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National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion Closing Remarks. Research Impact. Turbine/Ramjet Transition
National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle PropulsionClosing Remarks
Research Impact Turbine/Ramjet Transition The Center’s research will lead to deployment of improved and validated methods that will improve the accuracy of future high speed dual-inlet TBCC flowpath calculations, especially the mode transition. An example is the development of immersed boundary techniques for rendering of boundary layer control devices and improved bleed models. Ramjet/Scramjet Transition The Center will provide the scientific community with a unique and comprehensive experimental database for dual-mode scramjet operation, including fuel-air mixing and combustion and the dual-mode transition, using both hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels. Advanced laser-based flowfield diagnostics will be further developed and applied to provide previously unavailable velocity, species and temperature distributions, and their correlations, to benchmark computational models. Hypervelocity Regime Experimental datasets will be provided by a low-cost impulse facility for CFD validation over a range of enthalpy levels (Mach 5, 7 & 10) in which the flow physics, including nonequilibrium effects, will be quantified. This ground test capability will be made available for future research.
Research Impact (cont) Advanced Modeling Progress toward the development of a 'tip-to-tail' simulation methodology for scramjet components will be made using LES/RANS methods. Advanced closures for turbulence / chemistry interactions will be incorporated into the LES/RANS framework. High fidelity LES/RANS and LES/FMDF models will be developed. These models will be used for numerical simulations of combined cycle systems for conditions which laboratory experiments cannot reproduce. Turbulent mixing and flame holding (extinction/reignition) in high speeds will be studied by LES/FMDF for various combustor geometries and fuel injection strategies, which potentially lead to a better design of fuel injection and flame holding systems. The Center will develop reliable and portable combustion software based on the S-FMDF for use in various production codes. Specifically, the S-FMDF will be incorporated into NASA’s VULCAN code, making it a better combustion solver. A library of DNS data for several fundamental high speed flows will be provided. These data will be invaluable for the development and assessment of advanced CFD models for hypersonic systems. With the detailed analysis of DNS data, a better understanding of shock-turbulence-combustion interactions will be developed. Chemistry modeling Reduced chemical kinetics models and tabulation techniques will be available for realistic, high speed flow calculations by combining them with LES/FMDF. The effect of chemistry on ignition, flame holding and combustor performance will be clarified.
NATIONAL CENTER FOR HYPERSONIC COMBINED CYCLE PROPULSION: ROADMAP 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 10 Design model Define diagnostics • Build/install model • Mach 5 testing Experiments Mach 7 testing Mach 10 testing HYPERVELOCITY Diagnostics Define diagnostics TDLAS/wall pressures and temperatures/flow visualization Modeling RANS RANS/LES-RANS Test with current combustor Design/build new ramp w/ H2 MACH NUMBER 6 Test new ramp w/ H2, Isolator Design/build cavity w/ H-C Test Cavity w/ H-C, Isolator Shock Train Control/Distributed Fueling Experiments DUAL MODE CARS/IRS PIV TDLAS/ TDLAT CARS/IRS PIV TDLAS/ TDLAT CARS/IRS PIV TDLAS/ TDLAT PIV TDLAS TDLAT Diagnostics 5 RANS/LES-RANS S-FDF EPFVS-FDF RANS/LES-RANS S-FDF RANS/LES-RANS RANS Modeling 4 DUAL INLET Begin LIMX Controlled testing mode transition Experiments Assemble LIMX CCE Turbine Diagnostics Wall pressures, pitot rakes, dynamic pressures and accelerometers RANS IMX post-test analysis LIMX pretest analysis pretest Modeling RANS post-test LIMX analysis LES-RANS calculations of IMX 3 RANS of IMX, current and new UVa H2 combustors RANS of IMX-LIMX, HYPULSE and new UVa H2 with ramp, isolator RANS of LIMX, HYPULSE and UVa H-C combustor with cavity, isolator GEN 1 Hybrid LES-RANS of new UVa H2 ramp, isolator; S-FDF of UVa H2 ramp, S-FDF in VULCAN Hybrid LES-RANS of IMX and UVa H-C with cavity, isolator ; S-FDF in VULCAN ADVANCED MODELING GEN 2 GEN 3 Development of EPFVS-FDF with the help of DNS EPFVS-FDF of UVa ramp with H2 CHEMISTRY Chemistry models for HC / ISAT-RCCE procedures / Implementation in VULCAN
