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North Carolina Council for Women 2013-2014 Grant Application Information Session Jacqueline Jordan, Grants Administrator (919) 733-9689 Jacqueline.Jordan@doa.nc.gov Todd Moore, Grants Administrator (919) 715-9439 Todd.Moore@doa.nc.gov TOLL FREE #- 877-502-9898
North Carolina Council for Women 2013-2014 Grant Application Information Session Jacqueline Jordan, Grants Administrator (919) 733-9689 Jacqueline.Jordan@doa.nc.gov Todd Moore, Grants Administrator (919) 715-9439 Todd.Moore@doa.nc.gov TOLL FREE #- 877-502-9898 http://www.councilforwomen.nc.gov
FY13-14 Grant Applications All applications are at www.councilforwomen.nc.gov. This year’s process will allow submission of applications and budgets via email: NCCFW@doa.nc.gov
FY13-14 Grant Cycle • The Grant Application process initiates the NEW Grant Cycle. • The FY13-14 Grant Cycle begins July 1st, 2013. • FY13-14 grant funds are not available until after that date. • All eligible applicants will be notified of their award by July 1st, 2013.
How to submit Grant Applications • ALL Grant Applications and signature pages must be received by NC CFW Grants Administrators no later than Monday, April 15,5:00 p.m. ***Pages of the Grant Application that require signatures PLUS requested Policies must be mailed. U.S. Mail address: 1320 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1320 Physical address (Fed-Ex/UPS): 116 W. Jones Street, Suite G-120, Raleigh, N.C. 27603
How to submit Grant Applications Via Email: • NCCFW@doa.nc.gov • Subject line of email:“FY 13-14 Domestic Violence Grant Application or Sexual Assault Grant Application and County location”. FOR SIGNATURE PAGES (pages 11-13 of the application) and REQUESTED POLICIES Via US Mail: • NC CFW-Grants Section • 1320 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1320 Via Federal Express/UPS/Hand Delivery: • NC CFW-Grants Section • 116 W. Jones Street, Suite G-120, Raleigh, N.C. 27603
Significant to this Grant Cycle • Full Legal Name of program as it appears on the Secretary of State’s website must be provided. • DUNS (Data Universal Number System) # 9 digits. • Determination of Funding Level must be addressed. (pg. 3) • ALL requested policies must be submitted. (pg.11)
The DV & SA Grant Application • The DV & SA grants are not competitive. Tips to remember: • Provide clear answers that pertain only to the specific grant for which you are applying. 2. Advise caution when “cutting/copying” & “pasting” information on the DV & SA Grant Applications.
GRANT CHECKLIST These items must be signed and mailed • 501(c) (3) Notification • Articles of Incorporation • Bylaws • Request for Program Policy Page (pg. 11) and the requested policies • Certification Page (pg. 12) • Verification of Review of Grant Application Page (pg. 13) Applicants submitting multiple applications can mail one (1) of each requested, BUT applicant must provide a “cover sheet”. Example: ”These Articles of Incorporation apply to DV and/or SA Application.“ Please use “BLUE” Ink for signatures.
For Governmental Entities • Community Colleges are EXEMPT • Government entities do not have a DUNS Number, 501 c-3 Verification, Articles of Incorporation, nor Bylaws. Please put “N/A” for these. • The “Governmental Tax Exempt” Form must be submitted. http://www.dor.state.nc.us If this does not apply to your program, please attach an explanation.
GRANT CHECKLIST (the emailed forms) NCCFW@doa.nc.gov Subject line of email: “FY 13-14 Domestic Violence Grant Application or Sexual Assault Grant Application and county location”. • Grant Application Coversheet • Program Narrative Section • List of CURRENT Board Members, including the Finance Committee chaired by the Treasurer. • 2013-14 Proposed Budget (Excel attachments) • DV or SA state appropriated funds • 20% Matching Funds for the state appropriated funds • Marriage License Fees for DV Programs
The Grant Application Cover Sheetpage 2 of application • Full Legal Name of Agency/Program as listed on the Secretary of State’s website: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/CSearch.aspx • Also known as: • County (If more than one county will be served with the 1 grant award, list all counties) • Federal Tax ID #: • Data Universal Number System (DUNS) #: • Printed Name of Executive Director & E-mail Address: • Printed Name of Program Director & E-mail Address: • Agency/Program Status: Government Operated ORPrivate, Non-Profit • Agency/Program’s Fiscal Year: (January-December) or (July-June) • Month/Year Program Started Providing Services:
The Grant Application Cover Sheetpage 2 of application • Year Agency/Program was Incorporated: • Date Agency/Program received non-profit status: • Is Agency/Program a subsidiary of another organization? YES/NO • Agency/Program’s Administrative Office Physical Address: • Agency/Program’s Administrative Office Hours: • Agency/Program’s Administrative Mailing Address: • Agency/Program’s Administrative Office Phone and Fax#: • Program Address (if different from Administrative Address): • Program Phone; Fax; Crisis Line: • Does Agency receive other NC CFW funding? • Agency’s website address:
DETERMINATION OF FUNDING LEVELpage 3 of application Q. How do you determine your level of funding? A. The category determines your annual reporting requirements. (N.C. Gen. Stat.143C-6-22 & 23 9 N.C.A.C. Subchapter 3M.0205-attachment D of Contract) Also required by OSBM. Please indicate only one (1) level of funding: • Level 1 Reporting: Your program is… • Receiving less than $25,000 in state issued grant funds • Level 2 Reporting: Your program is… • Receiving at least $25,000, but less than $500,000 in state issued grant funds. • Level 3 Reporting: Your program is… • Receiving $500,000 or morein state issued grant funds.
