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Exploring Italian Renaissance: Culture, Politics, and Economy

Dive into the fascinating world of Italian Renaissance through art, politics, and economy. Uncover the rebirth of classical antiquity, rise of princely courts, and economic transformations. Develop critical thinking skills and explore diverse sources.

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Exploring Italian Renaissance: Culture, Politics, and Economy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Italian Renaissance History • Renaissance Research Project • Introduction

  2. view from Renaissance archive

  3. Aims • prepare for Venice • develop skills • think critically

  4. What kinds of sources? • Problems and pitfalls? • Changing interests?

  5. Renaissance Culture • rebirth of classical antiquity • find, preserve, imitate ancient works • humanists • Latin, Greek and the vernacular • patronage • printing Humanist Poggio Bracciolini

  6. Visual Arts • outpouring of art and architecture • variety of subjects • proliferation of patrons • desire to consume

  7. Baccio Bandinelli, Self-portrait (1530s)

  8. The Florentine Duomo (its dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and completed in 1436)

  9. Titian, Portrait of Isabella D’Este, 1536

  10. Renaissance Politics • Rise of communes • Competition, pride, local identity • ‘Despotic’ rule • Princely courts Marquis of Mantua Lodovico Gonzaga in detail from Andrea Mantegna’s Camera degli sposi (1460s)

  11. Gentile Bellini, Procession in Piazza San Marco, Venice (1496)

  12. Jacopo Tintoretto, The Venetian Grand Chancellor Andrea Frizier (C16th)

  13. Economy • increase in trade • influx of luxury goods • merchants and bankers • tax records eg. 1427 Florentine Catasto

  14. rise of the individual? • age of discovery • Scientific Renaissance • Religious change Gentile Bellini, Portrait of Sultan Mehmet II (1480)

  15. What does not survive? • Where are the gaps? • How can we fill them in?

  16. Research Project • How can we use this source to illuminate Italian Renaissance History? • Type, form, author, purpose, audience, language, context...

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