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Personality, Emotions, Stress & Violence. Discuss Glencoe Health text page 169 #1-10.
Personality, Emotions, Stress & Violence Discuss Glencoe Health text page 169 #1-10
On a sheet of paper create a list of your personality traits and things you like (interests) using your first name with each letter of your first name as the first letter of each trait or thing you like.I have 3 examples below COURTEOUS COMPETITIVE CYCLIST ASSERTIVE A-TYPE PERSONALITY ATHLETE MODEL BEHAVIOR MEDIATOR MARVEL COMICS ENERGETIC ECSTATIC EXERCISE REASONABLE RESPONSIBLE RESPECTFUL OPTIMISTIC OPEN-MINDED OUTDOORS NEUTRAL LISTENER NEGOTIATOR NUTRITION
Now find at least 4 people that have something in common with you based on your lists. Have them initial your paper beside the item you have in common. After you have done this return to your seat. You have 5 minutes to complete this part of the activity.
Mental/Emotional health – ability to accept yourself and others, adapt to and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in life Figure 7.1 page 171 Positive self-esteem Sense of belonging Sense of purpose Positive outlook Autonomy - independence
Hierarchy of needs – ranked list of needs essential to human growth and development Level 1 – Physical or basic survival Level 2 – Safety Level 3 – Belonging Level 4 – Feeling Recognized or you have a value to others Level 5 – Reaching Potential / Self-actualization – striving to become the best you can be
Personality – complex set of characteristics that makes you unique & consisting of these 4 traits: • Emotions • Attitudes • Thoughts • Behaviors
Influences of Personality Heredity – intellect, temperament, emotional tendencies, risk taking, and talents Environment – family, friends, neighborhood, school, role model Modeling – observing and learning from the behaviors of those around you (clothes, music, speech, mannerisms) Socialization – learned feelings, attitudes, ways of thinking Conditioning – rewarded or punished for behavior Behavior – making a decision, acting on it, and recognizing the consequences
7 Main Types of Personality • Extrovert – friendly, outgoing person • Introvert – not outgoing, thoughts directed inward • Optimist – look for positive • Pessimist – look for negative • Passive – holding back thoughts and feelings and yields to others • Assertive – able to stand up for self and express feelings in a non-threatening manner • Aggressive – acting in a forceful, threatening, or disrespectful way
Personal identity – your sense of yourself as a unique individual interests likes and dislikes talents and abilities values and beliefs goals
Developmental assets – building blocks of development that help young people grow up as healthy, caring, and responsible individuals. Figure 7.3 page 179 Support - Empowerment Boundaries and expectations - Constructive use of time Commitment to learning - Positive values Social competencies - Positive identity
Healthy Identity Recognize your strengths and weaknesses - Demonstrate positive values - Develop a purpose in your life - Form meaningful relationships - Contribute to the community - Avoid unhealthful risk behaviors
Self-Esteem and Positive Outlook • High esteemed people meet challenges, are usually healthier and live longer, and accept problems as challenges for growth and learning. • See things realistically and take constructive criticism – non-hostile comments that point out problems and encourage improvement. • Analyze self-talk and stay away from negative comments to yourself.
Self (2 types) Public self – the way you want others to see you • Private self – the way you are when by yourself“the real you”
Emotions – signals that tell your mind and body how to react • Happiness – satisfied or feeling positive • Sadness – disappointment, rejection, loss, sorrow, grief Depression – deep, long lasting sadness • Love – strong affection, deep concern, respect • Empathy – ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels • Fear – phobia that can be positive or negative • Guilt – acting against one’s values or failing to act to make a better outcome • Anger – emotionally hurt or physically harmed Hostility – intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior
How can guilt be a positive emotion? + It can stop you from doing something you know is wrong +/- Take action to correct something you did wrong Hormone – a chemical secreted by glands that regulates the activity of different body cells which can have an affect on your emotions • Describe how fear can be positive and negative. + it will cause you to run from a life-threatening situation - choosing to avoid fearful situations rather than confront them Discuss Responding to Your Emotions page 189 • Describe how anger is used positively. + motivational factor; energy supplier - destructive for obvious reasons (property or body/mind) • What are the 4 steps to dealing with anger in a healthy manner? a) accept the fact that you are angry b) express anger in a healthy way c) after you calm down, decide why you are angry d) seek action to improve the situation that caused the anger
Defense mechanisms – mental processes that protect individuals from strong stressful emotions and situations. Figure 7.4 page 190 Repression – involuntary pushing of unpleasant feelings out of conscious thought Suppression – holding back or restraining Rationalization – making excuses to explain a situation or behavior rather than taking responsibility Regression – reverting to early stage development behaviors rather than being mature Denial – unconscious lack of acknowledgement of something obvious to others Compensation – making up for weakness and mistakes Projection – attributing your own feelings or faults to someone else Idealization – seeing something else as perfect, ideal, or more worthy than everyone else
Other Defense Mechanisms • Daydreaming – inattentiveness, distracted, insensitive to what is around you • Displacement – placing blame onto another individual • Identification – recognition of a similar event in life, empathy, sympathy, bond • Reaction formation – behaving in a way opposite to the way you feel • Sublimation – creating a false excuse to cover/hide problem Homework – relate at least one emotion with each defense mechanism by explaining how the defense mechanism is used with the emotion expressed by a person
Type “A” vs. Type “B” Personality Type “A” personality traits 1. create own stressors 2. feel rushed 3. competitive 4. try to accomplish many things as possible in a short period of time 5. set high standards for self and become angry when they are not achieved Type “B” personality traits 1. less competitive 2. less rushed 3. calmer and less concerned about accomplishments 4. less likely to develop illness Why? 5. sometimes they are bored and unable to set own goals