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Bacteria. Size of Bacteria. Average bacteria 0.5 - 2.0 um in diam. RBC is 7.5 um in diam. Surface Area to Volume is 3:1 Typical Eukaryote Cell SA/Vol is 0.3:1 Food enters through SA, quickly reaches all parts of bacteria Eukaroytes need structures & organelles. Shapes of Bacteria. Coccus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bacteria

  2. Size of Bacteria • Average bacteria 0.5 - 2.0 um in diam. • RBC is 7.5 um in diam. • Surface Area to Volume is 3:1 • Typical Eukaryote Cell SA/Vol is 0.3:1 • Food enters through SA, quickly reaches all parts of bacteria • Eukaroytes need structures & organelles Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  3. Shapes of Bacteria • Coccus • Chain = Streptoccus • Cluster = Staphylococcus • Bacillus • Chain = Streptobacillus • Coccobacillus • Vibrio = curved • Spirillum • Spirochete Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  4. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  5. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  6. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  7. Bacterial Structures • Flagella • Pili • Capsule • Plasma Membrane • Cytoplasm • Cell Wall • Spores Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  8. Eukaryote Cell Structure Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  9. Flagella • Motility - movement • Swarming occurs with some bacteria Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  10. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  11. Cytoplasm • 80% Water {20% Salts-Proteins) • DNA is circular, Haploid (1N) • Advantages of 1N DNA over 2N DNA • More efficient; grows quicker • Mutations allow adaptation to environment quicker • Plasmids; extra circular DNA • Antibiotic Resistance • No organelles (Mitochondria, Golgi, etc.) Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  12. Endospores • Resistant structure • Heat, irradiation, cold • Boiling >1 hr still viable • Takes time and energy to make spores • Bacillus anthracis - spores • Used in biological warfare Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  13. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  14. Bacteria • “Extreme” Bacteria – Domain of Archae • Live near hydrothermal vents 250F, sulfur springs, saline lakes, acid locations. • Extremophiles = “lover of extremes” • Chemosynthesis not photosynthesis Use Sulfate or Methane as energy source to make “food” for themselves since they are autotrophs (self feeders) Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  15. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  16. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  17. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

  18. Chapter 5 - The Microbial World

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