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Sergeant’s Time Training.Com. The Military Decision Making Process. (MDMP). Decisions are the means by which the commander translates his vision of the end state into action. Decision-making is both science and art.
Sergeant’s Time Training.Com
Decisions are the means by which the commander translates his vision of the end state into action. Decision-making is both science and art. The Military Decision-Making Process is a tool that assists the commander and staff in developing estimates and a plan. Purpose of the MDMP
An adaptation of the Army’s analytical approach to problem solving. A doctrinal approach to decision making that helps the commander and his staff examine a battlefield situation and reach logical decisions. MDMP is a detailed, deliberate, sequential and time-consuming process used when adequate planning time and sufficient staff support are available to thoroughly examine numerous friendly and enemy courses of action. MDMP is the foundation on which planning in a time-constrained environment is based Receipt of Mission (Initial Assessment) Mission Analysis COA Development COA Analysis (War-game) COA Comparison COA Approval Orders Production MDMP Defined FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-1
RECEIPT OF MISSION MISSION ANALYSIS COA DEVELOPMENT COA ANALYSIS (War-game) COA COMPARISON COA APPROVAL ORDERS PRODUCTION REHEARSAL EXECUTION / ASSESSMENT • Initial Assessment • Cdr’s Guidance 1. Analyze Relative Combat Power. 2. Generate Options. 3. Array Initial Forces. 4. Develop the Scheme of Maneuver. 5. Assign Headquarters. 6. Prepare COA Statements and Sketches 1. Analyze the higher headquarters' order. 2. Conduct initial IPB. 3. Determine specified, implied & essential tasks. 4. Review available assets. 5. Determine constraints. 6. Identify critical facts and assumptions. 7. Conduct risk assessment. 8. Determine initial CCIR. 9. Determine initial recon annex. 10. Plan for available time. 11. Write the restated mission. 12. Conduct a mission analysis briefing. 13. Approve the restated mission. 14. Develop the initial commander’s intent. 15. Issue the commander’s guidance. 16. Issue a warning order. 17. Review facts & assumptions. 1. Define the battlefield environment 2. Describe the battlefield’s effects 3. Evaluate the threat 4. Determine threat COAs 1. Gather the tools. 2. List all friendly forces. 3. List assumptions. 4. List known critical events and decision points. 5. Determine evaluation criteria. 6. Select the war-game technique. 7. Select a method to record and assess the results. 8. War game the battle and assess the results. • MCOO • Situation Template • Event Template • PIR • FFIR • EEFI MDMP Steps • R&S Matrix • R&S Plan Sub Steps Products
The commander is in charge of the military decision-making process and decides what procedures to use in each situation. The commander’s personal role is central: his participation in the process provides focus and guidance to the staff. There are decisions that are the commander’s alone. The less time available, the less experienced the staff, the less accessible the staff, generally the greater the commander involvement. The Bn XO manages, coordinates, and disciplines the staff’s work and provides quality control Role of the Commander FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-1
RECEIPT OF MISSION • Issue Cdr’s Initial Guidance • MISSION ANALYSIS • Approve Restated Mission • State Commander’s Intent • Approve Initial CCIR COA DEVELOPMENT COA ANALYSIS (War-game) COA COMPARISON • COA APPROVAL • Approve COA • Specify Type of Order • Specify Type of Rehearsal • ORDERS PRODUCTION • Approve Order REHEARSAL EXECUTION & ASSESSMENT Commander’s Actions in MDMP • Reinforces initial guidance to subordinate commanders • Receives feedback on Warno 1 WARNO 1 • Reinforces guidance • Receives feedback on Warno 2 WARNO 2 Commander’s Estimate (continual) Staff Estimates (continual) • Discusses approved COA w/ subordinate commanders • Receives initial backbrief / feedback on Warno 3 WARNO 3
MDMP begins with the receipt or anticipation of a new mission. Purpose of this step it to plan the preparation. Steps in receipt of mission are as follows . . Operations Section issues a warning order to the staff to alert them of the pending planning process. Staff prepares for mission analysis by gathering the tools. Commander and staff conduct a quick initial assessment. Commander issues his initial guidance. Headquarters issues a warning order to subordinate and supporting units. Receipt of the MissionMDMP Step # 1 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. 5-3 to 5-5
Gather the tools . . . Higher headquarters’ order. Maps of the area of operations. Own and higher headquarters’ SOPs. Appropriate Field Manuals. Existing staff estimates. Prepare for Mission Analysis FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-3
Determine the time available from mission receipt to mission execution. Determine the time needed to plan, prepare for, and execute the mission for own and subordinate units. Determine the intelligence preparation of the battlefield. Additional factors to consider . . . Ambient light requirements for planning, rehearsals, and movement. The staff’s experience, cohesiveness, and level of rest or stress. The critical product of this assessment is an initial allocation of available time. Conduct an Initial Assessment FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-4
How to abbreviate the MDMP, if required. Initial time allocation. Liaison officers to dispatch. Initial reconnaissance to begin. Authorized movement. Additional tasks the commander wants the staff to do. Issue Commander’s Initial Guidance FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-5