Collaboration with NASA and Air Force Core Research • Boeing and NASA pre-test and post-test analysis of NASA Glenn IMX and LIMX experiments (partially supported by Center) • Boeing and NASA IMX & LIMX CFD analysis results shared in JANNAF distortion workshops organized by NASA and AFRL (partially supported by the Center) • Flowfield diagnostics methods under development and application (Carter, AFRL, and Diskin and Danehy, NASA Langley) • Two UVa PhD students conducting dissertation research in Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion Branch, NASA Langley (with Rock, Gaffney, Baurle and Drozda) • UVa PhD student conducting dissertation research in Advanced Sensing and Optical Measurement Branch, NASA Langley (with Danehy) • Pittsburgh PhD student employed half-time as contractor to AFRL. Completed his MS in collaboration with NASA Langley • Three GWU PhD students conducting dissertation research in Advanced Sensing and Optical Measurements Branch (with Danehy)
Collaboration, cont. • CFD to support SDPTE (Hy-V) Program (Georgiadis, NASA Glenn) • Scramjet vitiation effects analysis with NASA Glenn (Trefny and Georgiadis) • Inflow distortion effects with AFRL (Hagenmaier) • NASA FAP Hypersonics scramjet experiment with UTRC (Donohue) • Tomography system design, development and application to DCR combustion facility (with Diskin, NASA Langley) • LES/RANS methodology for sonic injection and isolator shock train studies (Hagenmaier, Carter, Brown and Boles, AFRL) • Benchmark LES/RANS data for RANS model assessment (Benek, AFRL) • Inflow turbulence generation and low-dissipation numerics (Baurle, NASA Langley) • Prototype Stanford TDL sensor for model scramjet performance testing at AFRL (Gruber) • Development of dual-pump CARS techniques (Danehy, NASA Langley) • SDPTE (Hy-V) Program funded by Advanced Propulsion Test and Evaluation, Test Evaluation/Science and Technology Program (Fetterhoff, OSD and Eberspeaker, NASA Wallops)
Transfer of Center’s Results to NASA and the Air Force • Incorporation of S-FMDF into NASA Vulcan code by Jaberi (in collaboration with Baurle and Drozda, NASA Langley) • Ethylene kinetic mechanism provided to AEDC (Langford), Ecklund (AFRL) and Baurle (NASA) by Chelliah • UVa Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography being implemented for measurements on the NASA Langley DCR tunnel (in collaboration with Diskin and Gaffney, NASA Langley) (planned for Summer 2011) • SDPTE (Hy-V) Program test article for test in NASA HyPULSE Facility • Dual-mode data sets to be provided for code calibration and validation (Hagenmaier and Ecklund, AFRL, and Gaffney, Baurle and Drozda, NASA Langley) • Dual mode data sets to be provided for code calibration and validation to The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP), KTA-433 Hypersonics Working Group (members are Danehy, NASA Langley; Ecklund, AFRL; UK DSTL, Australian DSTO, Canadian DRDC) • Hypervelocity data sets to be provided for code calibration and validation (Hagenmaier and Ecklund, AFRL, and Gaffney, Baurle and Drozda, NASA Langley)
