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Enhancing Work Experience Placements Management Project - Valencia Meeting

This project aims to analyze, compare, and improve work experience placements (WEPs) in Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems. Objectives include evaluating protocols, involving stakeholders, enhancing resources for students with special needs, and promoting European citizenship. Tasks are distributed among partners, and communication is facilitated through Dropbox, Google Drive, and Skype.

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Enhancing Work Experience Placements Management Project - Valencia Meeting

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  1. Improvements in the Management of Work Experience Placements (1/09/2017 to 30/11/2018) First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

  2. The OBJECTIVES of our Project First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

  3. The OBJECTIVES of our Project are: • • Analysis of the protocols and procedures performed by companies and educative centres to develop company training activities (WEPs) in VET and Dual VET system Institutions. • • Gain knowledge and value the effort and sacrifice fulfilled by companies, educative centres, and VET institutions. • • Compare the role of Education Inspectors, tutors and instructors throughout the WEPs in companies of each country. • • Analyse other social agents and/or public administrations’ intervention (e.g. trade unions, Commerce Chambers, etc.) in these training activities. • • Compare the evaluation and certification systems WEPs count with in the participating countries.

  4. The OBJECTIVES of our Project are: • • Analyse the different situations surrounding students with Special Educational Needs during their training activities’ performance. • • Identification of material, human, and economic resources and the changes carried out by the scholastic organisation in order to enhance these training activities and promote their educative and employment purposes. • • Diagnose the positive aspects and those which can be improved within WEPs through companies and instructors’ perspective. • • Analyse the current situation of the labour market in each country, as well as the professional orientation and youth unemployment.

  5. The OBJECTIVES of our Project are: • • Gain knowledge of similarities and differences of each country regarding training activities in companies to detect the strong points and evaluate the possibility of generalising them. • • Value European citizenship and the tolerance WEPs have in the participating countries. • • Incentivise ICT competences through these training activities. • • Appreciate how through the fulfilment of WEPs outside one’s own country, the student improves his or her linguistic competences as well as his or her knowledge about the different European cultures. • • Improve the training activities’ management, monitoring, and evaluation quality to increase the social-employment insertion of students.

  6. How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners? First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

  7. How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners? • National Working Team (NWT) • The three General Coordinators will constitute the Coordination Committee (CC). • -Transnational Team 1 (TT1) responsible for document elaboration and quality management. • - Transnational Team 2 (TT2) responsible for economic and formative administration. • - Transnational Team 3 (TT3) for dissemination, blog and social network and Project sustainability.

  8. Spanish National Working Team (NWT) • The General Coordinator: • Mª Inmaculada Vaquero Garcia • -Transnational Team 1 (TT1) responsible for document elaboration and quality management. • Rosalía & Silvia • - Transnational Team 2 (TT2) responsible for economic and formative administration. • Laura & Inma Murgui • - Transnational Team 3 (TT3) for dissemination, blog and social network and Project sustainability. • Pablo & Daniel McEvoy (Secretary)

  9. The tasks and responsibilities will be equally distributed between the 3 associates: • - Each partner will organise one transnational meeting. • - All partners through the TT2 will organise the Training Activities (C1) in the UK (Kairos will be in charge of the logistic aspects). • - Each partner will contribute with two or three Vocational Educative Training or Dual VET system institutions and companies where Working Experience Placements can take place. • - Each partner will establish connections with working entities and public administrations of their corresponding country. • - Each partner will contribute with human resources and technicians to guarantee the dissemination and the impact of the Project.

  10. Means of Communication between TT responsible partners. • Dropbox – Google Drive • Skype • Between Coordinators everything by email?

  11. ACTIVITIES (1/09/2017 to 30/11/2018) First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

  12. Activities for M1, M2 & C1 • A.9 Visiting VET and Dual VET system institutions as well as companies/entities to get to know their students’ planning, performance, and evaluation regarding Work Experience Placements (WEPs). • A.10 Interviews and working seminars with: teaching training activity tutors in companies, company instructors, management teams, guidance counsellors, entrepreneurs and education inspectors. • A.11 Meetings and interviews with institutions and entities’ representatives implicated in WEPs to analyse the current situation of the labour market and youth unemployment rate.

  13. 1st PHASE. (Pages 28 - 31 of the Project)FROM 01/09/2017 TO 30/11/2017. DEADLINE 31-01-2018 • A.1 Analysis of protocols and procedures carried out by companies to develop WEPs. • Analysis of protocols and procedures carried out by educative bodies to develop WEPs. • A.2 Displaying the role of the Education Inspectorate, tutors, and instructors in the development of training activities in each country’s companies in order to compare them. • Education Inspectorate role • Tutors role • Instructors’ role • A.3 Analysis of the intervention of other social agents (e.g. trade unions, Commerce Chambers, etc.) and/or of administrations in these training activities to assess their functionality. • A.4 Description of the evaluation and certification system in WEPs in each country to establish a comparison. • A.5 Designing the Project’s Blog. • A.7 Elaboration of a Quality Protocol. DEADLINE 31-01-2018

  14. TO PREPARE THE PROJECT’S GUIDE • What outline should our guide include? • Compare the management of the WEPs between Spain, UK & Italy. (1st Draft Spain) • Prepare a Questionnaire to send the VET and Dual VET centres. (1st Draft Italy) • Prepare a Questionnaire to send the involved companies (this questionnaire will be send by the corresponding institutions). (1st Draft UK) • DEADLINE 31-01-2018

  15. Activities will be constantly carried out: • A.6 Maintenance of the Project’s Blog. • A.8 Application of a Quality Protocol. • A.12 Dissemination activities. • What kind of dissemination activities were carried out over each period? 1-09-2017 to 31-01-2018 • A.17 Preparation of our Training Activity (C1). It will be carried out in the UK, May 2018.

