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Curriculum Evening

Curriculum Evening. Welcome! Thursday 19 th September Year 1. Aims. To inform parents of expectations for Our Mission Statement and House System Knowledge/topics covered Educational visits Timetable Uniform Homework Websites FSM.

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Curriculum Evening

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Curriculum Evening Welcome! Thursday 19th September Year 1

  2. Aims To inform parents of expectations for Our Mission Statement and House System Knowledge/topics covered Educational visits Timetable Uniform Homework Websites FSM

  3. St Joseph the Worker St Cecelia St Francis of Assisi St. Teresa of Calcutta

  4. How does the House System work? • Rewarded for Good Behaviour • Good Manners • Being a kind friend • Showing respect to others • Lunchtime behaviour • Displaying Virtues and Values • Being resilient • Child receives a token for good behaviour • Token placed in a special box under the Saint • Number of points celebrated each week • End of Term prize for the winning house • Inter School Competitions

  5. The Merit System – Progress and Attainment • Years 1 to 6 • 10 merits – bronze certificate • 20 merits – silver certificate • 30 merits – gold certificate • 50 merits – platinum certificate • 70 merits + Principal’s certificates • Teachers and Teaching Assistants to award for Good Learning Behaviours: • Homework • Spellings • Reading at home

  6. Knowledge By the end of year 1 the children should be able to memorise their number bonds to 10, working towards 20 and apply these to work out subtraction facts. Count in ones, twos, fives and tens forwards and backwards. Read and write number to 100. Finding one more and one less of a number.

  7. Knowledge We follow a handwriting scheme called ‘Pen Pals’ in school which starts in year 1 and progresses through to year 6.

  8. Knowledge Children follow a spelling scheme linked to the National Curriculum which covers the spelling rules they should be learning in each year group. These are handed out weekly and children take part in weekly spelling tests.

  9. Knowledge Through these topics we cover; Geography, History, Art, D & T and Music • The topics covered in Thematic Curriculum this half term are: • Autumn: Me and My World • Spring: Marvellous Monarchs • Summer: Coventry to Coast

  10. Knowledge • The topics covered in R.E this year are: • Summer: Easter Pentecost Sharing Jesus’ life Following Jesus today Autumn: Creation Families and Celebrations Jesus: Teacher and Healer Advent Spring Christmas Prayer Forgiveness Lent Holy Week

  11. RWI In year 1 children sit a Phonics screening test during the month of July. Children will be asked to read some nonsense words (alien words).

  12. RWI Children will also be asked to read a range of real words.

  13. RWI • Children are put into groups for RWI depending of their knowledge of sounds. • Set 1: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r, j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk • Set 2: ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy • Set 3: ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion

  14. Search: RWI Pure Sounds

  15. Educational Visits The whole school will visit the Bedworth Civic Hall on Friday 6th December to see the pantomime – Beauty and the Beast. There will be planned visitors and school trips linked to the Thematic Curriculum and Science topics throughout the year. Letters will be sent out through ParentMail to inform you of this and all payments will be managed through this portal as well.

  16. Timetable Wednesday P.E day Please ensure children leave P.E kits in school and make sure no jewellery is worn. The timetable for year 1 looks like this:

  17. Uniform Winter – to be worn from October half term until Easter • Grey skirt/trousers • White shirt and tie • School jumper with logo • Black school shoes (not trainers) • No jewellery apart from plain studs as ear-rings and a watch • No excessive hair accessories Summer – can be worn after Easter until October half term • Polo shirt with logo • Red and white gingham dress • Black school shoes (not trainers) • No jewellery apart from plain studs as ear-rings and a watch • No excessive hair accessories

  18. P.E. Plain white or black shorts Plain white t-shirt or burgundy t-shirt with school logo Plain black pumps Hair must be tied up if below collar length No ear-rings or jewellery (Please send girls into school with plasters on) Trainers may be worn for ‘morning mile’ After school activities – separate appropriate kit from home

  19. Mile Run We will start off doing the Mile Run once a week and will gradually build this up throughout the year. Children will need: Plain joggers Plain hoody or jumper Plain top Old trainers

  20. Homework All children from EYFS up to year six should read a little of their school reading book each night. Please mark the date you have read with your child as well as the pages you have read e.g 3.10.17 Pg 6 – 8 When children have finished their books they must place them into the Morning book box in the morning. Children are getting used to this routine and are becoming responsible for their reading. Homework is handed out on a Friday and is expected to be handed back by the following Wednesday; we will always set homework linked with something we are doing in class so that all children can access it.

  21. FSM All children in KS1 are entitled to a free school meal Please inform the office if your child is entitled to a free school meal (whether or not they decide to use it) as the school receives money for each child.

  22. Questions?

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