Transfer, cont. • GWU supersonic coaxial flame data base for code calibration and validation (Danehy and Gaffney, NASA) (partially supported by Center funds) • CARS measurements in NASA Langley’s DCR scramjet model (planned for 2011) • Incorporation of NCSU Generation 2 IMX methods into analysis codes • LES/RANS hybridization strategies incorporated into AFRL and NASA codes (Baurle, NASA Langley, and Hagenmaier and Boles, AFRL) • Wavelength-multiplexing and low-noise fiber-coupling strategies developed at Stanford for TDL absorption sensors at NASA (Diskin) • TDL absorption sensor design strategies (line selection, fiber optics, data analysis schemes) developed at Stanford for TDL sensing at AFRL (Brown) • Incorporation of scalar-FMDF into the US3D code, which is used extensively by NASA and ARFL VERY IMPORTANT: Center is producing a new generation of engineers trained in hypersonic airbreathing propulsion which will be available to the workforce (NASA, Air Force, industry and academia)
Journal Articles and Conference Papers Journal Articles • Rockwell, R. D., Goyne, C. P., Haw, W., McDaniel, J. C., Goldenstein, C. S., Schultz, I. A., Jeffries, J. B,, and Hanson, R. K., "Measurement of water vapor levels for investigating vitiation effects on scramjet performance," Journal of Propulsion and Power, in review. • K. A. Kemenov , H. Wang , S. B. Pope, “Turbulence Resolution Scale Dependence in Large-Eddy Simulation of a Jet Flame”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, in review. • K. A. Kemenov , H. Wang , S. B. Pope, “Modeling effects of subgrid-scale mixture fraction variance in LES of a piloted diffusion flame”, Combustion Theory and Modelling, in review. • Gieseking, D.A., Choi, J.I., Edwards, J.R. and Hassan, H.A., “Compressible-Flow Simulations using a New LES/RANS Model,” AIAA Journal, in review. • Esposito, G and Chelliah, HK, “Uncertainty analysis of kinetic parameters in predicting ignition and extinction limits,” Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, in review. • Sarnacki, B.G., Esposito, G., Krauss, R.H. and Chelliah, H.K., “Extinction Limits and Associated Uncertainties of Non-Premixed Counterflow Flames of Methane, Ethylene, Propylene and n-Butane in Air, Combustion and Flame,” in review. • Edwards, J.R., Boles, J.A. and Baurle, R.A., “Large-Eddy / Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulation of a Supersonic Reacting Wall Jet,” Combustion and Flame, in review. • Banaeizadeh, A., Li, Z., and Jaberi, F.A., “Compressible Scalar FMDF Model for Large-Eddy Simulations of High speed Turbulent Flows,” AIAA Journal, accepted for publication.
Cutler, A.D., Magnotti, G., "CARS Spectral Fitting with Multiple Resonant Species Using Sparse Libraries," J. Raman Spectroscopy, accepted for publication. • Hiremath, V., Ren, Z. and Pope, S.B., "Combined Dimension Reduction and Tabulation Strategy using ISAT-RCCE-GALI for the Efficient Implementation of Combustion Chemistry", Combustion and Flame, accepted for publication. • Ren, Z., Goldin, G.M., Hiremath, V. and Pope, S.B., “Reduced Description of Reactive Flows with Tabulation of Chemistry,” Combustion Theory and Modelling, accepted for publication. • Rockwell, R.D., Goyne, C.P., Haw, W.L., Krauss, R.H., McDaniel, J.C. and Trefny, C.J., “Experimental Study of the Effects of Test Media Vitiation on the Performance and Operation of a Dual-Mode Scramjet,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, accepted for publication. • Goyne, C.P., Cresci, D. and Fetterhoff, T., “Short Duration Propulsion Test and Evaluation (Hy-V) Program,” International Journal of Hypersonics, accepted for publication. • Li, Z. and Jaberi, F.A.,“A High-Order Finite-Difference Method for Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Turbulent Flows,'' International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, in press, published online, 2011. • Hanson, R.K.,“Applications of quantitative laser sensors to kinetics, propulsion, and practical energy systems,” Proceedings Combustion Institute33, 2011, pp. 1-40. • Esposito, G., Chelliah, HK, “Skeletal reaction models based on principal component analysis: Application to ethylene–air ignition, propagation, and extinction phenomena,” Combustion and Flame 158, 2011, pp. 477–489. • Haw, W. L., Goyne, C. P., Rockwell, R. D., Krauss, R. H., and McDaniel, J. C., “Experimental Study of Vitiation Effects on Scramjet Mode Transition,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2011, pp.506-508.
