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UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Programme: Ongoing and future projects. Azhar Jaimurzina Arántzazu Sánchez Belastegui UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Section Azhar.Jaimurzina@UNCTAD.org Arantzazu.Sanchez@UNCTAD.org.
UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Programme:Ongoing and future projects Azhar JaimurzinaArántzazu Sánchez Belastegui UNCTAD Trade Facilitation SectionAzhar.Jaimurzina@UNCTAD.org Arantzazu.Sanchez@UNCTAD.org Symposium on WTO Trade Facilitation for African CountriesNairobi, KenyaNovember 13-15, 2012
UNCTAD’s Trade Facilitation Programme Ongong activities: The UNCTAD project on preparing national TF implementation plans Upcoming UNCTAD activities in Trade Facilitation Content
UNCTAD’s Trade Facilitation Programme (1) Trade facilitation Helping to build consensus Analysis and research Capacity building
UNCTAD’s Trade Facilitation Programme (2) Research Basic data, annual and quarterly reports Technical Notes Guidelines for national TF committees Regional aspects of TF Multilateral negotiations National Implementation plans Quartely Transport Newsletter
UNCTAD’s Trade Facilitation Programme (3) Consensus building Multilateral Regional National task forces
UNCTAD’s Trade Facilitation Programme (4) Technical Assistance and Capacity Building UNCTAD XIII, April 2012: “[UNCTAD should] continue technical assistance, research and analysis, and dialogue on trade facilitation, transport and related issues” Donors for the UNCTAD TF TA programme: European Union, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Nations Development Account, World Bank. Current focus of the programme: Assisting countries in preparing and developing national TF implementation plans –UNCTAD projects on the TF Implementation Plans
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans General (1) • Two UNCTAD projects on implementing TF : • “Strengthening capacities of developing countries in Africa and Asia to support their effective participation in negotiating bilateral, regional and multilateral trade facilitation arrangements“ • “Implementation Plans for WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in Developing Members” • Financed by the European Union, Norway and the United Nations Development Account • Duration: 2 years (2012–2013) • In cooperation with other Annex D organizations (IMF, OECD, WB and WCO) • Focus: TF Measures under negotiation in WTO
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans General (2) • The project’s outputs • National implementation plans: plans for the implementation of TF reforms (confidential) • The UNCTAD consolidated report: implementation challenges, including resource and time requirements and TACB needs • For the participating countries • Increased knowledge of the TF measures under consideration • Mapping out the implementation status of trade facilitation commitments • Identification of the actions needed and resource implications for full compliance • Strengthening/Launching National TF Committees • Discussion and identification of the regional activities and implementation plans
Implementation plan on TF measures currently considered in WTO II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Methodology (1) • Fact finding mission by UNCTAD and/or Annex D and the official launch of the project during a special meeting of the national TF committee • Collection of information by the national consultant through individual interviews with the TF stakeholders and desk-research • Preparation of the draft implementation plan by the national consultant and UNCTAD • National validation conference with the support and participation of UNCTAD/Annex D
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Methodology (2) • Questionnaire – Part A • For each measure, • Text of current draft consolidation negotiation text (from Rev.11 to 13) • Some background information, for example, from the '2008 Self Assessment of Trade Facilitation Needs and Priorities‘
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Methodology (3) • Questionnaire – Part B • 15-20 questions to determine implementation status and actions/resources required for each measure • Principal questions (specific to each measure) • Secondary questions (same for every measure)
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Methodology (4) National Validation Conference • Two-three day meeting combining plenary sessions and work in groups • Analysis and validation of the conclusions on: • Current status of implementation of each of the 39 trade facilitation measures under the current draft TFA; • Action plans for the non- or partially implemented measures and needs for resources and TACB • Implementation priority and category for each measure.
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Geographical coverage (1) • A selection of the least developed countries, middle income developing countries, landlocked countries and small island economies • Three continents and twenty countries
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Progress and results (1) VALIDATION/ FINALIZING Benin: March 12 -> June 12 Burkina Faso: Feb. 12-> June 12 Dom. Rep (WB): April 12 -> Sept.12 Gabon (WCO): March 12 -> May 12 Guatemala: March 12 -> July 12 Nepal: April 12 -> Sept. 12 Paraguay: June 12 -> Oct.12 Tanzania: Jan. 12 -> June 12 Uganda: June 12 -> Oct.12 PREPARATION Sudan: Dec. 12 -> Feb. 13 Suriname (WB): Dec.12 -> Feb.13 Jordan(TBC): Nov.12->March 13 INTERVIEW AND DRAFTING Angola: May 12 -> Dec. 12 Bangladesh (OECD): July 12 -> Nov.12 Burundi: Aug.12 -> Nov. 12 Bhutan: May 12 -> Dec.12 OECS: Aug. 12 -> Feb.13 Rwanda: June 12 -> Nov.12 UNCTAD/Annex D Report • National implementation plans • National implementation plans
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Progress and results (2) 1. Detailed description measure per measure: the current situation
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Progress and results (3) Implementation plan for each measure
II. UNCTAD project on the TF implementation Plans Progress and results (4) Lessons learned • The strong commitment from the country is a must • A WTO Needs Assessment - a good basis but not always enough • Positive impact of using national consultants • Need for regular feedback and advisory on all stages • Need for training/information session before the validation • Need for flexibility on behalf of both UNCTAD and the countries • Ensuring sustainability means continuous support for the TF committees
Upcoming TF activities Follow up to the national implementation plans: integrating regional and inter-regional components UNCTAD study on national trade facilitation committees
Objectives • Identify incompatibilities and synergies in bilateral and regional trade facilitation commitments, and adapt accordingly the national TF implementation plans • Identify national best practices that could be applied in other countries • Highlight needs for regional cooperation • A. Follow up to the national implementation plans: regional component
Activities: 4-5 regional TF Forums Logistics: • To be organized in 2013 in EAC, in Western Africa, in Latin America, South Asia and in the Caribbean (TBC). • Invitation of two/three experts per country and international experts • Organizational costs to be covered by UNCTAD Content: • Selection of 5-10 measures requiring regional cooperation • Presentation of best TF practices and lessons learned • Presentation of challenges for TF identified, specially in connection with the regional initiatives and projects • A. Follow up to the national implementation plans: regional component
Activities: Inter-Regional TF Forum Logistics: • To be organized in the second quarter of 2014 in Geneva • Countries from Africa and Asia (UNDA project) • Invitation of two/three experts per country • Organizational costs to be covered by UNCTAD Content: • Presentation of best TF practices and lessons learned • Enhancing South South cooperation • A. Follow up to the national implementation plans: inter-regional component
UNCTAD long-standing support to the establishment of the national TF committees (NGTF) in developing countries: from a recommendation to a possible legal obligation in WTO UNCTAD approach: Analyze best practices for setting up and operating a NTFC • UNCTAD TF Handbook Part I • UNCTAD Technical Note 18 • UNCTAD online repository of national cases throughout the world 2013: An in-depth study of the NTFC together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ongoing) Possible intergovernmental meeting in 2013 on the NTFC • B. UNCTAD Study on National TF Committee
Thank you for your attention!Questions? Azhar JaimurzinaArántzazu Sánchez Belastegui UNCTAD Trade Facilitation SectionAzhar.Jaimurzina@UNCTAD.org Arantzazu.Sanchez@UNCTAD.org