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The Regional Emergency Planning Model: A Process for Developing Regional Planning

The REPM Process. Process for developing regional disaster response and recovery partnerships. Model process:Facilitated workshopsFocus groupsPartnership development meetingsEducational eventsModel process used to develop a proactive regional planning effort in communities. . Partnerships. Pro

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The Regional Emergency Planning Model: A Process for Developing Regional Planning

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    1. The Regional Emergency Planning Model: A Process for Developing Regional Planning Regional Emergency Planning Model Project (REPM) South Carolina and North Carolina Southeast CARRI Department of Homeland Security’s SERRI Initiative Dr. Laura Myers Disaster Preparedness Research Scientist

    2. The REPM Process Process for developing regional disaster response and recovery partnerships. Model process: Facilitated workshops Focus groups Partnership development meetings Educational events Model process used to develop a proactive regional planning effort in communities.

    3. Partnerships Proactive regional planning efforts prepare communities prior to disasters to… create or enhance an existing regional response and recovery plan. Planning is based on the efficiency and effectiveness of regional partnerships. Regional partnerships allow for the sharing of resources and efforts… and can reduce demand on localities when resources are limited or overwhelmed.

    4. Regional Partnership Outcomes Partnerships on a regional scope can… decrease response time and initiate recovery efforts more quickly. Communities with limited resources for disaster response and recovery can… be part of the regional partnership efforts to increase their ability to be more resilient.

    5. REPM Communities Communities that have tested and used the regional partnership development process, as well as the methods for using and customizing the process will be highlighted. Charlotte, NC Spartanburg, SC Western Piedmont Task Force Anderson, SC Abbeville, SC Oconee, SC Pickens, SC Greenwood, SC

    6. Regional Emergency Planning Resiliency The economy Achieving equilibrium after a disaster Time to stability Strengthening public-private collaborations Community-based preparedness Grassroots efforts Boots on the ground Volunteer organizations Faith-based organizations Businesses Schools Citizens

    7. Regional Emergency Planning Disparate emergency planning stakeholders Emergency Management Law Enforcement Fire Local government Business Banking Industry Insurance Industry VOADS Utilities

    8. Regional Emergency Planning Model Relation of Model’s Purpose to Homeland Security Critical Infrastructure Protection: Assist users in… identifying appropriate critical infrastructure partners in the process and doing so at a regional level. identifying critical infrastructure protection needs at a regional level. developing plans regional in scope. allocating regional resources to more localized critical infrastructure protection plans.

    9. Regional Emergency Planning Model The development of enhanced regional planning that results from use of the model process will permit… better allocation of emergency response resources. a reduction in redundancy of efforts within a region. a better distribution of financial resources and assets.

    10. Preparedness A culture of preparedness Grassroots effort Organization of communities Ensure self-reliance Individual and family preparedness Create continuity of community Develop the region Create effective community partnerships ID and leverage collective capabilities of local stakeholders Develop effective cross-sector partnerships

    11. Partnerships Trusted, tested relationships Common purpose How is this done? Cannot be mandated. Need safe, neutral environment to do this.

    12. Partnerships Partnerships must reflect the needs, priorities, and the economies of the regions they serve. All Hazards approach Build consensus, but not force compliance. Bringing stakeholders into early stages of risk analysis, disaster planning, preparation, exercising, coordinated mitigation, and response and recovery efforts.

    13. Outcomes Educate on the importance of resilient communities. Highlight infrastructure interdependencies. Increase number and efficacy of partnerships with the goal of resiliency. Gather relevant information and best practices. Enhance coordinated resource management. Create “all-hazards” preparedness and resilience.

    14. Outcomes Preparedness to the “left” of the disaster. Not just focusing on the “right” of the disaster. Regional partnerships are “left” planning efforts. Culture of preparedness Retired General Honoré, Joint Task Force Katrina

    15. Outcomes Complement existing industry-specific programs. Reduce barriers to partnerships. Grow the region. Demonstrate the development of regionalization, partnerships, and resiliency. After the disaster Plans Exercises Highlight when possible Education Accreditation and certification

    16. Regionalizing Leadership-Who, what, where, and when? Current status in regard to regionalizing, partnerships, and resilience… Defining changes… Defining events… Barriers that have had to be overcome… Barriers yet to overcome…

    17. Regionalizing Visions and goals Charlotte, NC Spartanburg, SC Western Piedmont Task Force The Disaster Summit The I-85 Corridor Greenville County Clemson University Coastal Communities Gulf Coast Communities

    18. Conclusion Regionalization points Reduce duplication of effort and resources. Resilience points Economic development and ROI. Strategies for success Connections to other regional teams http://responseplanners.com/projects/

    19. Questions and Answers Thank You!! Dr. Laura Myers LB.Myers@earthlink.net (828) 243-2952

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