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Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development KWAZULU-NATAL

Detailed report on Department of Agriculture's Land Care Programme outcomes, challenges, and future steps for sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

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Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development KWAZULU-NATAL

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  1. Department of Agriculture,Environmental Affairs and Rural DevelopmentKWAZULU-NATAL 2010/11 Close-out Report & 2011/12 First quarter expenditure on Land Care Programme: Poverty Relief and Infrastructure Development Grant Presented to Select Committee on Appropriations

  2. Content • Objectives of the programme • 2010/11 Audited outcome • 2011/12 – Quarter One • Expenditure analysis • 2011-12 project list • 2011-12 Quarter 1 service delivery • Monitoring and evaluation • Challenges and remedial steps

  3. The Goal and objectives of the Programme • The goalof the Land Care Programme: Poverty Relief and Infrastructure Development Grant is to: • enhance a sustainable conservation of natural resources through community based participatory approach; • create job opportunities through the Expanded Public Works programme; • Skills transfer; and • improve food security within previously disadvantaged communities to enhance sustainable livelihoods.

  4. 2010-11 Audited outcome • The department received the total allocated amount of R 8, 721m. • Actual expenditure of R8.245 million or 94.5%, resulting in under-expenditure of R476,000. • Under-expenditure relates to the irrigation scheme for the Zwathi project in Zululand that could not be finalised before year-end. • The department has received confirmation that the roll-over request has been approved.

  5. 2011-12: Quarter One • Quarter 1 scheduled amount of R925,000 was received. • Low actual expenditure of R173,000 or 19% of Quarter 1 transfer due to: • Projects commencing one month late, due to delay in signing off the funding agreement between project beneficiaries and department. • Quarter 1 expenditure is for one month (May) only as claims for June received and processed during July. • Some delays in the procurement of required goods such as tools, fencing and protective clothing also affected expenditure and targets. • The actual expenditure in quarter 1 represents 2% of total budget. At same stage in 2010/11, expenditure was at 12%. • Department is however confident that it will be able to catch up on the expenditure over remaining three quarters.

  6. 2011-12 Project List

  7. Performance indicators – Quarter 1 Comment: Most of the projects would have met their quarterly target. had it not been for the delay in project implementation and procurement of some items.

  8. Monitoring and Evaluation • The Department engages on the following processes for monitoring and evaluation purposes: • Community engagement and participation, for their buy-in. • Frequent project visits and preparation of monthly and quarterly reports. • Presentation of these reports to projects meeting chaired by the MEC. • Address all challenges experienced timeously to ensure successful implementation.

  9. Challenges and remedial steps • Challenges • Delay in signing the funding agreement resulted in one month delay • Procurement delays ( Due to new SCM process adopted by the Department) • Remedial steps • Consideration given to increase the labour team to meet the individual project targets • Department is working towards standing contracts (Protective Clothing) for essential implementing items which will alleviate procurement challenges. • In the current year contract for Fencing, Engineering work and Infrastructure in general has been entered into for a period of 2 years, this will speed up service delivery

  10. Thank You!Siyabonga!

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