and rickshaws is that they can transport people and food and some can carry a couple of people however; the weaknesses are that there is a human pulling and carrying you so the speed and distance it goes all depends on the person that is pulling it. Flat bottom boats: The strength of the flat bottom boat is that you can modify them so you can use them for different purposes but the weakness is that it is less stable than other boats because it has a flat bottom. Litters: The strength of the litter is that you can travel over the rivers that have no brides but the weaknesses were that one of the men could trip in the water and you would fall off or the litter might break.