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I SciELO Network Meeting

Learn about the evolution, trends, and perspectives of SciELO, an initiative to provide high-quality journals in developing countries. Explore the methodology, model for electronic publishing, and its impact on scientific communication. Discover the transition to digital journals, increased visibility, and accessibility.

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I SciELO Network Meeting

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  1. I SciELO Network Meeting I Reunión de la Red SciELO

  2. CRICS 6 – Congreso Regional de Información en Ciencias de la Salud www.crics.info Puebla, México7-9 May 2003 INSP/SS/Mexico BIREME/OPS/OMS

  3. ICML 9 International Congress on Medical Librarianship www.icml9.org Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,19-23 September 2005

  4. www. .org origins, evolution, trends and perspectives Abel L. PackerSciELO, Operational CoordinatorBIREME/PAHO/WHO, Director International Conference on Scientific Electronic Publishing in Developing Countries, Valparaíso, September 30 – October 2 2002

  5. SciELO origins started in 1997, in Brazil, through a pilot project, based on a partnership among FAPESP, BIREME and 10 Brazilian scientific editors of journals from different subject areas FAPESP: impact factor of journals not in the main-stream BIREME: methodology for electronic publishing Editors: moving to electronic publishing and acting as focal group all: strengthen the scientific communication regular operation started in 1998 early adoption by CONICYT Chile in 1998 did characterize SciELO as an international initiative from the very beginning

  6. 1997 - Project FAPESP-BIREME-Editors - pilot with 10 journals SciELO evolución 1997--2002 1998 - SciELO Brazil starts normal operation 1998 - Chile adopt SciELO - CONICIT and Editors 1999 - SciELO Chile starts normal operation 2000 - SciELO Public Health starts normal operation with ibero-american and PAHO-WHO public health journals indexed in MEDLINE 2000 - SciELO Costa Rica - BINASS – health sciences – in progress 2001 - SciELO Cuba – CNICM – health sciences 2001- Spain – ISCIII/BNCS – health sciences – in progress 2002- Venezuela – CONICyT/CNTI/SINADIB – health sciences in progress 2002- Portugual – Observatório Countries in process of adoption: Argentina, Colombia, Jamaica, México, Peru and Uruguay

  7. SciELO collections in September 2002

  8. SciELO Brazil

  9. Strengthen regional and local scientific communication/ high quality journals 1 2 Model for electronic publishing 3 Contribute to formulation and implementation of national policies on scientific communication SciELOfoundationstrendsperspectives

  10. Strengthen scientific communication/ high quality journals from developing countries 1 SciELOfoundationsvocation the access to scientific and technical information is essential for economic and social development research results are mainly communicated and validated through publication in scientific journals developed countries have a very well established scientific communication infrastructure only a small percentage of the scientific production from developing countries shares this infrastructure most of the developing countries scientific journals lack adequate distribution and dissemination in consequence, local generated scientific information is lost or have a limited impact. it will progressively increase the usage and impact of local information on decision making processes at different levels But if visible: it will contribute to develop a positive feedback to local scientific journals

  11. SciELOfoundationsvocation Strengthen scientific communication/ high quality journals from developing countries 1 moving to electronic publishing in a way that addresses the chronic problems that affect scientific journals in developing countries inclusion in the global flow of scientific information increase visibility, accessibility and credibility of regional/local high quality journals measure usage and impact improve quality of journals LA&C, Portugal and Spain journals. Probable universe: - 2004 up to 300 titles and about 12000 articles per year- 2007 up to 500 titles and about 20000 articles per year

  12. SciELOfoundationstrendsperspectives 2 Model for electronic publishing Methodology for electronic publishing SciELO Sites Network of SciELO sites

  13. SciELO Model Methodology -1 selection, preparation, storage, preservation, publication, dissemination and evaluation of scientific publications

  14. SciELO Methodology current work flow . DOC conversion to HTML MarkupSGMLDTD . Ventura parser correction . HTML . Latex fulltextpresentation & markup . PDF…. Internet SciELO site load intodesktop database ftp to InternetSciELO Server transfer XML files links links PubMEDLILACS, WoS ... reports interface oai

  15. SciELO Model Methodology -2 selection, preparation, storage, preservation, publication, dissemination and evaluation of scientific publications compatible with international standards and initiatives adequate to developing countries conditions cooperative development – capacity building public domain within SciELO Network interchange w/ developing countries projects: INASP/AJOR, Latindex, etc.

