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Learn to craft informative and persuasive speeches with emotional appeal. Master after-dinner speaking and impromptu topics. Format and engage audiences effectively. Understand appeals of persuasive speaking and captivate different audience types.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Speeches Part I

  2. Two Write A Speech And other useful things

  3. Types of Speeches • Informative Speaking • Persuasive Speaking • After Dinner Speeches • Impromptu

  4. Informative Speaking • Used to: • Give Directions/Explain a Process • Ex. “how to tie your shoes” • Describe an Object/Thing/Idea • Ex. “giving a speech on the economy of France” • Clarify a Concept • Ex. “giving a speech examining the idea of nonviolent resistance”

  5. Persuasive Speaking • What is a Persuasive Speech? • A speech that not only informs, but also asks the audience to do something based on the information given • A persuasive speech demands you: • Convince you audience to believe as you do • Influence you audience to do some sort of action Ex. Convincing your parents/guardian to let you do something

  6. Appeals of Persuasive Speaking • Logical Appeal: • Comes from the Greek word, “logos” • Argument uses facts, reason, logic, proof • Emotional Appeal: • Greek word, “pathos” • An argument that appeals to the audiences emotions • “Tugs at your heart stings” • Personal Appeal • Greek word, “ethos” • Audiences listens because they trust your credibility or agree with your morals

  7. After Dinner Speaking • These are usually informative or persuasive speeches, but with a comedic twist • The speaker is attempting to inform or persuade through humor • Puns • Play on Words • Jokes • Respectfully poking fun at other audience members

  8. Format of a Speech I • Attention Getter (Anecdote, Question, Quotation, Humor, Shocking Statistic) • Link • Thesis • Preview Statement • Introduce the three points you will be discussing in the speech

  9. Attention Getters I • Anecdote - A personal story that would relate to the topic • “when I was a kid, my father would tell me ‘the early bird catches the worm’…” • Question - asking a question to introduce the subject • “How many people in here have ever procrastinated?” • Quotation - using a quotation (usually famous) to draw in an audience and introduce the subject • “Martin Luthor King Jr. once said, ‘love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend.’

  10. Attention Getters II • Humor - using jokes, anti-jokes, puns, funny stories, etc, to introduce your topic • “3 procrastinators walk into a…” • Shocking Statistic • “99 in 100 people will experience the effects of procrastination in their lifetime”

  11. Format of Speech II • Topic 1 • Make sure to verbally cite your sources “according to CNN,”“Fox,”“Journal Article,” etc. • Explain topic in detail • Repeat for Topics 2 and 3

  12. Format of a Speech III • Conclusion • Summarize (review) points 1, 2, & 3 • Tie all three points together • Clincher • Try to tie you closing statement back into your attention getter

  13. Transitions • Make sure to use transitions between the Introduction, Points 1, 2, & 3, the Conclusion, and the Conclusion should connect to the Attention Getter • Transitions - are words, phrases, or sentences that connect one topic or idea to another

  14. Impromptu Speaking • Brief speeches with little or no preparation • The subject is usually chosen for the speaker and the speaker is usually asked to explain: • Words (love, greed, happiness) • Quotations (“we have nothing to fear, but fear itself” or “the early bird catches the worm.” • People/Places/Events (MLK, Vietnam War Memorial, or 9/11) • The speech is typically less than 10 minutes

  15. Impromptu Speaking Format • Statement of Main Topic (“I agree with the statement “the early bird catches the worm, here’s why”). • Needs an Attention Getter • Support the Main Topic with examples, illustrations, statistics, and testimonies • Usually 2-3 points • Don’t usually need sources • Conclusion • Restate the main idea

  16. Speech part II

  17. Audiences • Types of Audiences • Supportive Audiences - Audience members like or agree with what you have to say • Uncommitted Audiences - Neutral audience; they have no opinion on the topic you are presenting • Indifferent Audiences - Audiences that appear bored or uninterested in the topic

  18. Types of Audiences II • Captive Audiences (different from “captivated’) - Audiences that are forced to be in attendance (ie. YOU) • OpposedAudiences- Members are hostile towards you, what you’re promoting, or both.

  19. Writing a Speech

  20. Picking a Topic • If you are given the ability to choose your topic: • Pick something you’re interested in • Pick something that you would like to know more about • If a topic is assigned to you • Try to find something interesting about your topic

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