Tedder, S.A., Wheeler, J.L., Cutler, A.D., Danehy, P.M., "Width-Increased Dual-Pump Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (WIDECARS)," Applied Optics Vol. 49, Iss. 8, 2010, pp. 1305-1313. • Yaldizli, M., Mehravaran, K., Jaberi, F.A., “Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Methane Jet Flames with Filtered Mass Density Function,” Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53, 2010, pp. 2551-2562. • Martin, E.F., Goyne, C.P. and Diskin, G.S., “Analysis of a Tomography Technique for a Scramjet Wind tunnel,” International Journal of Hypersonics, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2010, pp. 173-180. • Howison, J. and Goyne, C.P., “Assessment of Seeder Performance for Particle Velocimetry in a Scramjet Combustor,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2010, pp. 147-159. • Hiremath, V., Ren, Z. and Pope, S.B., “A Greedy Algorithm for Species Selection in Dimension Reduction of Combustion,” Combustion Theory and Modelling, 14(5), 2010, pp. 619-652. 5 journal articles published in 2010, 4 more already published in 2011 13 in progress (in review or accepted) Publication rate is rapidly increasing as Center matures PublicationSummary
Conference Papers (2011) • Bivolaru, D., Cutler A.D., Danehy, P.M, "Spatially- and Temporally-resolved Multi-parameter Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering," AIAA-2011-1293, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 2011. • Sarnacki BG and Chelliah HK, “Extinction Limits of C1 -C4 Hydrocarbon and Air Nonpremixed Flames Relevant for Hypersonic Applications,” AIAA 2009-317, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011. • Jammalamadaka, A., Li, Z., and Jaberi, F., “Numerical Study of Shock-Boundary Layer Interactions for Various Shock and Flow Conditions,” AIAA-2011-0727, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011 • Goldenstein, C.S., Schultz, I.A., Jeffries, J.B., Hanson, R.K.,“Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Sensor for Measurements of Temperature and Water Concentration in Supersonic Flows,” AIAA-2011-1094, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011. • Esposito G and Chelliah HK, “Higher-Order Correlation of Kinetic Parameters from Global Sensitivity Analysis with Consideration of Extinction Phenomena of Non-Premixed Flames,” AIAA 2009-509, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011. • Bryner, E., Busa, K.M., McDaniel, J.C., Goyne, C.P. and Diskin, G.S.,“Spatially-Resolved Temperature and Water Vapor Concentrations in a Flat Flame Burner by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography,” AIAA Paper No. 2011-1291, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011. • Busa, K.M., Bryner, E., McDaniel, J.C., Goyne, C.P., Smith, C.T. and Diskin, G.S., “Demonstration of Capability of Water Flux Measurement in a Scramjet Combustor using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography and Stereoscopic PIV,” AIAA Paper No. 2011-1294, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011.
Conference Papers (2010) • Bryner, E., Sharma, M., Goyne, C.P., Krauss, R.K, Snyder, M., McDaniel, J.C., Martin, E. and Diskin, G.S., “Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Technique Development for Determination of Spatially-Resolved Water Concentration and Temperature,” AIAA 2010-299, 48th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL., Jan. 2010 • Magnotti, G., Cutler, A.D., Danehy, P.M., "Beam Shaping for CARS Measurements in Turbulent Environments," AIAA-2010-1430, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Li, Z. and Jaberi, F.A.,“Numerical Investigations of Shock-Turbulence Interactions in a Planar Mixing Layer,” AIAA-2010-0112, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Banaeizadeh, A., Li, Z., and Jaberi, F.A., “Large-Eddy Simulations of Supersonic Turbulent Reacting Flow,” AIAA-2010-0202, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Jammalamadaka, A., Li, Z., and Jaberi, F.A., “Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction with an oblique Shock Wave,” AIAA-2010-0110, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Gieseking, D.A., Choi, J.-I., Edwards, J.R., and Hassan, H.A. “Simulation of Shock / Boundary Layer Interactions Using Improved LES/RANS Models,” AIAA Paper 2010-110, 48th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Rockwell, R.D., Goyne, C.P., Haw, W.L., Krauss, R.H., McDaniel, J.C. and Trefny, C.J., Experimental Study of the Effects of Test Media Vitiation on the Performance and Operation of a Dual-Mode Scramjet,”AIAA Paper No. 2010-1126, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Cutler, A.D., Magnotti,G., "CARS Spectral Fitting with Multiple Resonant Species Using Sparse Libraries," AIAA-2010-1397, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2010. • Tedder, S., Cutler, A.D., Danehy, P.M. "Width-Increased Dual-Pump Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (WIDECARS)," AIAA-2010-4807, 27th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, Chicago, IL, June, 2010.