PROGRAM NARRATIVE CRITERIAstarting on page 5 of application TIPs: • provide the title of the section that you are responding to so THE grant reviewer can verify all items received a Response. Example: “Identify barriers that effect current service delivery” Answer: “Barriers that effect current service delivery include…” • No more than 5000 characters allowedper response
History of Program Page 5 of application • Specific program’s mission and if you are a multi-service agency how doe the program fit into the mission of your organization? • Explain why there is a need for this specific program within your community? • Describe the challenges of the target population. • Identify barriers that affect current service delivery (geographic, economic, resources).
Goals and Outcomespage 6 of application • List three (3) measurable program goals and describe each goal’s projected outcome. • Describe the method/tool(s) used to measure program’s effectiveness. • Provide details of your program’s outreach and any significant/unique accomplishments during the past year. TIP: Include content that will provide success stories of your program.
Grant Application ChartsPages 7 of application • Plan for provision of Statutory Services data must be completed. • Outcome Goals must be described.
Board Participation and Community Supportpage 8 of application • Describe the Governing Board’s role and participation with the program including the monitoring, fundraising, and evaluation processes. • List and describe partnerships, community supporters, collaborations, and coordination with other agencies. • List Revenue sources and how they will be utilized. • Does your Governing Board have a detailed fundraising strategic plan? A reserve fund?
Board Participation & Community SupportPage 8 of application • Provide details on the Board’s diversity including gender, race/ethnicity, geographic make up. Geographic makeup should represent the communities served.
Quality of PersonnelPage 9 of application • Number of staff to be funded by NC CFW Funds? FT PT • Detail your efforts to address staff diversity. (Does the staff reflect the community that you serve?) • Description of qualifications of each specificprogram position(s) that will be funded by NC CFW: • Education, experience, and training. • Specify which grant fund will be utilized to fund position (DV/MLF or SA). • List the positions and qualifications of each in the table. • All applicants who receive the grant(s) must have Job Descriptions. • Indicate the total number of volunteers exclusively for your Programs and financial value calculation. (N.C. - $18.18/hour via www.independentsector.org).
Budget EffectivenessPage 10 of application • Describe how the specific program will provide the 20% match. • Provide previous year’s grant amounts and any reverted funds. • Describe the basis of accounting that your specific program will utilize and how the accounting records will be maintained to ensure consistency and accountability of the state issued grant funds. • Specify amounts proposed for personnel, operational costs, and client costs.
Match Requirement • Programs applying for funds must match state appropriated funds only. The matching requirement does not apply to Marriage License Fees. • The match must be generated locally and represent a minimum of 20% of the total state appropriated award. (If the award is for $10k, then a $2k match is required.) • The match requirement is designed to encourage sustainabilityand local support for the program’s efforts.
Match Requirement Examples of sources for local matches include: • Fundraisers • Grants from private organizations such as churches, foundations, or business firms • United Way • Civic Groups • Local government units including city and county government. • In-kind goods or services calculated at fair market value.
Proposed Budgets The Proposed Budgets are posted as separate Excel Documents. Applicants can access the Excel Documents and complete the data. (www.councilforwomen.nc.gov) Applicants must submit the Proposed Budgets as e-mail attachments. ( NCCFW@doa.nc.gov)
REQUEST FOR PROGRAM POLICY PAGEPage 11 of application • Request for Program Policy Page must be signed and submitted for each Grant Application (DV & SA). • Attach Request for Program Policy to the front of the policies requested. • Specify the grant(s) to which those policies apply. If the policies were already submitted with another application, please indicate this. Please use “BLUE” Ink for signatures.
REQUEST FOR PROGRAM POLICYPage 11 of application • Program’s Full Legal Name….Also Known As. • Program’s county, Tax Identification #, and DUNS #. • Board Chair’s/Designee Signature/Printed Name & date. • Executive Director’s Signature/Printed Name & date. Please use “BLUE” Ink for signatures.
REQUEST FOR PROGRAM POLICIES PAGEALL applicants must submit policies in the order listed below • Conflict of Interest Policy • Confidentiality Policy • Non-discrimination Policy • Organizational Code of Conduct Policy • Internal Controls Policy • Recordkeeping Policy • Whistleblower Policy Samples of these policies can be found on our website. Request for Program Policy Page must be signed & submitted for each Grant Application, and must include an Approval Date and Effective Date for each policy. Attach this page at the front of policies submitted. If any policies have been amended in the past year, please indicate the new Effective Date and attach a copy of the amended policy.
CERTIFICATION PAGEpage 12 of application Certification of Matching Funds Certification of Non-Lobbying Certification of Insurance and/or Bonding Requires Signature of Board Treasurer/Equivalent Signatures certify that all information subscribed to above is true and accurate. Please use “BLUE” Ink for signatures.
VERIFICATION OF REVIEW OF GRANT APPLICATIONpage 13 of application Program’s Full Legal Name, County, and Tax Identification # Does the agency own or rent their property? Is any space donated? Grantee acknowledges and agrees that the program will adhere to NC CFW Guidelines by signatures indicated. The persons whose signatures appear below, certify that they have reviewed the information within the Grant Application and verify that it is true and accurate. Please use “BLUE” Ink for signatures. _______________________________ ________________________________ Board Chair/Designee (Signature) Executive Director/Equivalent (Signature)