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DPW ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMME SELECT COMMITTEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. PURPOSE. To apprise the Committee on the progress relevant to : Energy Efficiency Improvements effected in Government Buildings under the Custodianship of the NDPW by effecting: Shared Savings Model
PURPOSE To apprise the Committee on the progress relevant to : Energy Efficiency Improvements effected in Government Buildings under the Custodianship of the NDPW by effecting: Shared Savings Model Retrofitting Projects Behavioral Changes Energy Efficiency
NDPW Energy Efficiency Programme Background • The Department formed Energy Efficiency task team (EETT) on 14th February 2008. Purpose was to ensure a co-ordinated energy programme in State-owned buildings. • Formulated Energy Code of Conduct for all buildings under the custodianship of National Department of Public Works (NDPW) for implementation by National Government Department using state owned and leased buildings for occupants to contribute to conservation of energy. Energy Efficiency
Progress • From 1997 Ndpw implemented shared energy contracts in 4 Regions with shared ratio (Pretoria 50:50, Cape Town 60:40, Johannesburg 60:40,Bloemfontein 60:40). • The energy audit and retrofit for Pretoria started in 2003 to 2010 on approximately 104 sites and derived savings of 1,147,608kw/h and R 311,973,659. over this period.. • Johannesburg Regional Office started energy audits from 2000 to 2010 on 24 sites comprising of 600 buildings with the subsequent energy savings of R 46,629,107.00 and 108,641,210.00kw/h. • Bloemfontein Regional Office initiated energy audits from 2003 to 2010 on 15 sites comprising of 375 buildings with the subsequent energy savings of R 26,372,777.28 and 55,973,806 kw/h. • Cape Town Regional Office started energy audits from 1997 to 2009 on 39 sites with the subsequent total energy savings of R 45,582,418.00 and 269,502,386 KW/h. Contract expired February 2009. Energy Efficiency
Progress • NT in 2008/9 allocated R20m Retrofitting measures implemented in Pretoria Regional Office - covered 22 sites comprising of 1,981 buildings. • Project was completed in March 2009 on budget with annual saving R4.9m,. • The project was lighting retrofits of 53,026 luminaries (T5) in 1,981 buildings in Pretoria Area which saved 3,177.66KW and 13.88 GW/h of electricity. • An allocation of R35m for 2009/10 retrofitted 17 sites comprising of 1206 buildings, including Union Building with total power saving of 3,473.30kw/h, annual saving of 36.41Gw/h and saving R8,202,161.64. The project also constituted lighting retrofits of 48,856 luminaries at a cost of R33,6 million including the replacement of electricity with excess steam in Zonderwater Prison and optimisation of HVAC at Union Building. Energy Efficiency
Progress • In 2011 - Shared Energy Contractor appointed in the following Regions : . Cape Town, Durban, Polokwane and Mmabatho. ( In Implementation) Behavioural Changes Implemented • Inter Departmental Task team on Energy decided in August 2010 that Behavioural Change on saving energy in Public Buildings was required. • The SAVE IT Energy Efficiency Campaign was implemented by GCIS in collaboration with DPW from 19th January 2011 to 17th March 2011. • Campaign targeted to save 10% on energy consumption on all Public Buildings • All Dpw Regional Offices, and User Departments were educated accordingly – series of workshops held.. Energy Efficiency
Progress • Allocation over MTEF: 2010/11=R75m; 2011/12=R50m Allocation has been spent on light retrofits on highest energy consuming government buildings in Umtata, Port Elizabeth, Kimberley and Nelspruit in collaboration with IDT. 8 025 752 KW/H savings were thus far realised from this intervention. Energy Efficiency
SPECIFICATIONS ADJUSTED TO ENERGY SAVING MEASURES • Building Fabric • Building Design for Orientation to gain Solar Energy heat in winter and shade solar heat in summer months • Installation of suitable glazing for solar interactions with building facades • Installation of appropriate shading devices essential • Installation of appropriate insulations in strategic locations • Insulate hot water pipes to save energy • Harvesting sun and wind energy by solar geyser, natural cross ventilation for rooms ventilation Energy Efficiency
Progress.. All procurement Instructions for new construct, rehabilitation and upgrades include a clause to ensure compliance to EE Measures in Government Buildings. • Agrivaal 4 star rating • Albert Luthuli Museum – showcased COP 17 CHALLENGES Dedicated professional services unit with qualified electrical engineers aligned to size of portfolio Intensifying Monitoring and Evaluation - Partnership with DOE need to be instutionalised – MOU. Engagement with Eskom Demand Management – needs to derive more benefit for state – 10 buildings identified for pilot project. Energy Efficiency
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