To Be Presented • Fulton, J.A., Edwards, J.R., Goyne, C.P., McDaniel, J.C. and Rockwell, R., “Validation of Numerical Simulation of Flow in a Dual-Mode RAM/SCRAMjet Combustor,” accepted for presentation at the 41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 2011. • Hassan, H.A., Edwards, J.R. and Fulton, J.A., “Role of Turbulence Modeling in Supersonic Combustion,” accepted for presentation at the 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July-August 2011. • Ghosh, S., Edwards, J.R. and Choi, J-I., “Numerical Simulation of a Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle Inlet using an Immersed-Boundary Method,” accepted for presentation at the 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July-August 2011. • Hanson, R.K. and Jeffries, J.B., “Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Sensors for Aeropropulsion,” Paper ISABE-2011-1810, International Society for Airbreathing Engines, Gottenburg, Sweden, Sept. 2011. Conference Papers Summary 2010 – 9; 2011 – 11 (to date) Research findings are being disseminated in a timely fashion
Students • University of Virginia (Jim McDaniel, HarshaChelliah and Chris Goyne) -Elliott Bryner, PhD, “Development of Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography for Determination of Spatially Resolved Distributions of Water Vapor Temperature and Concentration,” Dec. 2010 (funded by General Electric Company)- Chad Smith, PhD: Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry for Supersonic Combustion (100% teaching assistantship)- Brian Rice, PhD: Stereoscopic Particle Image VelocimetryforMeasurements in a Dual-Mode Isolator (100% matching funds)- Kristin Busa, PhD: Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography (100% National Science Foundation Fellowship) -Justin Kirk,PhD: Nonintrusive Measurements in a Dual-Mode Combustor (100% Commonwealth Fellowship) - Ryan Johnson, PhD: Efficient implementation of reduced reaction models in multi-dimensional reacting flow simulations (100% National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship) -BrendynSarnacki, PhD: Experimental measurement of extinction limits of C1-C4 hydrocarbon fuels (Virginia Space Grant Consortium Fellowship)
University of Virginia Students, cont. - Mike Smayda, PhD: HYPULSE and Hy-V Design and Analysis (100% teaching assistantship) - Dr. Gaetano Esposito (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD 2011): “Chemical kinetic model analysis and reduction via global sensitivity analysis and principal component analysis” - Dr. David Sheen (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD 2011): “Chemical kinetic model optimization” (jointly supported by NIST) - Ben Tatman, MS: Cavity Flameholder for Supersonic Combustion of Hydrocarbon Fuels (100% matching funds) -Stu Keech, BS: Software Development for TDLAT (Virginia Space Grant Consortium Scholarship) -Ryan Clubb, BS: Particle Injection Approaches for Stereoscopic Particle Imaging Velocimetry (Virginia Space Grant Consortium Scholarship) -Eric Ellison, BS: Data Acquisition and Analysis for Tomographic Measurements (Virginia Space Grant Consortium Scholarship)-Brian McGovern, BS: Design of Hardware for Tomographic Measurements (Virginia Space Grant Consortium Scholarship)
University of Pittsburgh (PeymanGivi) -Collin Otis, PhD: S-FMDF simulation of high speed turbulent reacting flows on unstructured grids (NASA Aeronautics Scholarship) -MehdiNik, PhD: EPVS-FMDF for LES for high speed turbulent flows • University of Buffalo (Cyrus Madnia) -NavidSamadiVaghefi, PhD: Large-scale numerical simulation and modeling of compressible turbulent reacting flows (25% department support) • Cornell University (Steve Pope)-VarunHiremath, PhD: Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry in CFD using rate-controlled constrainedequilibrium, in situ adaptive tabulation (50% teaching assistantship)-Konstantin Kamenev (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD 2006): “A new two-scale decomposition approach for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows”
