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iWeb Basics. Created by The Office Of Media and Educational Technology Updated 06/2010. Objectives. Maryland Technology Standards for School Administrators Standard 2.0 - Teaching and Learning Standard 5.0 - Professional Practice and Productivity
iWeb Basics • Created by The Office Of Media and Educational Technology • Updated 06/2010
Objectives • Maryland Technology Standards for School AdministratorsStandard 2.0 - Teaching and LearningStandard 5.0 - Professional Practice and Productivity • Maryland Teacher Technology StandardsStandard 2.0 - CommunicationStandard 5.0 - Integrating Technology Into Curriculum and InstructionStandard 7.0 - Professional Growth • Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for StudentsStandard 3.0 - Technology for Learning and CollaborationStandard 4.0 - Technology for Communication and Expression
Agenda • What is iWeb? • Pros and Cons • Links and Resources • Curriculum Connections & Other ideas • Hands On: Navigating iWeb Tools • Publishing Tips • Backing Up and Transferring Your Files
What Is iWeb? • iWeb is a web publishing program. It differs from other publishing programs in that the layouts generated are graphically based, very flexible and based on simple drag and drop. • iWeb then generates the code (HTML) itself automatically when you are ready to publish your pages. Under normal use you don’t need to have access to the code that iWeb generates. iWeb is a part of the iLife ’06 package. iLife ’06 is available to all HCPSS teachers using a MAC. iWeb is also available to all students at schools with the 2007 image. Schools on the 2005 image do not have permission to install on student computers at this time.
iWeb Pros and Cons CONS PROS No HTML code; because this is the way iWeb works, there are no facilities at all for importing any existing code or any existing pages it has either published itself or pages that have been generated by other web design programs. Multiple sites are all located in the same place; therefore students could potentially see/erase information from another site. All files save to a Domain file located in Library; backing up the site is a more complicated process, especially with students. • No HTML editing is necessary with iWeb; • to make changes to iWeb's published pages, you must do this within the iWeb application itself. When iWeb next publishes, it will generate a new page with the changes present. • Create multiple websites; iWeb lets you create multiple web sites so you can have one for work and one for play. And because they’re all managed through the same Site Organizer, you can get a bird’s-eye view of all your sites and pages whenever you need to. • User-friendly so even primary grade students can use the program. • Can be published in many ways; publish to a .mac account (now MobileMe) or an existing server. Information from an iWeb Forum; click here for more information.
Apple Tutorials and Resources • Apple iLife Tutorialshttp://www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/#iweb • Apple iWeb Supporthttp://www.apple.com/support/iweb/ • Apple iWeb Keyboard Shortcutshttp://www.apple.com/support/iweb/shortcuts/ • Apple iWeb in Educationhttp://www.apple.com/education/digitalauthoring/iweb.html • Apple Learning Interchangehttp://edcommunity.apple.com/ali/
Links and Resources:HCPSS Teachers Using iWeb George Lovera, GMS Teacher Web Page Veterans Elementary School Student Work Web Page http://web.mac.com/georgelovera/VIRTUAL_CLASSROOM/Front_Page.html http://staff.howard.k12.md.us/~ewilkie/ExcellentEagleWork/Welcome.htm l
Links and Resources:HCPSS Using iWeb OMET Tech Conference Website OMET Staff PD Website http://staff.hcpss.org/~gpaulus/conference/Welcome.html http://staff.hcpss.org/~gpaulus/iweb/Welcome.html
6th Grade Social StudiesUnit: Africa South of the SaharaGT Inquiry
Websitewith the same information Exhibit http://staff.hcpss.org/~gpaulus/nhd_example/Introduction.html National History DayCategory: Websites http://www.nationalhistoryday.org/
Navigating iWeb:Creating A New Site/Page When you open iWeb for the first time, you will be prompted to choose a template design, which will be the background of your site. For each background there are six types of pages to choose from (Welcome, About Me, Photos, Movie, Blog, Podcast) as well as a blank page option. If your iWeb program has already been used, go to File > New Site Select a template and page type and click choose. To add additional pages, click on the + button on the bottom right. When you add a new website or webpage, iWeb gives it a default name; you can rename it at any time. To rename a website or webpage, double-click the name in the site organizer and type the new name.
Navigating iWeb:Creating A New Site This is what the viewer will see and how they will navigate your site. As you add pages to your site, they will appear in two places: This is where you will navigate between pages as you use the application.
Navigating iWeb:Inspector Menu Blog and podcast options Text changes Photo and slideshow options Metrics inspector QuickTime options Graphic changes Change page layout, name, navigation menu options Make hyperlinks Change site name, make private
Navigating iWeb:Toolbars and Views Insert audio from iTunes or GarageBand, photos from iPhoto, or movies from your Movies Folder.
Publishing Tips: .mac (now MobileMe) account • If you are using iWeb for all of your website needs and you choose to have multiple websites, you may want to consider purchasing a .mac account to act as your server. • .mac is the easiest, but most expensive way to publish your site; cost is $99/year, purchased through Apple.
Publishing Tips: Publish to a Folder • If you are using iWeb with students and do not want the websites to be published to the web you may want to consider publishing to a folder. • Publishing to a folder allows you to save the website locally; you can then burn the site to a CD or place in the hand-in folder for grading.
Publishing Tips: Publish to a Folder To publish to a folder: Go to File > Publish to a Folder Choose a location for your site. iWeb will default to your “Sites” folder but you can choose another location.
Publishing Tips: Publish to a Folder Once you hit choose, you will receive a message like this: Once the website is housed in a folder, you may burn a CD or view locally. To find the file again, go to: your home > sites (or wherever you saved the file).
Publishing Tips: Publish to Another Server • If you are using iWeb in conjunction with an existing webpage, you may want to consider publishing to a folder and then posting those files to the page you already have. • Publishing to a folder allows you to save the website locally; you can then transfer those files to any server. • If you have multiple sites and save to a folder, you must transfer the contents of the folders (not the index). • Upload your site to your server where you will be storing your site by following the directions of the server admin.
Publishing Tips: Publish to Another Server To publish to a server: Go to File > Publish to a Folder Choose a location for your site. iWeb will default to your “Sites” folder but you can choose another location.
Publishing Tips: Publish to Another Server Once you hit choose, you will receive a message like this: Once the website is housed in a folder, you may upload to a server. Note: If you upload your files to a server, you need to replace the entire contents of the site when making changes/uploading.
Back Up or Transfer Files • iWeb files are created as a package called “domain.sites.” This package needs to be manually backed up, as it does not exist on the server. This is the only way to retrieve your iWeb files in case of a computer crash, etc. • The file you want to backup is called Domain.sites and it is located in: Home Directory > Library > Application Support > iWeb >Domain.sites. • Do NOT remove this file (it is all your iWeb files). Make a copy of it onto a flash drive or burn it to a cd. That way, should your computer crash you will be able to transfer your website to another Macintosh computer with iWeb installed on it.
Questions? see your OMET rep or visit the DR for more information...