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TRANSNATIONAL DIGITAL GOVERNMENT (TDG): The Future in the Near-Term. Transnational Digital Government (TDG): A SCENARIO.
Transnational Digital Government (TDG): A SCENARIO • 1. Two men arrive at a remote border port of entry. Immigration official queries headquarters.Technologies: Voice recognition / Security privacy technology access to central database. • 2. Belize’s central immigration computer grants access to immigration official. Technologies: Voice recognition / security-privacy / information filtering / networking / Internet technologies / machine translation
Transnational Digital Government:A SCENARIO • 3. Belize computer queries the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic finds and transmits files to Belize Technologies: Machine translation / network optimization technology / Security – privacy / Internet and middleware technology. • 4. Belize’s central computer communicates with the immigration official at the remote border. Technologies: Information filtering / voice communication / automatic commands based on data received. • 5. Belize’s central computer alerts the police. Technologies: Voice recognition / networktechnology / Internet technology
Transnational Digital Government Project • 3 years – US$1,500,000 • Financed by U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) • Evolution: • CICAD’s 1999 approval in Montevideo of the construction of a hemispheric-wide drug information network using advanced information technology • NSF desire to solve real world problems through information technology research
TRANSNATIONAL DIGITAL GOVERNMENT • Governments doing business with each other, collaborating, and sharing information using technology -- digitally-based technology • Neighbors sharing information with neighbors --health officials to health officials; health officials to police; police to police
DIGITAL GOVERNMENT:the way of organizing and providing for a society’s essential objectives utilizing digital technology • collective security • justice administration • health and education • economic infrastructure • group participation and assent
DIGITAL GOVERNMENT Carrying out public sector functions using computers and other digital technologies • Integration of information from multiple locations and the innovative delivery of services through the provision of access over the Web. • Citizen access to government information and services.
FOCUS: The challenge is maintaining the primary focus on government functions and not on the technologies. In implementing digital government it is advisable for agencies/ministries to keep 3 questions in mind: • What public functions are we responsible for? • How can we responsibly transform our current business models while incorporating new and emerging technologies? • Are these new business models reflective of the collective concerns and priorities of the public? Theresa A. Pardo, http://www.cisp.org/imp/october_2000/10_00pardo.htm
NSF / CICAD CollaborationforTransnational Digital Government2002 –Project in TRANSNATIONAL DIGITAL GOVERNMENT STATUS: IN EXECUTION
TDG Colaborators • OAS/CICAD/OID • Belize • National Drug Abuse Control Council (NDACC) • University of Belize • Dominican Republic • Consejo Nacional de Drogas (CND) • Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra • United States • University of Florida • University of Massachusetts • University of Colorado • Carnegie Melon University • North Carolina State University
TDG:Technologies Being Tested • Spoken dialogue systems to collect, access and retrieveinformation; • Machine translation technology to gather and share data in different languages; • Active data management and security techniques for rule-based secure data sharing and filtering; • Network behavior modeling and optimization to deliver high quality service with no crashes or down time • Middleware for transnational (heterogeneous) information grids that enable private, secure and dependable automation of collaboration processes and policies, and the delivery of computing services through Internet portals.
TDG: Steps in project execution: • Takes a public function • Examines its organization, use and relationships within national borders and across two countries • Researches the application of selected digital technolgies to the public function selected, to improve effectiveness • Builds a research pilot prototype for applying the technologies to the public function for national and transnational application • Applies the prototype in a selected area in both countries and facilitates exchange of information between them. • Projects the technologies´ suitability for the modernization of other public functions.
TDG:The Beneficiaries • National Drug Councils • National ministries • CICAD • MEM • Agencies of other OAS Member States
School surveys and their automation Treatment Center patient data intake Data export Field data gathering Outreach and information dissemination efforts TDG:Potential Applications Utilizing Project Technologies