  16. 2nd PHASE. (Pages 28 - 31 of the Project)FROM 01/12/2017 TO 28/02/2018 DEADLINE 31-03-2018 Activities to work on before and during the second meeting: • A.13 Analysis of the individual necessities Special Educational Need students might encounter during their WEPs. • A.14 Analysis of material, human, and economic resources and changes in the scholastic organisation that are established in order to improve our training activities. • A.15 Compilation of the items regarding the Good Practice Guide in WEP Management. • A.16 Compilation of the items regarding the Political and Administrative Recommendations. The previous initiated activities will continue to be developed. The 2nd MEETING (M.2) in Italy, February 2018. DEADLINE 31-03-2018

  17. Activities will be constantly carried out: • A.6 Maintenance of the Project’s Blog. • A.8 Application of a Quality Protocol. • A.12 Dissemination activities. • What kind of dissemination activities were carried out over each period? 31-01-2018 to 31-03-2018 • Analyse the information about the Questionnaire sent the VET and Dual VET centres. • Analyse the information about the Questionnaire sent the involved companies • A.17 Preparation of our Training Activity (C1). It will be carried out in the UK, May 2018.

  18. REPORTS from 1/09/2017 to 1/04/2018 Contract- Article 8 - Reports • 8.1.-The co-beneficiary shall provide the Contractor with the progress financial report detailing all the expenditures carried out within the project framework, enclosing, for each expenditure declared the related proofs (e.g. invoices, boarding cards, travel insurance, receipts etc.) by the 01/04/2018. • 8.2.-The co-beneficiary shall provide the Contractor with the progress activities, evaluation, exploitation and dissemination reports enclosing all the necessary documents to demonstrate the work carried out by the 01/04/2018.

  19. 3rd PHASE. (Pages 28 - 31 of the Project)FROM 01/03/2018 TO 31/07/2018 • Activities to work in our Training Activity (C1) together with the selected participants to whom we will provide the needed documentation: • A.18 Assessment of WEPs’ European citizenship and tolerance in the countries of the EU. • A.19 Analysis on how ICT skills are improved through our teaching activities. • A.20 Analysis on howlinguistic competences, as well as different European culture knowledge improves throughout WEPs’ performance. • The previous initiated activities will continue to be developed, specially making emphasis on A.17. Preparation of our Training Activity (C1). It will be carried out in the UK, May 2018. DEADLINE 31/07/2018

  20. Activities will be constantly carried out: • A.6 Maintenance of the Project’s Blog. • A.8 Application of a Quality Protocol. • A.12 Dissemination activities. • What kind of dissemination activities were carried out over each period? 31-03-2018 to 31/07/2018 • Analyse the information about the Questionnaire sent the VET and Dual VET centres. DEADLINE C1 • Analyse the information about the Questionnaire sent the involved companies. DEADLINE C1

  21. In this phase we will carry out the C.1. TRAINING ACTIVITY in the UK. May 2018 • The participants will work on the following activities: • A.1 to A.4 • A.8 to A.11 • A.13, A.14 • A.18 to A.20 • They will contribute with their proposals in A.12. Dissemination activities.

  22. C.1. TRAINING ACTIVITY in the UK. May 2018 Furthermore, a follow-up and assessment action of our Training Activities (C1) will be needed in our Project to collaborate in: • A.21 Approval of our draft version of The Good Practice Guide in WEP Management • A.22 Approval of our draft version of the Political and Administrative Recommendations. • A.23 Composition of a draft version of a Sustainability Plan for the Project. • A.24 Preparation of the Final Conference. • A.25 Assessment of our Training Activity (C1).

  23. 4th PHASE. (Pages 28 - 31 of the Project)FROM 01/08/2018 TO 15/11/2018 Activities to work on before and during the fourth meeting: • A.26 Approval of The Good Practice Guide in WEP Management. • A.27 Approval of Political and Administrative Recommendations aimed at education and employment authorities to improve training activities in companies and insertion of young people into the labour market. • A.28 Approval of our Project’s Sustainability Plan. • A.29 The holding of our Final Conference. • A.30 Elaboration of our Final Report. • DEADLINE M3 The 3rd MEETING (M.3) will be carried out in the UK in October, 2018.

