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World History Final Exam Trivia Review!. Round 1: Absolutism, English Civil War & Enlightenment. Round 1: Question 1. QUESTION : Define ABSOLUTISM ANSWER : A form of government in which the monarch has unlimited power & seeks to control all aspects of society. Round 1: Question 2.
Round 1: Question 1 • QUESTION: Define ABSOLUTISM • ANSWER: A form of government in which the monarch has unlimited power & seeks to control all aspects of society
Round 1: Question 2 • QUESTION: According to the Divine Right Theory, monarchs are ONLY answerable to ___________. • ANSWER: God
Round 1: Question 3 • QUESTION: This Russian czar was the primary proponent of westernization in Russia • ANSWER: Peter the Great
Round 1: Question 4 • QUESTION: Why did James VI of Scotland become King of England after Elizabeth I died? • ANSWER: She never married, so she didn’t have an heir, and he was her cousin
Round 1: Question 5 • QUESTION: Name the two sides of the English Civil War, as well as who they supported • ANSWER: Roundheads – Parliament; Cavaliers – King
Round 1: Question 6 • QUESTION: What is the term for the return of the monarch to the English throne after the end of Cromwell’s rule…and for a bonus point, who was that monarch? • ANSWER: Restoration…Charles II
Round 1: Question 7 • QUESTION: After the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution, how did the English Kings differ from the French Kings? • ANSWER: English kings’ powers were limited by Parliament, but the French kings had absolute power
Round 1: Question 8 • QUESTION: Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes. Who did this affect and why? • ANSWER: Huguenots (French Protestants) were no longer given the freedom to worship
Round 1: Question 9 • QUESTION: Philosopher who believed government should protect people’s natural rights and if they don’t, people have the right to overthrow them • ANSWER: Locke
Round 1: Question 10 • QUESTION: According to Locke, the three natural rights of people • ANSWER: Life, liberty and property
Round 2: Question 1 • QUESTION: List at least THREE factors that contributed to France’s pre-Revolutionary debt. • ANSWER: Aid to the American Revolution; foreign wars; extravagance of the royal court; crop failure
Round 2: Question 2 • QUESTION: What was the significance of the Tennis Court Oath? • ANSWER: An oath in which the National Assembly (3rd estate) promised to write a new constitution for France
Round 2: Question 3 • QUESTION: This event, which symbolized the first successful attack on the tyranny of the monarchy, is known for being the first violent event of the Revolution. • ANSWER: The Storming of the Bastille
Round 2: Question 4 • QUESTION: After the execution of Louis XVI, these two political factions formed in the National Convention. What were they & what were their views? • ANSWER: The Jacobins (extreme radicals) & the Girondists (moderate radicals)
Round 2: Question 5 • QUESTION: What was the Reign of Terror and how did it end? • ANSWER: Period of time when radical Jacobins executed anyone thought be going against the revolution. Ended when Robespierre was executed.
