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Discover the mystical world of Romanian plant traditions. Each plant holds a unique significance in folklore, with "Sânziene" and "Ielele" playing key roles. Unveil the magical powers of "Busuiocul" and "Brusturele" in customs like "Paparude." Explore superstitions tied to plants like "Trifoiul cu patru foi" and "Gălbenelele." Embrace the protective nature of plants like "Busuiocul" and "Ienupărul." Dive into the enchanting realm where plants bring luck, love, and prosperity. Uncover the secrets of Romanian traditions intertwined with the magic power of plants.
Each plant has its own meaning and well-defined role in the Romanian tradition. Plants are considered by Romanian peasants as living beingsthat can hear, see, feel, suffer, an even have souls.
“Sânziana"can be considered like a living being because there are some traditions related to this plant.
“Sânzienele"are plants with magic powers. They have power over bearing fruit crops, giving birth to healthy babies, reproducingof birds and animals, as well as healingillnesses.
About these plants there is a tradition called "SÂNZIENE“. This tradition states that in the night of “Sânziene“ the girls put flowers of “Sânziene" under their head and they will see their eternal love in their dreams as well as the time when they will get married. Related to this tradition, “Sânzienele" are said to be beautiful fairies who live in forests or plains, who dance and give magical powers to plants. All these good things happenif they are celebrated right.
If they are not celebrated right,they become angry and they are knownas bad fairies, called in folklore“Iele"or“Rusalii" "Ielele"are virgins with great power to seduce and magical powers. They live in the sky, in woods or in caves on the banks of the water. They appear in the middle of the night,in the moonlight, dancing in isolated places, naked ,with disheveled hair and bells on the legs. Romanian tradition says that the place were the girls danced remains as if fire burned and nothing grows on that place. Also, it says that whoeversees these girls dancing, DIE!
“BUSUIOCUL” Is a protective herb, a symbol of eternal love and magical protection, in close connection with baptism and holy water.
In the night between 5th and 6th January, the girls put their basil under their pillow to dream of their destined. Married or looking for the great love,girls want to know what their future will hold for them and they don’t ever forget about this old custom.
“BRUSTURELE” It is used in customs of “Paparude”. The Paparuda is the ritual celebrated in Spring on a date that varies from place to place. Gipsy girls, clad only in a short `skirt' of “brusture”, vine, and small branches, run through the villages, whilst the peasantry deluge them with water.
Plants that are used in the baby’s first bath: • “Busuioc” to be attractive, especially if the child is a girl. • “Grâu” to be honest. • “Mărar” to be nice like the dill in foods. • “Menta” to grow easy and to be healthy. • “Mac” to sleep well. • Seeds of “Cânepă” to grow quickly.
“Trifoiul cu patru foi” is a very common sign for many peoples, bringer of luck. • “Vâscul” shields of lighting and thunder the house where it is located. • “Iasomia” brings luck and money. • “Ienupărul” protects againts thieves and accidents.
“Gălbenelele” increase positive energy. • “Menta” placed under the pillow during the sleep induces messages that give answers in their dreams for the future. • “Sălciile” planted near the house are protective.
“Busuiocul” protects from evil spirits and thoughts. If you wear a sprig of basil in your wallet, you'll be lucky with money. • “Chimenul” is protective, you should always wear that lucky charm. • “Seeds of Mac” are a talisman of prosperity.
These traditions and superstitions are part of our life everyday, in every moment and they are very important for Romaian traditions.