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The Stormy Sixties: Kennedy's New Frontier Spirit

Explore the dynamic presidency of John F. Kennedy and his "New Frontier" vision for America. From his inspirational inaugural address to his efforts to revitalize the economy and navigate international conflicts, discover the challenges and triumphs of this transformative era.

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The Stormy Sixties: Kennedy's New Frontier Spirit

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  1. Chapter 38 The Stormy Sixties, 1960–1968

  2. I. Kennedy’s “New Frontier” Spirit • John F. Kennedy: • Inaugural address on January 20, 1961 • Personified the glamour and vitality of the new administration • The youngest president ever elected • He assembled one of the youngest cabinets, including 35 year-old brother, Robert F. Kennedy • He set out to recast the priorities of the FBI • His efforts were stoutly resisted by J. Edgar Hoover, who had served as FBI director longer than the new attorney general had lived.

  3. I. Kennedy’s “New Frontier” Spirit (cont.) • Robert S. McNamara left the presidency of the Ford Motor Company to head the Defense Department • Made up an inner circle of “the best and the brightest” men around the president • Kennedy inspired high expectations: • New Frontier quickened patriotic pulses • Peace Corps an army of idealists and mostly youthful volunteers to bring American skills to undeveloped countries • He invited Robert Frost to speak at his inaugural ceremonies.

  4. II. The New Frontier at Home • Kennedy and Congress: • They threatened to ax New Frontier proposals: • Medical assistance to the aged • Increased federal aid to education • Won a first round in his campaign: • Forced Congress to expand the all-important House Rules Committee: • Dominated by conservatives • The New Frontier did not expand swiftly: • Key medical and education bills remained stalled in Congress

  5. II. The New Frontier at Home(cont.) • Vexing problem—the economy: • Campaigned on the theme of revitalizing the economy • Helped negotiate a noninflationary wage agreement in the steel industry in early 1962 • The steel episode provoked fiery attacks on the New Frontier: • Announced support for a general tax-cut bill • Chose to stimulate the economy by slashing taxes and putting money directly into private hands

  6. II. The New Frontier at Home(cont.) • The New Frontier extended to the “final frontier” • Promoted a multibillion-dollar project dedicated to “landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to earth” • The moon shot was a calculated plan to restore America’s prestige in the space race • Severely damaged by the Soviet Sputnik successes (see p. 877) • $24 billion later, in July 1969, two NASA astronauts triumphantly planted their footprints—and the American flag—on the moon’s dusty surface • The Apollo mission was seen on television

  7. III. Rumblings in Europe • Kennedy and Khrushchev: • First met in Vienna in June 1961 • Soviets begin to build the Berlin Wall August 1961 • Designed to plug the heavy population drain from East Germany to West Germany • Stood for almost three decades as a symbol of post-World War II division of Europe into two hostile camps

  8. Rumblings in Europe(cont.) • European Economic Community (EEC): • The free trade area that later evolved into the European Union • Secured passage of the Trade Expansion Act 1962 • Authorizing tariff cuts of up to 50% to promote trade with EEC countries • Led to the so-called Kennedy Round of tariff negotiations, concluded in 1967 • And to a significant expansion of European-American trade. • Globalization—a new era of robustly invigorated international commerce

  9. Rumblings in Europe(cont.) • Kennedy’s ambitious design for Europe: • Not all plans were realized • “Atlantic Community” of economically and militarily united countries, with the United States the dominant partner: • Idea blocked by Charles de Gaulle, president of France • He vetoed British application for Common Market membership in 1963 • He deemed the Americans unreliable in a crisis • So he tried to preserve French freedom of action by developing his own small atomic force • de Gaulle demanded an independent Europe, free of Yankee influence.

  10. p892

  11. IV. Foreign Flare-ups and “Flexible Response” • U.S. foreign policy: • Emerged from the worldwide decolonization of European overseas possessions • Laos • Freed from its French colonial overlords in 1954 • United States failed to cleanse the country of aggressive communist elements • Laotian civil war raged • Kennedy sought a diplomatic escape hatch in the fourteen-power Geneva conference: • Which imposed a shaky peace on Laos in 1962

  12. IV. Foreign Flare-ups and “Flexible Response” (cont.) • Kennedy moved from the Eisenhower/Dulles doctrine of “massive retaliation” to Defense Secretary McNamara’s strategy of “flexible response”— • Developing an array of military “options” that could be pre-cisely matched to the gravity of the crisis at hand • Kennedy increased spending on conventional military forces and bolstered the Special Forces (Green Berets)

  13. V. Stepping into the Vietnam Quagmire • Doctrine of “flexible response”: • Potentially lower the level at which diplomacy would give way to shooting • Provided a mechanism for a progressive, and possibly endless, stepping-up of the use of force • Vietnam presented proof of these pitfalls • Corrupt, right-wing government of Ngo Dinh Diem in Saigon ruled shakily since the partition in 1954 (see p. 875) • Late in 1961, Kennedy ordered a sharp increase in the number of “military advisers” (U.S. troops) in South Vietnam.

