1. Vocabulary Flip BookGrade 4 Earth Science
2. solar system / sistema solar A star and the celestial objects that orbit it.
3. Mercury / mercurio The planet closest to the Sun and the second smallest planet in our solar system.
4. Venus / Venus The second planet from the sun in our solar system.
5. Mars / Marte The fourth planet from the Sun, a reddish-colored, terrestrial planet.
6. Earth / Tierra The planet we live on; the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.
7. Jupiter / Jupiter The fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the solar system.
8. Saturn / Saturno The planet that is the second largest in our solar system, sixth in distance from the Sun, and best known for its rings.
9. Uranus / Urano The seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system.
10. Neptune / Neptuno The eighth planet from the Sun in our solar system.
11. Pluto / Pluton Pluto is a dwarf planet (or plutoid) that usually orbits past the orbit of Neptune. It was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006; before that it was considered to be a planet, the smallest planet in our solar system.
12. orbit / orbita The path that an object in space follows around another object in space, for example, Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
13. seasons / estaciones One of the four quarters into which the year is divided -- fall , spring, summer , winter; determined by the tilt of the earth on its axis.
14. axis / eje axis An imaginary line that a planet spins around. Earth’s axis passes through the North and South Poles
15. rotation / rotaciónr A planet’s act of spinning or turning around its axis.
16. revolution / revolución A planet’s movement around the Sun in an orbit.
17. tilt / inclinación Tilt is to slope; to incline; to slant. The Earth is tilted 23 ½ degrees on its axis.
18. water cycle / ciclo del agua The continuous circulation of water through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation—between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere.
19. air pressure / presión del aire The force that air puts on objects.
20. low-pressure area / área de baja presión A large swirling mass of rising air that has low air pressure and that usually brings wet, stormy weather.
21. high-pressure area / área de alta presión A large, slowly swirling mass of sinking air that has high air pressure and fair weather.
22. barometer / barómetro An instrument used to measure air pressure.
23. wind vane / veleta An instrument that shows the direction of the wind.
24. anemometer / anemómetro An instrument used to measure wind speed.
25. precipitation / precipitación Water that falls to Earth, usually as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, as part of the water cycle.
26. rain gauge / intrumento para medir la lluvia An instrument used to measure rainfall.
27. humidity / humedad The amount of water vapor, or moisture, in the air.
28. hydrometer / hidrómetro An instrument used to measure a liquid’s density.
29. air mass / masa de aire A huge body of air that has the same temperature, pressure, and humidity throughout.
30. front / onda In weather, the edge where two masses of air with different temperatures meet.
31. forecast / pronóstico A prediction of the weather conditions for a given area at a given time.
32. meteorologist / meteorólogo A person who studies the Earth’s atmosphere, including its weather and climate.
33. resources / recursos Something valuable or useful to a place or person.
34. conservation / conservación To use a resource such as air, water, and land carefully, allowing it to last longer.
35. currents / corrientes A constant flow of water, air, or electricity.
36. tide / marea The regular, altering rise and fall of the ocean’s surface level, caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun on Earth.
37. high tide / marea alta Each 24 hour day the ocean beach will have two low and two high tides. About six hours will pass between each tide. The high tide is the highest level to which the tide rises; high water.
38. low tide / marea baja Each 24 hour day the ocean beach will have two low and two high tides. About six hours will pass between each tide. The low tide is the lowest level the water reaches on the shore.
39. wave / ola A moving ridge or swell on the surface of water, especially the ocean.
40. coral reefs / arrecifes coralinos Coral reefs are warm, clear, shallow ocean habitats that are rich in life. The reef's massive structure is formed from coral polyps, tiny animals that live in colonies; when coral polyps die, they leave behind a hard, stony, branching structure made of limestone.
41. oceanoigrapher / oceanógrafo A person who studies oceans, including their depth and extent, water chemistry, marine biology and resource use.
42. ecosystem / ecosistema All the living and nonliving things in an area and their interactions with one another.
43. erosion / erosión The wearing away of soil and rock by water, wind, or ice.
44. wind / viento Moving Air.
45. lunar cycle / ciclo lunar The changes in how the moon looks to people on Earth is called a lunar cycle. We see the part of the moon reflecting light from the Sun to Earth.
46. landforms / accidentes geográficos A natural feature of Earth’s surface.
47. volcano / volcán An opening in Earth’s crust through which lava, ash, and cinders erupt, or the mountain formed from past eruptions.