  16. SciELO Model - Methodology -3 main features/chracteristics selection criteria – entry and remain in a collection markup and load into a database interface to browse journals, search articles and indicators of usage and impact links to other information sources- author name  CvLAC/ScienTI- bibliographic reference  bibliographic record links from other information sources- author CvLAC/ScienTI  articles- bibliographic records  articles export metadata to bibliographic data bases

  17. application of the SciELO methodology on the operation of collections of scientific journals on the Internet/Web SciELOModel Sites implemented at national, sub-regional, regional, thematic levels coordinated by – national/regional institution quality control and development by an Editorial Committee selection criteria scientific, with peer-review frequency, update and time of operation articles: títle, abstract and keywords in English standards of organization, presentation, bibliographic rules indexed in international and national databases indicators: usage, impact, links, etc. preservation – national collection: copies in CD-ROM, DVD, mirrors

  18. ScieloModel NetworkofSciELO Sites SciELO sites from LA, C, Portugal & Spain partnership: national and international scientific and technological related institutions, scientific editors and publishers, libraries, etc. a SciELO Portal will provide access through out the decentralized network of SciELO sites formalization of the network in the near future coordination instances, certification, etc. common methodology, quality controls and indicators across the network national, local, thematic specific applications

  19. 3 Contribute to the formulation and implementation of national policies on scientific communication SciELOfoundationstrendsperspectives SciELO as an index to support scientific journals national policies and programs. In progress in Brazil and Chile integrating national, regional and international research management information systems. Ex. Plataforma Lattes, CvLAC, ScienTI, SHARED, I-Research, etc. enriching the mechanisms for the evaluation of research programs, institutions, networks and groups integrating to the national and international programs for accessing electronic journals Example in health sciences 

  20. NLMMEDLINE BIREME/OPSLILACS ISIJCR, WoS BNCS/ISCIIIIBECS SciELO ? 1. When article is in paper - no cost - local library - with cost – networl of libraries – SCAD/VHL 2. Electronic journals: - with cost - institutional - with [no]cost - consortia - with cost - no cost - SciELO How to obtain a health sciences related article in Ibero-America?The Virtual Health Library strategy

  21. move towards full [only] electronic publishing SciELOtrends perspectiveschallenges&conclusions articles submitted according to markup templates to facilitate load into databases, links, statistics fast publishing, low costs methodology/technology – big challenges make it easier and portable and pervasive search across the network – Web Services technology search across multilingual contents, show results ordered by relevance statistical reports – standard group of statistics, indicators, export data for further process linking - text based links and content based links

  22. improve / measure quality of scientific journals SciELOtrends perspectivesconclusions indicators of usage and impact publicly available improve quality control across SciELO Network, increasing the usage / interchange of peer reviewers and experience consolidate the SciELO Network Ideal network in the next 2 yearsArgentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Spain and Venezuela sustainability national programs to support scientific journals searching for/building core collections integrate SciELO in national programs of accessing electronic information sources going fully electronic to lessen costs

  23. SciELOtrends perspectivesconclusions … the expectations from the very beginning comprehensive approach of the scientific communication from developing countries: quality control, universal access, evaluation, preservation development of a common and cooperative space for the scientific communication which will enhance synergies increase the usage and impact of local generated scientific information on decision making processes at different levels contribute to economic, social, cultural and scientific development lessen the information divide

  24. Thank you!

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