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Climate Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture Workshop 30 – 31 May 2013

Climate Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture Workshop 30 – 31 May 2013 Climate Change/DRR POLICY AND ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Project Management Unit (PMU), VMGD. What is NAB?. National Advisory Board on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

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Climate Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture Workshop 30 – 31 May 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Climate Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture Workshop 30 – 31 May 2013 Climate Change/DRR POLICY AND ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Project Management Unit (PMU), VMGD

  2. What is NAB? • National Advisory Board on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction • The NAB is a committee made up of government and non-government members. • Its primary purpose is to: “Act as Vanuatu’s supreme policy making and advisory body for all disaster risk reduction and climate change programs, projects, initiatives and activities”.

  3. Key roles • Strategic Governance and Policy • Technical Advice, Project Monitoring and Coordination • Project Management – Financing, Procurement & Administration

  4. What does vanuatu have already?

  5. Purpose • Consolidate existing plans and priorities, and cover the full range of Climate Change/DRR issues from governance and partnerships to community resilience, sectoral strategies and a detailed action plan across all areas.

  6. Policy development approach • 1. National CCDRR Policy – governance and institutional elements in detail, plus high level analysis and policy directives at sectoral level (Nov 2012) • 2. National CCDRR Action Plan – results of more detailed sectoral and geographic vulnerability assessments, action identification and prioritization, with a costed action plan (for completion in mid-2014)

  7. Policy development process • 1. Desktop review and draft policy directions • 2. Stakeholder consultation • 3. Draft policy document • 4. Incorporate Risk Governance assessment outcomes • 5. Validate and finalize policy • 6. Launch

  8. Policy Outline • Context • Policy

  9. 1. Context • Purpose statement, rationale • Scope, definitions • Links to national, regional and international processes, agreements and frameworks • Review of GoV key actions, policies and arrangements • Summary of key risks/vulnerability • Summary of capacity/needs assessment • Approach

  10. 2. Policy • Vision • Goals and policy statements • Principles and cross cutting themes • Governance structures and institutions • Climate and Disaster Finance • Planning and coordination • Legislation • Partnerships and coordination • Knowledge, Information and Communication • International and regional obligations/engagement • Mainstreaming • Governance, M&E

  11. Action Plan • Context • Climate and Geo-hazard vulnerabilities • Implementation Plan • Annex1: Thematic stock take of existing projects • Annex 2: Identified adaptation actions across sectors

  12. Climate and Geo-hazard vulnerabilities • Knowledge base • Community preparedness and resilience • Productive sector • Health • Education • Environment • Land Use planning • Buildings and Infrastructure • Tourism • Energy and emissions

  13. Implementation Plan • Roles and responsibilities, coordination structure • Resourcing and financing strategy • Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

  14. Alignment of PMU activities to inform policy and action plan CC & DRR Policy & Action Plan Ongoing Activities

  15. Tankyutumas!

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