George Washington University (Andrew Cutler) -Gaetano Magnotti, PhD: CARS measurement in a supersonic combustion flow-Luca Cantu, PhD: Optical diagnostic measurements in the UVa dual mode scramjet -Emanuela Gallo, PhD: Nonlinear optical diagnostics (50% fellowship) • Michigan State University (FarhadJaberi)-SalehRezaeiravesh, PhD: Large-Eddy Simulations of Supersonic Turbulent Combustion-HusamAbdulrahman, PhD: Large Eddy Simulation of TurbulentMixing and Combustion in Distributed Combustion Systems (100% fellowship) -Dr. Zhaorui Li (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD, 2008): “Modeling and Simulations of Multi-Phase Turbulent Flows” • Boeing (Kevin Bowcutt and Marty Bradley) -Matt Sexton, PhD: Design with Uncertainty Quantification (funded by Boeing)
North Carolina State University (Jack Edwards) -Jesse Fulton, PhD: RANS and LES/RANS simulations of the UVAdual-mode combustor experiments-Patrick Vogel, MS: Numerical simulation of hypervelocity scramjet combustion-Dr. SantanuGhosh (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD, 2010): “Numerical simulation of the IMX TBCC inlet experiment using immersed-boundary techniques for rendering bleed arrays” • Stanford University (Ron Hanson)-Ian Schultz, PhD: Optical absorption diagnostics at high bandwidth for advanced aero-propulsion systems-Christopher Goldenstein, PhD: Optical absorption diagnostics toresolve spatial structures in high-speed (25% fellowship)-Marcel Nations, PhD: Extension of hypersonic flow facility sensors to mid-infrared measurements for species such as CO2 (100% fellowship)
Student Summary • 22 PhD, 2 MS, 4 BS (total of 28 students) currently doing research in the Center (5 post-doctoral fellows not included) • 21 of the 28 students (75%) have support from sources other than Center funds • Center funding for students is greatly leveraged • In the proposal, we said: “Involvement of students (both undergraduate and graduate) in research is an issue which will be taken very seriously at this Center. We expect to graduate approximately thirty five graduate students during the course of the Center. We are committed to recruiting excellent quality students and involving them in high caliber research of the kind proposed here.” • After 2 years we have engaged 24 graduate students, well on the way to the proposed 35 over the 5 years of the grant
Advisory Board Members Government: Industry: Phil Drummond, NASA DRA, chair Munir Sindir, Pratt & Whitney/Rocketdyne Rick Gaffney, NASA John Sparks, Aerojet Paul Danehy, NASA Mark Hagenmaier, AFRL University: Cam Carter, AFRL Mark Lewis, University of Maryland Elaine Oran, NRL Parviz Moin, Stanford University Graham Candler, University of Minnesota Interactions with Advisory Board • Operating under charter approved by the board • Semi-annual meetings after annual reviews and the Aerospace Sciences Meetings • Invited to attend Center’s semi-annual WebEx Update Presentations and give feedback • Sent monthly Center Research Updates • Sent Center annual reports • Copied on all correspondence to Center PIs to keep Advisory Board informed
Primary Research Collaborations Government: • NASA Langley: Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion Branch (Ken Rock, Rob Baurle, Mark Carpenter, Jeff White, David Witte, and Rick Gaffney), Optical Measurements Branch (Paul Danehy), Chemistry and Dynamics Branch (Glenn Diskin) • NASA Glenn Inlet and Nozzle Branch (Dave Saunders, John Slader, Vance Dippold, Scott Thomas, Chuck Trefny and Nick Georgiadis) • AFRL Aerospace Propulsion Division (Mark Hagenmaier, Dean Eklund, Mark Gruber, Cam Carter, Datta Gaitonde, and Tom Jackson) • Advanced Propulsion Test Technology (APTT), Test & Evaluation / Science & Technology Program (Hy-V) Industry: • Aerojet (John Sparks, Mark Friedlander) • Pratt & Whitney / Rocketdyne (Munir Sindir and Dean Andreadis) • TechLand Research (Bobby Saunders and Lois Weir) • Boeing CFD Development (Andrew Cary and Andy Dorgan) • Taitech, Inc. (John Boles) Academic: • National Center for Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition Research (Bill Saric and Rodney Bowersox): topics include combustor inlet BL, turbulent BL with non-equilibrium and real gas effects, location and scaling of BL trips for flight research (Hy-V), characterizing BL transition in HYPULSE facility and development of LES bridging methods • University of Cambridge (Holger Babinsky) • University of Texas (Noel Clemens) • Stanford Center for Turbulence Research (Parviz Moin) International: • University of Queensland Centre for Hypersonics (Russell Boyce) • Australian Hypersonics Network