  24. REPORTS from 1/04/2017 to 15/11/2018 • Contract- Article 8 - Reports • 8.3.-The co-beneficiary shall provide the Contractor with the final financial report detailing all the expenditures carried out within the project framework, enclosing, for each declared expenditure the related proofs (e.g. invoices, boarding cards, travel insurance, receipts etc.) by the 15/11/2018. • 8.4.-The co-beneficiary shall provide the Contractor with the final activities, evaluation, exploitation and dissemination reports enclosing all the necessary documents to demonstrate the work carried out by the 15/11/2018. • 8.5.-The co-beneficiary shall provide the Contractor with any other information and document required for the preparation of the progress and final report.



  27. What results are expected during the project and on its completion? • To elaborate the aforementioned Guide we will have to take into consideration: • legal documentation, • intervening professionals, • company roles, • evaluation procedures, • means to measure the training activities’ quality (such as students’ insertion into the labour market or the companies’ implication level), etc. • The objective is to optimise the management, follow-up, and evaluation of the aforementioned training activities, as well as increasing curricular and professional competences of the students participating in WEPs.

  28. DISSEMINATION PLAN (1/09/2017 to 30/11/2018) First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

  29. Means of Dissemination (pages 47- 52 of the Project) • - MEETINGS/SEMINARS with VET institutions and companies, both at a sectorial and general level. • - Training activity sessions aimed at companies and institutions. • - Interviews/meetings with political and labour market officials at a local, regional, national, and possibly European level. • - Interviews/meetings with linked institutions to the educational and labour market fields at a regional, national, and, if possible, European levels: trade unions, Commerce Chambers, entrepreneurial associations, etc. • - Final Conference (October 2018). • - Participation in congresses, seminars, and sessions of teaching training activity entities, in an entrepreneurial or youthful field to present the Good Practice Guide in WEP Management and the Political and Administrative Recommendations. • Each associate will have to organise at least two conferences of this type, in which the objectives will be to explain the function of the Good Practice Guide in WEP Management and the Political and Administrative Recommendations. • The lecturers will be members of the working team of each associate.

  30. Means of Dissemination. BLOG • PROJECT’S BLOG • Project’s Blog used to disseminate it, to be in contact, and to ease information. • Elaboration of a blog in which the Project’s activities will be published, as well as all the legal documents regarding the Project, pictures, useful webpages, and all the topics of discussion that might result. It is important to know that this blog will remain active once the Project is finished. • In the Blog, in various languages, we will be able to find and download the different final outcomes: the Good Practice Guide of WEP Management, Political and Administrative Recommendations, composed documents by the associates throughout the Project, the Training Activity program C1, the list of members of the National Work Team (NWT) and Transnational Teams, and a summary of the final memory forwarded to the National Agencies. • EACH PARTNER’S WEB with information related to the Project • Likewise, in all of the partners’ webs, in some specific sections, basic aspects of the Project, such as the logotype, the Guide, the Recommendations, an extract of the final memory, and a link to the Project’s Blog will be shown.

  31. Means of Dissemination • SPECIALISED MAGAZINES. • Published articles regarding the Project’s obtained results in magazines, Supervision 21 (digital magazine) and Educa Nova, websites of each partner, social networks... • Articles published in magazines. Each partner will send documentation and articles to their country’s educational and/or labour market press. • SOCIAL NETWORKS • - Project dissemination through each partner’s social networks: Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, which will be used to invite and be connected with other entities.

  32. Means of Dissemination Meetings with political specialists • Meetings with political specialists of each country and region with the objective of making them aware of our recommendations and requesting their support for the dissemination of our Guide. • A minimum of 3 meetings with national education authorities. • Between 3 and 8 meetings, with regional education authorities are expected.

  33. SUSTAINABILITY First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

  34. SUSTAINABILITY • After finalising the Project, we will maintain the specific Blog created for the Project accessible and free, at least for 5 years. • There is a commitment stated by the associates in which they guarantee the maintenance of the dissemination activities (informative and formative) during, at least, 5 years after the Project’s finalisation. During this time, information regarding these activities will be incorporated into the Blog, as well as other activities or actions (publications, agreements…) that arise from them.

  35. SUSTAINABILITY • Once the Project ends, the partners will agree which members of the national and transnational teams (at least two per country, among them the general coordinator) will be integrated in a maintenance team that will ensure the proper functioning of the Blog, the development of the dissemination activities, and inquiries of institutions, companies, and entities. All of this guarantees that the people or entities that wish for it, will be able to get in touch with the partners to extend the information related with the Project. • These teams will function with resources provided by each partner and will be monitored by the General Coordinator of the promoting associate, or person assigned by each partners’ managing organs.

  36. SUSTAINABILITY RESOURCES: • - Blog which will be linked to the institutional web of each associate. • - Erasmus+ online Platforms. • - Magazines (e.g. Digital magazine “Supervision 21” and printed magazine “Educa Nova” ) • - Webs and social networks of each institution. • It is expected to be an enduring Project that, once it is administratively finished, will continue active, as the documents and partner contacts will be available to achieve its objectives. • The maintenance of the Project’s activity will allow to initiate new international cooperation paths between partners and also between institutions and companies that have been in contact throughout the Project.

  37. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COLLABORATION First meeting in Valencia (Spain) 24th & 25th of November 2017

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