Issued to subordinate and supporting units. Uses the five-paragraph format. Includes as a minimum . . . Type of operation (such as offensive or defensive). General location of the operation. Initial time line. Movement or reconnaissance to initiate. Issue a Warning Order FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-5
Area of operation. General enemy situation.* General friendly situation.* Attachments or detachments. Type and Time of operation. Tentative preparation timeline. Security, movement, and or reconnaissance instructions. Other pertinent information. * With sketches if possible. Warning Order # 1 Technique
All orders (warning, operation, fragmentary) should be in the five paragraph format. The content (quantity & format) of the order should drive the means of communication. However, available means of communication, time, and duplication capabilities may drive the content (quantity & format) of the order. Means of communication include . . . Radio / telephone (vocal) Digital message (hard-copy) Messenger (hard-copy) Facsimile (hard-copy) Briefing (vocal) Combinations of the above Communicating Orders
Allows the commander to begin his battlefield visualization. The result is to define the tactical problem and beginning the process of determining feasible solutions. The commander conducts his own mission analysis so that he has a frame of reference. Anticipation and prior preparation are keys to a timely mission analysis. Mission AnalysisMDMP Step #2 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. 5-4 to 5-5
1. Analyze the higher headquarters' order. 2. Conduct initial IPB. 3. Determine specified, implied & essential tasks. 4. Review available assets. 5. Determine constraints. 6. Identify critical facts and assumptions. 7. Conduct risk assessment. 8. Determine initial CCIR. 9. Determine initial recon annex. 10. Plan for available time. 11. Write the restated mission. 12. Conduct a mission analysis briefing. 13. Approve the restated mission. 14. Develop the initial commander’s intent. 15. Issue the commander’s guidance. 16. Issue a warning order. 17. Review facts & assumptions. Mission Analysis Steps FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-10
Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO). Situation Templates (SITTEMP). Initial Event Template. Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks List. Forces Available. Constraints. Facts and Assumptions. Risk Assessment. Initial Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR). Initial Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan (R&S). Detailed Timeline. Restated Mission. Commander’s Intent. Commander’s Guidance. Warning Order (WARNO #2). Mission Analysis Products FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-10
FIRE SUPPORT Higher Concept Initial IPB (capabilities, HVTs) Tasks Forces Available (assigned, attached, supporting) Constraints Critical facts and assumptions Risk (tactical and accident hazards) Recommended Initial CCIR Reconnaissance Annex Issues Critical Times Issues & Recommendations Mission Analysis Worksheet • Coordinating and special staff officers prepare mission analysis products within their area of expertise. • In addition to required sketches, charts, templates, or overlays, each staff officer prepares a mission analysis worksheet focusing on his area of expertise. • The mission analysis worksheet can be on, or transferred to, a chart or transparency to facilitate the mission analysis briefing.
Thoroughly analyze the higher headquarters' order to establish horizontal and vertical nesting, not just for maneuver, but also for all combat support and combat service support. Misinterpretation results in wasted time; seek clarification immediately. Commander and staff must ensure they completely understand . . Higher and two-higher headquarters’ . . . Commander’s intent. Mission. Concept of operation, including deception plan. Time line for mission execution. Missions of adjacent units. Assigned area of operations. Analyze the Higher HQ’s OrderMission Analysis Step # 1 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. 5-5 to 5-6
IPB is the systematic, continuous process of analyzing the threat and the effects of the environment of the unit. Provides the basis for intelligence collection and synchronization to support COA development and analysis. Describes the environment your unit is operating in & determines the threat’s likely COA. Helps the commander selectively apply and maximize his combat power at critical points in time and space. IPB steps Define the battlefield environment Describe the battlefield’s effects Evaluate the threat Determine threat COAs Conduct Initial IPBMission Analysis Step # 2 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-6 & FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 1-1
Identifying for further analysis specific features of the environment or activities within it, and the physical space where they exist. Define the battlefield environment Identify significant characteristics of the environment Identify the limits of the command’s AO and battle space Establish the limits of the AI Evaluate existing data bases and identify intelligence gaps Collect the material and intelligence required to conduct the remainder of IPB Define the Battlefield EnvironmentIPB Step # 1 FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 1-1 & 2-1
The determination of how the battlefield environment affects both threat and friendly operations. Describes how the terrain, weather, and other battlefield aspects affect friendly and enemy fires and movement. Describe the battlefield’s effects [MCOO] Analyze the battlefield environment. terrain analysis (OAKOC) weather analysis analysis of other characteristics of the battlefield (e.g. population status) Describe the battlefield’s effects on threat and friendly capabilities and broad COAs Describe the Battlefield’s EffectsIPB Step # 2 FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 1-2 & 2-1
