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Extending Stochastic Green’s Function Method for Long-Period Strong Ground-motion Simulation

This study extends the Stochastic Green’s Function method to simulate longer period ground motions, incorporating both realistic and random phases at various frequencies for coherent wave generation. The hybrid simulation technique combines deterministic methods for long periods (FDM, FEM, Green’s functions) and Stochastic methods for short periods (<1s). By introducing zero phases at lower frequencies, directivity pulses, fling step, and seismic moments can be accurately modeled. The extended method allows for the computation of Green’s functions on layered half-spaces and can be applied to scenarios like M7 and M8 earthquakes with different period resolutions. Additionally, the approach integrates Boore’s source model with Irikura’s empirical Green’s function summation method for fast computation and accurate representation of S-waves in far-field scenarios. By incorporating slip velocity functions, moment rate functions, and amplitude with random or zero phases, the proposed model provides a comprehensive framework for simulating strong ground motions over a wide frequency range.

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Extending Stochastic Green’s Function Method for Long-Period Strong Ground-motion Simulation

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  1. An Extension of Stochastic Green’s Function Method to Long-Period Strong Ground-motion Simulation Y. Hisada and J. Bielak

  2. Purpose: Extension of Stochastic Green’s Function to Longer Periods • Realistic Phases  ・ Random Phases at Shorter Period  ・ Coherent Phases at Longer Periods → Directivity Pulses, Fling Step, Seismic Moment • Realistic Green’s Functions (e.g., surface wave)  ・ Green’s Functions of Layered Half-Space → Easy to compute them at shorter periods (e.g., Hisada, 1993, 1995)

  3. Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation (Hybrid Methods) short ←→ long period short ←→ long period • Short period(<1s):Stochastic and empirical methods (ex., Stochastic Green’s function method)       → omega-squared model, random phases • Long period(>1s):Deterministic methods (FDM, FEM, Green’s functions for layered media) → coherent phases (e.g., directivity pulses), seismic moment M7 Eq. M8 Eq. 0 1 2 period (s) 0 1 2 4 period (s)

  4. Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation (Hybrid Methods) short ←→ long period short ←→ long period • The crossing period is around 1 sec. • Ok for M7 eq., but not for M8 eq. → Resolution for M8 eq. is not fine enough at 1 sec (e.g., Size of sub-faults is 10 – 20 km.) • Extension of deterministic methods to shorter periods. M7 Eq. M8 Eq. 0 1 2 period (s) 0 1 2 4 period (s)

  5. Phase: coherent random 1/ω2 frequency Modified K-2 model(Hisada, 2000) k2 slip distribution k2 rupture time Kostrov-type slip velocity with fmax 1/k2 amplitude k2 model 0 k (wavenumber) Source spec.: ω2 model ・Slip and rupture time are continuous on a fault plane ・Large number of source points at shorter periods ・Ok for FEM (FDM), but not for theoretical methods using Green’s Function of Layered half-space

  6. Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation (Hybrid Methods) short ←→ long period short ←→ long period • Short period(<1s):Stochastic and empirical methods (ex., Stochastic Green’s function method)       → omega-squared model, random phases • Long period(>1s):Deterministic methods (FDM, FEM, Green’s functions for layered media) → coherent phases (e.g., directivity pulses), seismic moment M7 Eq. M8 Eq. 0 1 2 period (s) 0 1 2 4 period (s)

  7. Stochastic Green’s Function Method (Kamae et al., 1998) : Boore’s Source Model + Irikura’s Empirical Green’s Function Summation Method Observation Point Seismic Fault → Fast Computation: One source point per sub-fault → Green’s Functions of the Far-Field S Wave (1/r)

  8. Moment Rate Function with ω2 Model (Ohnishi and Horike, 2000) • Far-Field S-waves from a point source • Far-Field S-waves from Boore’s source model

  9. Slip Velocity for ω2 model • Moment Rate Function for ω2 model • Representation Theorem for ω2 model For Point Dislocation Source

  10. Boore’s Source Model with Random Phases • Moment Rate Function (Slip Velocity Function) • ω2 Amplitude +Random Phases FIT with Time Window Example 1 fc=1 Hz fmax=10 Hz ・Unstable and Incoherent at Longer Periods → ○Acceleration ×Directivity Pulses ×Fling Step ×Seismic Moment Example 2

  11. Boore’s Source Model with Zero Phases (Coherent Phases) • Moment Rate Function (Slip Velocity Function) • ω2 Amplitude + Zero Phases Moment Rate + 1/fc sec delay FIT with No Time Window fc=1 Hz fmax=10 Hz ・Smoothed Ramp Function → ×Acceleration ○Directivity Pulses ○Fling Step ○Seismic Moment Moment Function

  12. Boore’s Source Model with Zero and Random Phases (Introduction of fr) • Moment Rate Function (Slip Velocity Function) • ω2 Amp.+ Zero and Random Phases Moment Rate + 1/fc sec delay FIT with Time Window fc=1 Hz fmax=10 Hz ・Ramp Function with high freq. ripples → ○Acceleration ○Directivity Pulses ○Fling Step ○Seismic Moment Moment Function fr=1 Hz

  13. Example (Boore’s Source with Zero Phases): r=20 km, Vp=5,Vs=3km/s Far Field Displacement S Wave P wave R=20km P Wave S wave 45° S Wave R=20km Moment Rate Function 1.Triangle(τ=1s) 2.ω2Model(fc=1 Hz fmax=10 Hz, 0 phases) P Wave

  14. Far-Field Displacement S Wave Boore’s Source with Zero and Random Phases Proposed Model fc=1 Hz fmax=10 Hz fr=1 Hz S Wave Far-Field Acceleration

  15. Summarized Results (Three Models) Triangle Slip Velocity ω2 Model + 0 Phases ω2 Model + 0 & Random Phases DisplacementVelocityAcceleration

  16. Summary • We extended a stochastic Green’s function method to longer periods in order to simulate coherent waves, by introducing zero phases at frequencies smaller than fr (a corner frequency). • We can easily incorporate this method with more realistic Green’s functions, such as those of layered half-spaces.

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