  14. V. Stepping into the Vietnam(cont.) • American forces entered Vietnam to foster political stability: • To help protect Diem from the communists • Kennedy administration encouraged a coup against him in November 1963 • Kennedy told the South Vietnamese that it was “their war,” but made dangerously deep political commit- ments • He had ordered more than 15,000 American men into the far-off slaughter pen • A graceful pullout was becoming difficult (see Map 38.1)

  15. V. Stepping into the Vietnam(cont.) • “Modernization theory”: • The theoretical underpinnings for an activist U.S. foreign policy in the “underdeveloped” world • The traditional societies of Asia, Africa, and Latin America could develop into modern industrial and democratic nations following the West’s own path • Walt Whitman Rostow in The Stages of Economic Growth (1960): • Charted the route from traditional society to “the age of high mass-consumption” • Later this theory would come under attack for its European bias • Modernization served as a powerful intellectual framework for policymakers ensnared in Cold War.

  16. p893

  17. VI. Cuban Confrontations • Kennedy and Cuba: • Alliance for Progress (Alianza para el Progreso): • Hailed as a Marshall Plan for Latin America • Primary goal to help the Good Neighbors close the gap between the callous rich and the wretched poor • Thus quieting communist agitation • Results were disappointing: • There was little alliance • There was less progress • American handouts had little positive impact on Latin America’s immense social problems.

  18. VI. Cuban Confrontations(cont.) • Inherited from Eisenhower administration a CIA-backed scheme to topple Fidel Castro: • By invading Cuba with anti-communist exiles • On April 17, 1961 the Bay of Pigs invasion bogged down • These events pushed Castro further into Soviet hands • By October, 1962 American spy plan revealed that the Soviets were secretly and speedily installing nuclear- tipped missiles in Cuba • Kennedy and Khrushchev began a nerve-racking game of “nuclear chicken” • On October 22, 1962, he ordered a naval “quarantine” of Cuba

  19. VI. Cuban Confrontations(cont.) • And demanded immediate removal of the threatening weapons • Any attack on the United States from Cuba: • Would be regarded as coming from the Soviet Union • Would trigger nuclear retaliation against the Russian heartland. • On October 28 Khrushchev agreed to a partial compromise: • He would pull the missiles out of Cuba • The United States agreed to end the quarantine and not invade the island • The United States agreed to remove from Turkey some of its missiles targeted at the Soviet Union

  20. VI. Cuban Confrontations(cont.) • Fallout from the Cuban missiles crisis: • A disgraced Khrushchev was ultimately hounded out of office, became an “unperson” • Soviets launched an enormous program of military expansion • This stimulated a vast American effort to “catch up with the Russians” • Kennedy pushed harder for a nuclear test-ban treaty with the Soviet Union • Finally a pact prohibiting trial nuclear explosions in the atmosphere was signed late 1963.

  21. VI. Cuban Confrontations(cont.) • A thaw—the installation (August 1963) of a Moscow-Washington “hot line:” • Permitting immediate teletype communication • Most significant was Kennedy’s speech at American University in Washington, D.C., June 1963: • He urged Americans to abandon a view of the Soviet Union as a Devil-ridden land filled with fanatics: • And to deal with the world “as it is, not as it might have been had the history of the last eighteen years had been different.” • Tried to lay the foundation for a realistic policy of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union • The modern origins of the policy known as “détente” (French for “relaxation of tension”).

  22. Map 38-1 p894

  23. p895

  24. VII. The Struggle for Civil Rights • Kennedy and Civil Rights: • Pledged to eliminate racial discrimination in housing • Bold moves for racial justice had to wait • Freedom Riders: • They fanned out to end segregation in facilities serving bus passengers • A white mob torched a Freedom Ride bus near Anniston, Alabama, May 1961 • Attorney General Robert Kennedy’s personal representative was beaten unconscious in another anti-Freedom Ride riot in Montgomery • When local government couldn’t stop violence, Washington dispatched federal marshals to protect the Freedom Riders.

  25. VII. The Struggle for Civil Rights(cont.) • The Kennedy administration had joined hands with the civil rights movement: • The Kennedy became ultrawary about the political association of Martin Luther King, Jr. • Some thought King’s advisers had communist affiliations, so Robert Kennedy ordered FBI director Hoover to wiretap King’s phone in late 1963 • The relationship between King and the Kennedys was a fruitful one • The Voter Education Project was inaugurated to register the South’s historically disfranchised blacks.

