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Presentation by: Vice President Yunus Suleman Date: 10 th November 2013 Venue: Turkish Masjied Midrand Gauteng Time: 14h00. PROVISIONAL AGENDA Qiraat - Ml Nabeel Welcome & Introductory Comments: WMO President – Sataar Dada Short address by: WMO COO Shahid Sangani
Presentation by: Vice President YunusSuleman Date: 10th November 2013 Venue: Turkish Masjied Midrand Gauteng Time: 14h00
PROVISIONAL AGENDA Qiraat - Ml Nabeel Welcome & Introductory Comments: WMO President – Sataar Dada Short address by: WMO COOShahidSangani Vice President’s Report: YunusSuleman WMO Ladies Wing Feedback– Fazila Ismail • WMO Youth Wing Feedback – Azim Omar Break for Tea & Refreshments WMO Hall [Claudius] – Presentation: Mr Aziz Tayob Vote of Thanks: Secretary General of the WMO Charitable Foundation – FeizulAyob Closing Dua [30 min discussion – WMO members only]: Approval of minutes 2012 AGM @ WMF Hall In Laudium Approval of Audited Financial Statements of WMO Africa For the year ended 28th February 2013 Election of Office Bearers for 2014 Review and approval of the revised MOI Appointment of Auditors
WMO WHEELCHAIR CAMPAIGN Organizations involved - WMO Africa Chapter & Jama’atunNisaa [Apex Body] Advertising Media : Radio Al-Ansaar& CII Distribution of wheelchairs to successful applicants who are screened and approved by qualified health professionals. Inshaa-Allah we will endeavour to provide the required aid.
WMO & IMASA RENAL DIALYSIS PROGRAMME This project was proposed by the Islamic Medical Association of SA and accepted byWMO[Africa Chapter]. A total amount of R500 000 from the Zakaat collected has been allocated towards funding 5 patients per year @ R100 000 per patient. The aim of this project to offer financial support to zakaat eligible patients and eventually assist them to get on medical aid, which reduces costs in the long term.
MEMON LANGUAGECLASSES Durban – NMJ Islamic Centre Contact JameelaJoosab Tel: 083 471 2786 Gauteng/Laudium – World Memon Foundation Centre Contact: Muhammed - 079 178 9262 / Khashiefa Martin – 084 701 3208
OTHER WMO ACTIVITIES: 1. Memon Connections Marital Services: Assisting parents in finding suitable partners for their children South Africa Contact Persons: JameelaJoosub: 083 471 2786 / +2731 3071057 / BB: 25DF6270BB FerozaMohammed: 083 786 6117 / +27 31 2085263 / Pin: 27B72DA3OR www.memonworld.co.za/memonconnectionsa@gmail.com 2. Memon Community Census: Volunteers needed to assist with this project Contact Person: KhashiefaMartin – 084 701 3208 3. Ramadhaan Distributions - Various projects under the banner of WMO- Eg: Haleem & Hamper Distributions and much more. 4. Partnership with Memon Ass Of SA to award bursaries for secondary & tertiary education and university. 5. Partnership with Jamaa’atunNisaa Women’s Group for the sponsorship & distribution of Quraans. 6. Donations towards land for the establishment of a masjied in Knysna. 7. Support offered to the orphanages, widows and the destitute. 8. ASUM [Malawi] Transfer of skills and experiences. 9. Winter Warmth Projects 10. Children of Special Needs project
WMO SOCIALEVENTS ANNUAL FAMILY PICNICS & HIGH TEAS Hosted in Gauteng, KZN & Cape Town Aim to unite our Memon Families
WMO Youth Wing Feedback The different groups and ages require different levels of interaction and activities. The younger age groups 10-16 yrs- Fun activities – EG: Bowling, Amazing race, Table tennis, Indoor soccer The older age group 17-25 yrs - Also looking for fun activities like amazing race. Looking for networking events. Guidance in the form of time management, power dressing, etiquette, etc The MPL is also under the youth league Aim – Youth to understand their heritage Way Forward Update on the way forward will be presented later
MEMON ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH FRICAAPEX BODY The MemonAssociation of SA started as a community based association serving the needs of Memon students in and around Johannesburg. REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES 1965 TO 2013 Our philosophy has been that no Memon child should be denied an education because of lack of funds. Our annual collections have grown from R400. In 1965 to R3.4 million from 1st March 013 to 30thSeptember 013 with further commitments of approximately R400,000 This year we have granted an amount of R3.9 million as bursaries. 204 are currently studying at various universities in South Africa R700.000 was granted to the Gift of the Givers for extensions of 4 classrooms, toilets and a staff room at the Adelaide Tambo School for the physically disadvantaged in Soweto. InshaAllah, in the year 2014 we intent granting bursaries in excess of R4.0 million. We have assisted more than 1400 students over the past 48 years. Among the graduates there are teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, town planners accountants, actuaries, engineers and information technologists. An interesting statistic is the number of young ladies studying Today. 1965 Male/Female 4/1 2013 Male/Female 1/1
NATAL MEMON JAMAATAPEX BODY The Natal MemonJamaat was formed just over 50 years ago and mainly formed for Welfare Bursary and Community assistance. In the late 1990s a land was purchased for Building a Hall, which was later changed from a Hall to a Islamic Centre.TheCentre at a cost of R9m was opened 10 2004. Apart from the hiring of the Hall, a lot of Islamic Activities take place. The activities of the NMJ is mainly the Following. a) Welfare b) Bursary. c) Hampers Distribution in Ramadaan, we distribute 1500 Hampers every year. d) Taraweeh takes place ever Ramadaan. e) The Collection for all activities including the building of the Centre is from monies collected from only the Memon Community of KZN.