Round 2: Question 5 • QUESTION: How did Napoleon come to power? • ANSWER: By Coup D’etat
Round 2: Question 6 • QUESTION: Name two reasons Napoleon was able to win the support of the French people after he seized power • ANSWER: He was a successful military leader; protected equality before the law; brought order and stability
Round 2: Question 7 • QUESTION: This movement inspired revolution in France as well as in Latin America • ANSWER: The Enlightenment
Round 2: Question 8 • QUESTION: What was a common reason for revolution in Latin America? • ANSWER: To gain independence from colonial powers
Round 3: Question 1 • QUESTION: Name two reasons why Great Britain took the lead in the Industrial Revolution • ANSWER: More capital (money), natural resources, larger labor supply (b/c of improvements in agriculture), & entrepreneurship (people willing to invest and take risks)
Round 3: Question 2 • QUESTION: Term for an increase in the number, size and population of cities • ANSWER: Urbanization
Round 3: Question 3 • QUESTION: Describe 2 problems created by the Industrial Revolution • ANSWER: Long workdays/workweeks; Child Labor; Unsafe working conditions; Pollution; Crowded and unsanitary cities; Increased inequality between the factory owners/workers
Round 3: Question 4 • QUESTION: Identify a major difference between Laissez-Faire Capitalism and Socialism • ANSWER: Ownership rights, Govt regulation of businesses, Govt protection of workers rights
Round 3: Question 5 • QUESTION: This man, who is often regarded as the Father of Capitalism, believed that competition and supply & demand should regulate the economy • ANSWER: Adam Smith
Round 3: Question 6 • QUESTION: According to 19th century economist Karl Marx, who are the “HAVES” and the “HAVE-NOTS”? • ANSWER: • Haves = Bourgeoisie (Middle Class/Owners) • Have-Nots = Proletariat (Working Class)
Round 3: Question 7 • QUESTION: List 3 factors that aid in the rise of nationalism within any given territory • ANSWER: Shared History; Same Language; Same Ethnicity/Culture; Same Religion; National Cause (Unification/Separation)
Round 3: Question 8 • QUESTION: Identify 3 MOTIVES for Imperialism in the 19th Century • ANSWER: Loss of lands in New World; More/new resources; “Civilizing” mission; Nationalism
Round 3: Question 9 • QUESTION: Explain the cause of the Sepoy Rebellion in India • ANSWER: Gun cartridges were greased with animal fat (pig/cow) – offended their religions (Muslim/Hindu)
Round 3: Question 10 • QUESTION: This policy allowed all western powers to have equal trading rights in China • ANSWER: • Open Door Policy
Round 4: Question 1 • QUESTION: Historians generally claim that these are the FIVE underlying causes of World War I. • ANSWER: Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism and Anarchy
Round 4: Question 2 • QUESTION: Explain the reason for which Gavrillo Princip assassinated the archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand. • ANSWER: Ferdinand wanted to bring the Slavic people under Austro-Hungarian control, while the Slavic people wanted to unify independently.
Round 4: Question 3 • QUESTION: This was the term used to describe the American attitude towards World War I in the year 1914. • ANSWER: Isolationism
Round 4: Question 4 • QUESTION: Name 3 reasons the U.S. entered the war on the side of the Allies • ANSWER: British propaganda against Germans; Sinking of U.S. ships; Zimmermann Telegram
Round 4: Question 5 • QUESTION: Name two factors contributing to the Russian Revolution • ANSWER: Incompetence of the Czar; Food shortages; Large number of deaths in WWI
Round 4: Question 6 • QUESTION: Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks and what type of government did they want to establish in Russia? • ANSWER: Vladimir Lenin; Socialist/Communist
Round 4: Question 7 • QUESTION: This was the name given to Woodrow Wilson’s proposed plan for peace. • ANSWER: The Fourteen Points
Round 4: Question 8 • QUESTION: What is the main difference between the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson’s 14 Points? • ANSWER: Treaty of Versailles blamed/punished Germany; Wilson’s did not
Round 5: Question 1 • QUESTION: This treaty, signed by the French & the Germans in 1925 signified an attempt to establish a lasting peace between the former enemies. • ANSWER: The Locarno Treaty
Round 5: Question 2 • QUESTION: List at least three major characteristics of fascism, as seen in Nazi Germany. • ANSWER: Extreme militarism, extreme nationalism, heavy censorship, youth indoctrination, propaganda, separate social classes, etc.
Round 5: Question 3 • QUESTION: During the 1930s, one of Hitler’s primary goals was to establish the Third German Empire – an empire that would supposedly last for 1,000 years. What was the name of this empire? • ANSWER: The Third Reich
Round 5: Question 4 • QUESTION: Explain the decision that was made at the Munich Conference. • ANSWER: Great Britain & France “allowed” Hitler to take Czechoslovakia, as he promised that it was his “last territorial demand”
Round 5: Question 5 • QUESTION: This diplomatic agreement was signed by both Hitler and Stalin; agreed to split Poland into two different zones of occupation. • ANSWER: Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Round 5: Question 6 • QUESTION: In the year 1940, these were the primary AXIS powers. • ANSWER: Germany, Italy and Japan
Round 5: Question 7 • QUESTION: In 1939, this event marked the beginning of World War II. • ANSWER: The German invasion of Poland (September 1st)