  26. VII. The Struggle for Civil Rights(cont.) • Integration of southern universities: • Threatened to provoke wholesale slaughter • The University of Mississippi (“Ole Miss”) became a volcano • James Meredith encountered violent opposition when he attempted to register in October 1962 • President Kennedy was forced to send in 400 federal marshals and 3,000 troops to enroll Meredith in his first class. • In spring 1963 King launched a campaign against discrimination in Birmingham, Alabama • The most segregated big city in America

  27. VI. The Struggle for Civil Rights(cont.) • Blacks ½ of the population, fewer than 15% of the voters • Previous attempts to crack the racial barriers produced more than 50 cross burnings and 18 bomb attacks since 1957 • Violence occurred, even portrayed on television • Causing President to deliver a memorable televised speech to the nation on June 11, 1963 • He called the situation a “moral issue” and committed his personal and presidential prestige to finding a solution • He declared that the principle at stake “is as old as the Scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution” • He called for new civil rights legislation to protect black citizens.

  28. VI. The Struggle for Civil Rights(cont.) • March on Washington: August 1963: • King led more than 200,000 blacks and white demonstrators on a peaceful march • In an electrifying speech at the Lincoln Memorial, King declared, “I have a dream…” • Still violence continued • On the night of Kennedy’s television address: • A white gunman shot down Medgar Evers, a black Mississippi civil rights worker • In September 1963 an explosion blasted a Baptist church in Birmingham, killing four black girls • By the time of Kennedy’s death, his civil rights bill was making little headway; blacks were increasingly impatient.

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  30. VIII. The Killing of Kennedy • Violence stalked center stage on November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas: • President Kennedy had been shot and died within seconds • The alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was himself shot to death in front of television cameras by a self-appointed avenger, Jack Ruby • An elaborate investigation by Chief Justice Warren could not quiet all doubts and theories about what had really happened • Johnson was sworn in on a waiting airplane.

  31. VIII. The Killing of Kennedy(cont.) • Johnson retained most of Kennedy’s team • He managed a dignified and efficient transition. • Kennedy had gone slightly more than a thousand days in the White House • Acclaimed more for his ideals that he enunciated, • And the spirit he had kindled, • Than for the concrete goals he had achieved. • He had laid to rest forever the notion that a Catholic could not be trusted with the presidency of the United States • In later years, revelations about his womanizing and allegations about his involvement with organized crime figures tarnished his reputation.

  32. IX. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency • Lyndon Baines Johnson: • Torch passed to him: • Sent to Congress at the age of 29 in 1937 • Franklin D. Roosevelt was his political “Daddy,” Johnson claimed, and he supported New Deal measures down the line • When he lost in 1941, he learned that liberal political beliefs did not necessary win elections in Texas • With some trimming sails to the right he returned to Congress in 1948, with a questionable eighty-seven-vote margin—hence the ironic nickname “Landside Lyndon.”

  33. IX. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency (cont.) • In the Senate, Johnson developed into a masterful wheeler-dealer: • Became the Democratic majority leader 1954 • Wielding power only next to Eisenhower in the White House • Used what was called the “Johnson treatment”—a flashing display of backslapping, flesh-pressing, and arm-twisting that overbore friends and foes alike • His ego and vanity were legendary • He shredded the conservative coloration of his Senate years to reveal the latent liberal underneath

  34. IX. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency (cont.) • Congress passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964: • It banned racial discrimination in most private facilities open to the public • Including theaters, hospitals and restaurants • It strengthened the federal government’s power to end segregation in schools and public places • Title VII barred employers from discriminating on race or national origin in hiring • Empowered the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to enforce the law

  35. IX. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency (cont.) • Title VII passed with the sexual clause intact • Proved to be a powerful instrument of federally-enforced gender equality • Johnson in 1965 issued an executive order requiring all federal contractors to take affirmative action against discrimination • Johnson rammed Kennedy’s stalled tax bill: • A billion-dollar “War on Poverty” • Johnson voiced special concern for Appalachia • Where thousands of humans were suffering because of the coal industry.

  36. IX. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency (cont.) • The Great Society: • Johnson’s domestic program—a sweeping New Dealish economic and welfare measure • Aimed at transforming the American way of life • Michael Harrington’s The Other America (1962): • Showed public support for LBJ’s antipoverty war • And revealed that in affluent America 20% of the population, and over 40% of the black population, suffered in poverty.