SOUTHERN AFRICAN MEMON FOUNDATIONAPEX BODY • RamadaanZakaat Workshops • Ramadaan Projects – dispensing of food hampers etc • Yemen Crisis 2012:Donations of 120 000 -500 ml water to the value of R500 000 • Somalia Relief Effort 2011:Donated food X5 containers to the value of R700 000 • Welfare Undertakings:Assisting the destitute & aged • Feeding Schemes • Soccer school – SAMF provided training, uniforms and equipment towards the upliftment of the team • Container Classrooms: Establishment of Gontse Primary School in the township north—west of Pretoria • Winterveld Citrus Project: Funding of R20 000 to assist the black farmers to support themselves • R100 000 donated to the Laudium Cancer Care Group • R100 000 donated towards the Iraqi fund • R20 000 donated towards the school for the blind [JISWA] • R20 000 towards the construction of JamaatKhana at the University of PTA
ASUM [MALAWI] APEX BODY ASUM is a Non-Profitable and Non-Political organization which was formed and registered with the Malawi Government & CONGOMA as an NGO in 1988. Focused on Islamic & Contemporary Education, targeting the youth and adults in accordance to the Holy Quraan and the teachings of the last Prophet Muhammad SallallahuAlaihiWasallam. 1. Teaching 18,000 children (156 Madrassahs) in 12 districts of Malawi 2. Operating 5 secular & Islamic schools in Malawi 3. Operating a Hifz Academy within Lilongwe. 4. Creating human resources through scholarships to 75 children for further education in South Africa 5. Supported more than 100,000 people throughout the 25 years with distributed items. 6. Created self sustainability amongst brothers and sisters with self sustainable programs. 7. 150 + people have been circumcised through ASUM. 8. 66 people have performed Hajj through ASUM. 9. More than 20,000 people have been benefitting with meat through the Qurbani & Sadqacenter. 10. Provided 54 villages with water supply through a shallow well. 11. Maintaining more than 30 tricycles with repairs.
Erf 1230 • Claudius - SITE INFO • Site just off entrance to Claudius from main road and accorssLaudium. • Residentail area, with schools, musjid, churchs.±122m x ±89m sie dimension • SIteclealry visible from main road (R55) WMO Community Hallerf 1230, Claudius Laudium SITE R55 CLAUDIUS
WORLD MEMON ORGANIZATION INVITES YOU TO 11th Annual General Assembly Meeting [International] on the 17th – 18th November 2013 at the JW Marriot Dubai 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Trustees of the World Memon Organisation Charitable Foundation (WMOCF) that the 21st Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Sunday 17th Nov 2013 at 10.00am at J.W. Marriot Dubai 2. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Members of the Board of Management of the WorldMemonOrganisation (WMO) that the 2nd Meeting of the Board of Management will be held on Sunday, 17th Nov 2013 at 2.00pm at J.W. Marriot Dubai 3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Members of the World Memon Organisation (WMO)that the 11th Annual General Assembly Meeting of the World Memon Organisation will be held on Monday 18th November 2013 at 10.00 am at J.W. 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Trustees of the World Memon Organisation CharitableFoundation (WMOCF)that the 11th Annual General Meeting of WMOCF will be held on Monday 18th Nov 2013 at 3.00 p.m. at J.W. Marriott Dubai ACCOMMODATION – Marriot Hotel - The link : http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/dxbae-jw-marriott-dubai/OR Welcome Apartment Hotel Contact Details - SANJAY SINGH - General Manager, Tel :+971 4 2666866|Fax : +971 4 2666860|Mob :+971 50 2513456, Email : Sanjay Singh gm@welcomehtl.com , Web:www.welcomehotelapartments.com
Message from the WMO Vice President: YunusSuleman WMO [Africa Chapter] is looking forward to expanding our reach to uplifting more poorer communities in Southern Africa. We have had a successful year with increased collection of Zakaat & Lillah funds, however, I would like to encourage you to increase your contributions towards WMO projects and also to become a member of WMO. Jazaakallah