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Pre-Columbian America, European Exploration and Spanish Conquest. APUSH. Introduction to the Colonial Period. What were the motivations of the original colonists? Material wealth, freedom from religious persecution NOT to start a new country. Introduction to the Colonial Period ctnd.
Pre-Columbian America, European Exploration and Spanish Conquest APUSH
Introduction to the Colonial Period • What were the motivations of the original colonists? • Material wealth, freedom from religious persecution • NOT to start a new country.
Introduction to the Colonial Period ctnd. • How did the colonists start to view themselves as an independent nation? • Had things in common: • Most English speaking • Wanted to create an agricultural society • Wanted to get rid of royal tyranny and social hierarchy • Accepted ideals of liberty, self-government, and religious toleration • Shared a willingness to oppress others: Native Americans and Blacks
Introduction to the Colonial Period ctnd. • What were some divisions among the colonists? • Thirteen colonies very different • New England, Middle, and Plantation colonies • Why did America begin to break away from England? • Colonists caught in the middle of French/British rivalry in North America • At certain point, didn’t need British protection, resented high taxes. • Increasing colonial unity throughout the colonial period!!!
The Shaping and Peopling of North America • How did North America get the shape it has today? • Pangaea • Continental shifting and folding—separated continents and created landmasses of today • How and when did the first Americans arrive on the continent? • Crude boat theory • Most widely accepted Bering Strait (35,000-10,000 years ago) • Migrations to South America (by 1492, 54 million people in both continents)
First American Civilizations • Central America: Sophisticated civilizations • Incas • Mayans • Aztecs • What was the role of agriculture? • People settled where they could grow staple crops • CORN: first major source of food in Mexico • Absence of agriculture explains lack of sophisticated and unified native populations in North America.
North American Native Populations • Smaller, more scattered populations • Ex. Mound Builders in Ohio River Valley, settlement of Cahokia, Anasazis • After 1000 A.D., developments in agriculture in North helped native populations grow. • Iroquois: largest, most sophisticated native population in North America. • Small size and lack of unity meant natives in North especially vulnerable to European conquest.
Who were the “indirect discoverers” of the New World? • Scandinavians in 1000 A.D. • Christian Crusaders (1000-1300)—created cravings for exotic goods and shorter route to Asia. • Marco Polo’s tales of China (1295) • Portuguese advances: Caravel and special routes that could get them to Africa and back
How did the slave trade begin? • Portuguese set up trading posts along West African coast—to purchase gold and slaves • Slave trade had already started between Arabs and Africans • Portuguese sped up slave trade—used labor to work sugar plantations on African coastal islands. • Set up a system that Spain would later use when it began to colonize New World.
Why did Spain take the lead in European exploration in 1492? • Unification under Ferdinand and Isabella • Expulsion of the Moors • Spanish eager to prove their power over Portuguese by exploring West. • Impact of Renaissance • New technology: printing press, compassSPAIN HAD THE UNITY, WEALTH AND POWER TO UNDERGO DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST.
What was the impact of Columbus’s voyages? • Voyage huge mistake: Thought he would find shorter route to Asia (the Indies), then hit America! • Set up a new global, interdependent economy: • Europe: provided markets, money and technology • Africa: labor • New World: Raw materials
The Columbian Exchange • From the Old World: Wheat, sugar, rice, coffee, HORSES, cows, DISEASE!!! • From the New World: GOLD, SILVER, corn, potatoes, tobacco IMPACT: In the centuries after Columbus’s arrival, about 90% of Native Americans killed.
The Spanish Conquistadores • Spain won domination of New World with Treaty of Tordesillas with Portugal (1494) • Spanish conquistadors went to Caribbean and New World for two reasons: • To serve God • For gold and glory • Exploration in North America (Coronado, de Leon) • Conquest in South America (Pizarro and Incas, Cortes and Aztecs)
The Spanish in America • Empire grew quickly—esp. in Peru and Mexico • Competition with other powers for land (esp. French) led Spanish to build forts St. Augustine in Florida (1565) • Spanish began exploring North—settlements in New Mexico in 1609, Texas in 1716, San Diego in 1769
Spanish Treatment of Native Americans • Used Caribbean islands as bases for American conquest • Began encomienda system in West Indies: enslavement of native population • Missions: to Christianize and civilize Indians. • Resistance among Native Americans: Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico • Black Legend? • Spanish empire v. British empire