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Introduction to Electronic Noise

Introduction to Electronic Noise. Inherent vs External Noise Sources Types of Inherent Noise Noise Models. Inherent Electronic Component Noise. Inherent Device Noise: Internally Generated in Devices from Thermal Energy Internally Generated in Devices from Charge Carrier Motion

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Introduction to Electronic Noise

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  1. Introduction to Electronic Noise • Inherent vs External Noise Sources • Types of Inherent Noise • Noise Models

  2. Inherent Electronic Component Noise • Inherent Device Noise: • Internally Generated in Devices from Thermal Energy • Internally Generated in Devices from Charge Carrier Motion • May be related to Manufacturing Processes • Reduction Strategies: • Increased power consumption, bias current • Changing circuit topology • Optimizing R, C and L values

  3. External Noise • External Noise: • Electromagnetic Radiated and Conducted • Noise from Xfmrs, Power Sources and Supplies • Cross Talk and Interference from Other Signals • Device Substrate Noise from other nearby devices on the same substrate • Power Supply Noise and PSRR • Reduction Strategies: • Common Mode Chokes, Ferrites • Optimizing Circuit Layouts • Shielding • Isolated Power Supply, Grounding

  4. Electronic Noise Properties • Caused by the discrete nature of charge currents including charge carriers, junctions and geometry • Semiconductor Substrate & Process Dependencies • Determine fundamental SNR and smallest useable signals that can be processed by the devices • Can only be minimized and not completely removed

  5. Noise is often expressed as a Volts per Root-Hz (Noise voltage integrated over frequency in above integral)

  6. Inherent Noise Sources Presented are Uncorrelated!

  7. For lower noise, limit bandwidth to only that required for signals

  8. 1.380658E-23 J/K (aka: Johnson Noise) Example: vn = SQRT{4(1.38E-23J/K)(300K)(1000Ohms)(1Hz) = 4.07nV/RHz

  9. elementary charge q 1.60217733 E-19 C 1K resistor with 50uA from before: Shot Noise Calculation in = SQRT {2(1.602E-19)(50uA)(1hz)} = 4.0027E-9 mA/RHz vn = in(1000ohms) = 4.0027nV/RHz

  10. High Dependency on Semiconductor Process Ask Semi Mfg what their flicker noise characterization is for a given process

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