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On-Line Dating By Ian Christensen Section 007. Top 5 On-line Dating Sites. Ranking the sites. #1 Match.com: Guarantees you'll meet someone special in 6 months! Employs a proven personality-based matching system Start meeting singles fast with their ultra-simple member setup
On-Line Dating By Ian Christensen Section 007
Ranking the sites #1 Match.com: • Guarantees you'll meet someone special in 6 months! • Employs a proven personality-based matching system • Start meeting singles fast with their ultra-simple member setup • 20,000 Singles joining each day • The fastest growing dating site in the world
#2 Chemistry.com: • Matching based on personality and interpersonal chemistry • Relies on extensive user feedback to refine the matching process • Promotional Offer: Sign up now and get 3 months for the price of 1 • Relationship advice from recognized experts • Assisted communications to help every user feel comfortable
#3 PerfectMatch.com: • Extensive personality-based matching based on the latest matching technology • Free personality assessment • Convenient email notifications about potential matches • Handy organizational tools to help keep potential matches organized
#4 eHarmony.com: • Designed to create long-lasting relationships • Guided communication makes singles feel comfortable initiating contact • Free personality assessment • Serves millions of singles who are serious about finding a long-term relationship
#5 Spark.com: • Requires all of its members to upload at least one photo • Provides members with a comprehensive personality assessment • offers numerous search features for finding matches • Ability to send profiles to friends
Pros vs. Cons Online Dating Pros: • 1. Saves time you can meet lots of people in relatively short time • 2. Focused search You can "screen out" the people you definitely are not interested in, based on the information available online • 3. You get to know a person better in a shorter time The other way around is also true, people tend to talk more openly when they are protected by anonymity • 4. Attraction is more based on who you are than looks … this also goes both ways • 5. A rejection affects you less … than when that happens "face to face" • 6. It is safe in one way You do not need to reveal your name, address and other personal information
Pros vs. Cons Online Dating Cons: • 1. Not safe in other ways you don’t know who is really behind a profile; unfortunately there are still lots of creeps out there who pretend to be someone else online just to have some fun or worse • 2. It can be hard to keep on you miss out on the real dating process, going out, meeting, seeing and touching each other in real • 3. Others don’t take you seriously there is a big chance that your family and friends will not approve and/or understand when you are dating someone online • 4. You need to be willing to relocate … in case you fall for someone who lives far away; eventually one of the two has to move to make it work • 5. Addictive you can end up spending many hours a day in front of your computer doing nothing else than looking for a date • 6. Costly if your search is not limited to free dating sites, it can become pricy in time No one says finding someone is easy. However, internet offers so much more opportunities to meet someone… As long as you play it safe. Online dating experiences can be very different, some great, some not. But isn’t that the case with real life dating as well? Love and be loved …
What’s all the fuss about? • - Online Dating Magazine estimates that more than 20 million people visit at least one online dating service a month. (Online Dating Magazine - 2007) • - Online Dating Magazine estimates that there are more than 120,000 marriages a year that occur as a result of online dating. (Online Dating Magazine - 2007) • - 31% of adults in America say they know someone who has used an online dating service. (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project Report: Online Dating, March 2006) • - In 2003 it was estimated that three million people paid for an online dating service listing. (Source: Jupiter Research) • - In the first half of 2003, consumers spent over $214 million for online dating services. This number is 76 percent higher than the same time last year. (Source: Online Publishers Association) • - On average, those paying for online dating services spend a total of $239 per year. (Source: Jupiter Research) • - It is estimated that the financial growth of online dating will reach $642 million in 2008. (Source: Jupiter Research) • - Consumers spent $214.3 million on personals and dating content during the first half of 2003, up 76 percent from the same period in 2002. (Source: Online Publishers Association).
References • 1. "Consumer Rankings." Best 5 Dating sites . N.p., November 16 2010. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <http://www.consumer-rankings.com/Dating/>. • 2. "News Dial." The Pros and Cons of Online Dating. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <http://www.newsdial.com/relationships/dating/pro-con-online-dating.html>. • 3. "Online Dating Magazine Media Center: Abbreviated Online Dating Facts and Stats." Online Dating Magazine n. pag. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <http://www.onlinedatingmagazine.com/mediacenter/onlinedatingfacts.html>. • 4. Gaskin, Claire. "3 Easy Steps to Online Dating Success." All Things Fugal n. pag. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <http://www.allthingsfrugal.com/g.i_dating.htm>.