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Child Labor

Child labor persists in India, with many street children working in hazardous conditions like rag-picking and other exploitative jobs due to poverty. This issue denies them education and a chance to break out of poverty cycles. India offers non-formal schools and vocational training, but more action is needed to safeguard children's rights and well-being. Analyzing children's rights violations emphasizes the urgent need for intervention to protect vulnerable children and ensure their access to education and a safe environment to grow. International conventions such as the CRC and UUPA highlight the significance of safeguarding children's rights and taking action against exploitation and abuse. Solutions to combat child labor include holding parents and employers accountable, providing financial support to families, ensuring free education, enforcing age regulations, and promoting awareness campaigns to stop child labor practices.

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Child Labor

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  1. Child Labor Made by: Chiquitta Kellie 6A

  2. Child Labor In India • Website: http://www.i-indiaonline.com/sc_crisis_theproblem.htm • Most Indian street children work. In Jaipur, a common job is rag-picking, in which boys and girls as young as 6 years old sift through garbage in order to collect recyclable material. The children usually rise before dawn and carry their heavy load in a large bag over their shoulder. Rag pickers can be seen alongside pigs and dogs searching through trash heaps on their hands and knees. Other common jobs are collecting firewood, tending to animals, street vending, dyeing cloth, begging, prostitution and domestic labor. Children that work are not only subject to the strains and hazards of their labor, they are also denied the education or training that could enable them to escape the poverty trap. India provides non-formal street schools to ensure that working children get at least a basic education. We nurture community support for our schools and seek to mainstream suitable children into the private education system. We also provide popular and practical vocational training where older children can learn skills while also earning some money.

  3. Analyze Children Right Issue • WHAT? • What is the issue about? Many children in India have to work. • What are their jobs? The common jobs are collecting garbage/ trash and recyclable material. Besides that are firewood, supervising or feeding animals, sell things in street, dyeing cloth, Domestic labor, etc. • WHEN? • When did this issue start happen? This issue already happens in the past until now. • WHY? • Why they need to work? They need to work because their parents can’t care about them. Their families are so poor and can’t pay the school fee for their child. It makes their parents ask their child to work.

  4. Analyze Children Right Issue • WHO? • Who is the one that do the child labor in India? The one that do the child labor in India are Indian street children. • Who is the one that ask the Indian street children work? • From this article, it says that need to work and no one push them to work. • WHERE? • Where did this issue happen? This issue happens in India. • HOW? • How did it happen? When their parents couldn’t care and couldn’t pay for children needs, their parents might ask them to work so that the parents pay for their needs and the children pay for their needs. • How do the children’s feelings? From this situation, I can see that they will feel uncomfortable, lonely and tired to work.

  5. CRC • Article 6: All children have the right to life. Governments should ensure that children survive and develop easily. • Article 31: All children have a right to relax and play, and join in a wide range of activities. • Article 32: The Government should protect children from work that is dangerous, or might harm their health or their education.

  6. UUPA • Article 13 (Part B): Eksploitasi, baikekonomimaupunseksual • Article 66: (1) Perlindungankhususbagianak yang dieksploitasisecaraekonomidan/atauseksualsebagaimanadimaksuddalamPasal 59 merupakankewajibandantanggungjawabpemerintahdanmasyarakat. (2) Perlindungankhususbagianak yang dieksploitasisebagaimanadimaksuddalamayat (1) • dilakukanmelalui : • a. penyebarluasandan/atausosialisasiketentuanperaturanperundang-undangan yang berkaitandenganperlindungananak yang dieksploitasisecaraekonomidan/atauseksual; • b. pemantauan, pelaporan, danpemberiansanksi; dan • c. pelibatanberbagaiinstansipemerintah, perusahaan, serikatpekerja, lembagaswadayamasyarakat, danmasyarakatdalampenghapusaneksploitasiterhadapanaksecaraekonomidan/atauseksual. (3) Setiap orang dilarangmenempatkan, membiarkan, melakukan, menyuruhmelakukan, atauturutsertamelakukaneksploitasiterhadapanaksebagaimanadimaksuddalamayat (1).

  7. Connection between CRC and UUPA with the Children Right Issue This article in CRC and UUPA are connected with my children right issue because in the article it says that children should have education instead of working, and it is stated that children should be protected from danger that can harm their health or their education.

  8. Solution to Reduce Child Labor • Punish the parents who send children to work and the employers too, it make them realize their mistakes and they will not do it again. • Society can donate money for poor families so that the poor families can have more comfortable lives and the parents can pay for the children’s school fee. • The government should make the education free for all the children so that they can have good education and have good behavior and attitudes. • The government should make rules for the children and the owner of the factories about the minimum and maximum age for children to work. • Adults should replace children that work in the factory because it is not children’s right to work. • Make poster about stop having child labor • Have an assembly among the society and the governments to talk about the issue. • Ask the government to build houses for poor families so they will have fewer things to buy. • Make and visit websites that shows about rule of children that can work. • Make some artworks such as music, drama and such other artwork that can show the solution of child labor.

  9. Responsibility • Society can donate money for poor families so that the poor families can have more comfortable lives and the parents can pay for the children’s school fee. • To send letter to the government about the child labor that happen in all countries. • To tell the companies to stop asking for children as their workers and not accepting when children want to find job in their factories. • Make poster about stop having child labor. • Make and visit websites that shows about rule of children that can work. • Make some artworks such as music, drama and such other artwork that can show the solution of child labor.

  10. Related to CRC

  11. Related to UUPA

  12. Poster

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