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PERSONNEL SPECIALIST (PS) RATING BRIEF FOR PAY & PERSONNEL CONFERENCE. PSC(SW/AW) Laura Smith Admin/Media ECM TECHAD 28 July 2011. Community Management Functions. Total Force Accession planning Quality, quantity, policy Rate conversions Training Initial ( ‘ A ’ ) school requirement

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  2. Community ManagementFunctions Total Force Accession planning Quality, quantity, policy Rate conversions Training Initial (‘A’) school requirement Advanced/career (‘C’) school requirements Rating advisor to NETC/NPDC Review billet changes for impacts on community health Sea/shore Flow Career progression Geographic Stability Information dissemination Link, web pages, PAO efforts, Area Visits Miscellaneous NEC changes, Occ standards, ASVABs, language management Force structure management Advancement Career paths Retention Retirements Separations (early, hardship) Sea Shore Flow Perform to Serve (PTS) Rating Mergers-Est and Dis-Est and Reviews HYT ERB (Enlisted Retention Board Quotas) Incentives Enlistment bonuses (EB, NRC) Special duty assignment pay (SDAP) Selective reenlistment bonuses (SRB)

  3. PS BLUF • The PS Rating is in the final stages of executing a downsizing initiative that began in 2008. Similar reductions occurred within the PS FTS and SELRES communities. There are no plans to disestablish the PS Rating. • Current to FY13 EPA Manning: • POM-12 actions increased the number of OUTUS/Sea Duty Billets by 205 • 122 OUTUS billets added to support PASS overseas activities • 146 Optimal manning billets • Minus 63 PS billets eliminated for various staff reductions and shore manpower cuts • PS Inventory Management: • Perform to Serve Quota Management via FLEETRIDE • Short Term Extensions • High Year Tenure

  4. PS Summary EPA to Inventory EPA CHASE Identifies POM -12 buyback with increase of EPA through FY17 Inventory number includes Spring EPA and CY211 Advancement results.

  5. PS COMMUNITY HEALTH • ECM actions: • 0 HYT waiver were granted and 0 STE’s have been granted for FY11. • Approving majority of Early out requests • PTS will be utilized to reduce inventory . FY11 Accession goal = 219 = 88% of peak EPA. STE ECM approval currently required for Zone A, B & C LOS 11-13 ERB Target 88 Zone C has 16 “at-risk” eligibles remaining for FY11 Zone D has 209 excess Sailors. 144 E-6 possibly facing HYT. Zone D has 209 excess Sailors (63 E-5). No force shaping levers available. E4 HYT E5 HYT E6 HYT E7 HYT E8 HYT Zone A 91% (-107) Zone B 88% (-50) Zone C 140% (+138) Zone D 150% (+209) Zone E Early Career Transition Time in Grade Waivers CPO Continuation Board Petty Officer Continuation Board Sanctuary Perform to Serve (PTS)

  6. PS FTS Summary EPA to Inventory EPA CHASE Reduction of EPA 2008 - 2011 (25%). 2012 – 2014 EPA stabilizes.

  7. PS FTS COMMUNITY HEALTH FY11 Accessions 100% of ECM Need (26). • ECM actions: • 0 HYT waiver were granted and 0 STE’s have been granted for FY11. • Approving all Early out requests Zone B-C. • Zone B and C PTS will be utilized to reduce inventory . STE ECM approval currently required for Zones B & C 11 conversions from PTS not reflected in current inventory Early Out Requests FY11E4 – 1 E4 HYT LOS 13/14 E5 = 16 HYT LOS 19/20 E5 = 5 HYT E6 = 44 E5 HYT E6 HYT E7 HYT E8 HYT Zone A 76% (-72) Zone B 104% (+7) Zone C 108% (+11) Zone D 118% (+33) Zone E Early Career Transition Time in Grade Waivers CPO Continuation Board Perform to Serve (PTS) Sanctuary

  8. Community Manager - PS (SELRES) Accessions/Attrition/Incentives Historical/EPA Chase EPA Paygradevs Inventory/Advancements ECM Notes • Manned at 109%; forecast to be 101% EOY FY11 (no more accessions) • Accessions • FY10 NAT attainments 110% (22/20) • FY10 PS attainments 167% (30/18) • 20% (6/30) FY10 & 36% (41/119) FY11 Prior Service accessions within 180 days of leaving active duty • NATs in accession pipeline 19 • 10 in DEP, 4 in RTC, 5 in “A” school • PTS with SELRES option • Approved 1 in FY-10, 48 in FY11, 25 in FY12; CTO affiliated 17

  9. Way Ahead • Stabilize overall manning with proper accessions, PTS and • lateral/direct conversions, SELRES conversions or PTS separate. • Continue to provide PS updates at the NC Symposium, PSD/PASS • Working Group, and PAYPERS Conferences. • Continue communication to Fleet that all PSs (E-6 and below) be screened • in FleetRIDE and conduct CDBs to identify and discuss career options. • Continue execution of Policy: HYT + STE + PTS. • PS Rate Training Manual Conf sked for SANDGO from 22-26 Aug • PS Course Curriculum review sked for Jul 17-22 • NEC authorization for PS NEC-2905 paygrade to E-3 signed on 15 June 11.

  10. ECM (BUPERS-32 ) POINTS OF CONTACT Head Enlisted Community Manager (ECM) Deputy, Head ECM (BUPERS-32) (BUPERS-32B) CAPT Hank P. Roux Mr. Mike Dawson Office: (901) 874-3496 / DSN 882-3496 Office: (901) 874-2678 /DSN 882-2678 Email: hank.roux@navy.mil Email: michael.l.dawson@navy.mil Admin/Media Enlisted Community Manager Admin/Media ECM Technical Advisor LT Hope Hair PSC(SW/AW) Laura Smith YN / PS / RP / MC / MU / LN / NC(F) / NC(R) PS / RP / MC/FTS PS Office: (901) 874-2949 / DSN: 882-2949 Office: (901) 874-3765/ DSN: 882-3765 Fax: (901) 874-2401 / DSN: 882-2401 Email: laura.l.smith1@navy.mil Email: hope.hair@navy.mil Full Time Support (FTS) ECM SELRES Technical Advisor LCDR Eric Wignes PSCS(AW)Robert A. Ferrari Office: (901) 874-2869 / DSN 882-2869 Office: (901)874-4508/DSN 882-4508 Email: eric.wignes@navy.mil Email: robert.ferrari@navy.mil Selected Reserve (SELRES) ECM LCDR Bradley S. Slocum Office: (901) 874-4511 /DSN 882-4511 Email: bradley.s.slocum@navy.mil

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