48. earthquake / terremoto A sudden movement of the ground that happens when part of Earth’s crust suddenly shifts, usually at a fault line.
49. fault / falla A crack in Earth’s crust along which earthquakes happen.
50. dune / duna A hill of sand that is deposited by the wind.
51. mineral / mineral A solid natural material that has a crystal form and its own set of properties.
52. plateau / meseta A large area of flat land higher than the surrounding land.
53. plain / llano o llanura A large, flat area of land with few trees.
54. soil / tierra The top layer of Earth’s surface in which plants grow, made up of sand, silt, clay, and humus.
55. weathering / desgaste The action of the wind, water, temperature changes, and other factors in breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.
56. tectonic plates / tectonicade placas One of the large, rigid pieces of rock that make up Earth’s crust.
57. igneous rock / roca ígnea A type of rock formed from molten rock (magma) that cooled.
58. seismograph / sismógrafo An instrument that measures and records the time, strength, and duration of earthquake vibrations.
59. sedimentary rock / roca sedimentaria A type of rock formed when layers of sediment are pressed and cemented together over time.
60. metamorphic rock / roca metamórfica A rock that has been changed by heat or pressure into another kind of rock.
61. dissolve / disolver To spread evenly throughout another substance, especially a solid spreading out through a liquid.
62. fossil / fósil The remains or traces of an ancient living thing preserved in rock.
63. luster / lustre The brightness or shine of a mineral’s surface.
64. hardness / dureza How resistant a mineral or other substance is to scratching.
65. basalt / basalto Basalt is formed from lava which has erupted onto earth's surface. It will normally have small crystals that are hard to see. It can be a greenish black or a brownish black. Basalt is the most common volcanic rock.
66. limestone / piedra caliza Limestone is one of the major types of sedimentary rocks. Limestone is usually made of tiny calcite skeletons of microscopic organisms that once lived in shallow seas.
67. sandstone / piedra arenisca Sandstone is one of the major types of sedimentary rocks. Sandstone forms where sand is laid down and buried—beaches, dunes and seafloors.
68. circumference / circunferencia Circumference is the distance around a circular object.
69. diameter / diámetro Diameter is the distance across a circular object.
70. crystals / cristales A crystal is the solid form of a mineral that can be identified by its shape or pattern.
71. rocks / rocas The minerals + hardened clay + compressed sand that makes up Earth’s crust.
72. properties / propiedades A characteristic of matter that can be observed and measured, such as volume, density, or mass.
73. mock rocks / rocas simuladas A mock rock is a simulated rock.
74. evaporate / se evapora To change from a liquid into a gas.
75. geology / geología The study of Earth, how it was formed, and the materials that make it up.
76. depth / profundidad How deep something is. How far below sea level.
77. rock cycle / ciclo de las rocas An ongoing natural process by which rocks are changed from one type into another over long periods of time.
78. marble / mármol Marble is a metamorphic rock from limestone, a sedimentary rock. Pressure, temperature, and time turns limestone into marble.
79. evidence / evidencia A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.
80. quartz / cuarzo Quartz is one of the most common minerals in Earth’s crust. It is best known for its beautiful, colorless, hexagonal crystals.
81. fluorite / fluorita Fluorite is a mineral that comes in a variety of colors and usually glows under an ultraviolet light source.
82. calcite / calcita Calcite is one of the most common minerals on Earth. It is composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
83. gypsum / yeso Gypsum is a mineral that forms when seawater evaporates under arid conditions.
84. vinegar / vinagre Vinegar is an acid that can be used to test for calcite.
85. acid / ácido A chemical that gives up hydrogen ions (H+) in water, making the water taste sour and giving it a pH from 1-6.
86. granite / granito Granite is an igneous rock that forms when magma cools deep in Earth’s crust. It makes up about 22% of the Earth’s crust. Its main ingredients are feldspar, quartz, black mica, and hornblende.
87. feldspar / feldespato Feldspar is not one mineral, but a group of related minerals. It comes in a variety of colors. It is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust.
88. hornblende Hornblende is a mineral that can be found with long needlelike crystals. It is usually black but can be dark green or brown.
89. mica / hornablenda de mica Mica is a mineral with a color range from black to almost colorless. It can easily be pulled apart in paper-thin, flexible sheets.
90. Earth material /materiales terrestres The Earth is made of many different materials. There are four main layers and each layer has a different thickness, temperature and material.
91. geologist / geologo A person who studies the Earth, how it was formed, and the materials that make it up.
92. gemologist / gemologo A Gemologist is a person who studies gemstones.