  37. X. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964 • Election of 1964: • Johnson’s nomination was a foregone conclusion • He was chosen by acclamation in Atlantic City as his birthday present • Democrats stood foursquare on their most liberal platform since Truman’s Fair Deal days • Republicans • Meet in San Francisco’s Cow Palace, nominated Senator Barry Goldwater, a rock-ribbed conservative • The American stage was set for a historic clash of political principles

  38. X. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964 (cont.) • Goldwater’s forces galloped over the moderate Republican “eastern establishment” • Goldwater attacked: • Federal income tax • The Social Security system • The Tennessee Valley Authority • Civil rights legislation • The nuclear test-ban treaty • Most loudly, the Great Society • Democrats’ attack on Goldwater: • Exploited the image of Goldwater as a trigger-happy cowboy

  39. X. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964 (cont.) • Johnson’s image: • A resolute statesman by seizing upon the Tonkin Gulf episode early in August 1964 • He called the attack “unprovoked” and moved swiftly to make political hay out of this episode • He ordered a “limited” retaliatory air raid against the North Vietnamese bases, saying “no wider war” • Spurred the Congress to pass the all-purpose Tonkin Gulf Resolution: • Congress abdicated their war-declaring powers • Handed the president a blank check to use further force in Southeast Asia

  40. X. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964 (cont.) • Election results: • Voters were herded into Johnson’s column • By fondness for the Kennedy legacy • Faith in the Great Society promises • Fear of Goldwater • Count: • Popular vote: Johnson—43,129, 566; Goldwater—27,178,188 • Electoral count: Johnson 486 to 52 Goldwater (see Map 38.2)

  41. X. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964 (cont.) • Goldwater: • Carried only his native Arizona and five other states • All of them, significantly, in the traditionally Democratic but now racially restless South • Johnson: • Record breaking 61% of the popular vote swept lopsided Democratic majorities into both houses of Congress

  42. Map 38-2 p901

  43. XI. The Great Society Congress • Johnson’s victory temporarily smashed the conservative congressional coalition of southern Democrats and northern Republicans • A wide-open road for the Great Society programs • Escalating the War on Poverty: • Doubled the appropriation of the Office of Economic Opportunity to $2 billion • Granted more than $1 billion to redevelop the gutted hills and hollows of Appalachia • Created two new departments: • The Department of Transportation • The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

  44. XI. The Great Society Congress(cont.) • Named the first black cabinet secretary in the nation’s history—the respected economist Robert C. Weaver • Established the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities: • Designed to lift the level of American cultural life • The Big Four legislative achievements that crowned LBJ’s Great Society programs: • Aid to education • Avoiding the separation of church and state issue, he awarded aid directly to students • He signed the bill in the humble one-room Texas school-house he had attended as a boy.

  45. XI. The Great Society Congress(cont.) • Medicare for the elderly • Accompanied by Medicaid • Created “entitlements” • They conferred rights on certain categories of Americans virtually in perpetuity • Without the need for repeated congressional approval • Part of a spreading “rights revolution.” • Immigration reform: • The Immigration and Nationality Act 1965 abolished at last the “national-origins” quota system that had been in place since 1921 (see p.703) • It doubled (to 250,000) the number of immigrants allowed to enter annually • For the first time setting limits on immigrants from the Western Hemisphere (120,000)

  46. XI. The Great Society Congress(cont.) • Provided for the admission of close relatives of United States citizens, outside those numerical limits • 100,000 people per year took advantage of this “family unification” provision in the decades after 1965 • The source of immigration soon shifted heavily from Europe to Latin America and Asia • Great Society programs came in for political attacks in later years: • Conservatives charged the billions spent for “social engineering” was too much • Yet the poverty level declined measurably in the ensuring decade (see Figure 38.1)

  47. XI. The Great Society Congress(cont.) • Medicare dramatic reductions for the elderly • Antipoverty programs: • Project Head Start—sharply improved the educational performance of underprivileged youth • Infant mortality rates fell in minority communities • Johnson was not fully victorious in the war on poverty, but he did win several noteworthy battles.

  48. Figure 38-1 p903

  49. XII. Battling for Black Rights • The Voting Rights Act of 1965: • One of America’s most persistent evils—racial discrimination • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Gave the federal government more muscle to enforce school-desegregation orders • And to prohibit racial discrimination in all kinds of public accommodations and employment • But the problem of voting still remained • Mississippi: only 5% of eligible blacks were registered to vote • Similar throughout the South

  50. XII. Battling for Black Rights(cont.) • Ballot-denying devices: poll tax, literacy tests, barefaced intimidation • Mississippi law required the names of prospective black registrants to be published for two weeks in local news-papers– a device that virtually guaranteed economic reprisals, or worse. • 1964 goals to open up the polling booths: • The Twenty-fourth Amendment, ratified in January 1964, abolished the poll tax in federal elections (see Appendix) • Freedom Summer 1964: blacks joined hands with whites in a massive voter-registration drive in Mississippi • In June one black and two white civil rights workers disappeared in Mississippi.

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