The determination of threat force capabilities and the doctrinal principle, tactics, techniques, and procedure threat forces prefer to use. Evaluate the Threat [Doctrinal Templates]. Update or create threat models. convert threat doctrine or pattern of operation to graphics (doctrinal template). describe threat tactics and options. identify high value targets (HVTs). Identify threat capabilities. Evaluate the ThreatIPB Step # 3 FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 1-2 & 2-1
High-value target (HVT) - assets the the threat commander requires for the successful completion of a specific COA. High-payoff target (HPT) - target whose loss to the threat will contribute to the success of the friendly COA. High-Value Target / High-Payoff Target FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. Glossary-7
Identification and development of likely threat COAs that will influence accomplishment of the friendly mission. Identification of those areas and activities that, when observed, will discern which COA the threat commander has chosen. Determine Threat COAs [Situation Templates & Event Template]. Identify the threat’s likely objectives and desired end state. Identify the full set of COAs available to the threat. Evaluate and prioritize each COA. Develop each COA in the amount of detail time allows. Identify initial collection requirements. Determine Threat COAsIPB Step # 4 FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 2-39 & 2-40
Depiction of assumed threat dispositions, based on threat doctrine and the effects of the battlefield. Normally, the situation template depict threat units two levels of command below the friendly force as well as the expected location of high value targets. Situation templates use time phase lines (TPLs) to indicate movement of forces and the expected flow of the operation. Prepare as many graphics as necessary to depict the COA in enough detail to support staff war gaming and collection planning. Tailor the situation templates to your needs by focusing on the factors that are important to the commander or mission area. A situation might focus only on the threat’s reconnaissance assets, depicting details such as location and movement routes of these assets, their likely employment area, and their likely NAIs. Situation Templates FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 2-45 & G-10
Graphic means of comparing the enemy’s mobility capability along multiple avenues of approach / mobility corridors. Based on doctrinal rates of movement and battlefield environment. Initial TPL indicated as “H” at enemy FLOT. Assist in tracking actual and potential enemy movement. Time - Phase Lines FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 2-45 & G-10
A guide for collection and R&S planning. Depicts where to collect the information that will indicate which COA the threat has adopted. Differences between the NAIs, indicators, and TPLs associated with each COA form the basis of the event template. Named area of interest (NAI) - the specific point, route, or area where key events are expected to occur; where information that will satisfy a specific information requirement can be collected; usually selected to capture indications of threat COAs but also may be related to conditions of the battlefield. Indicator - positive or negative evidence of threat activity; activities which reveal the selected COA. The initial event template focuses on identifying which of the predicted COAs the threat has adopted. Event Template FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 2-50, G-7 & G-8
Its primary use is in planning intelligence collection. Supports the event template by providing details on the type of activity expected in each NAI, the times the NAI is expected to be active, and its relationship to other events on the battlefield. Provides a description of the indicators and activity expected to occur in each NAI. Cross-references each NAI and indicator with the times they are expected to occur and the COAs they will confirm or deny. There is no prescribed format. Event Matrix FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. 2-51 & G-7
Products of IPB Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay Define the Battlefield Environment Describe the Battlefield’s Effects Doctrinal Template Evaluate the Threat Situation Template Determine Threat Courses of Action Event Template
Define the battlefield environment. (Initial operations graphics.) Identify significant characteristics of the environment. Identify the area of operations and battle space. Define the limits of the area of interest. Describe the battlefield’s effects. (MCOO & blowups, as appropriate.) Describe the battlefield's effect on threat and friendly capabilities and broad courses of action (terrain, weather, other). Evaluate the threat. (Charts & sketches, as appropriate.) Describe the threat model (doctrinal templates, tactics, HVTs). Describe capabilities (composition, disposition, strength; capabilities and vulnerabilities; recent activities). Determine threat courses of action. (SITTEMPs & Event Template.) Identify likely objectives and desired end state. Describe likely threat courses of action. Identify initial collection requirements (NAIs). Briefing the Initial IPBTechnique Technique based on FM 34-130, JUL 94 pp. 2-1 to 2-2
Specified tasks - those specifically assigned to a unit by its higher headquarters. Implied tasks - those that must be performed to accomplish a specified task, but which are not stated in the higher headquarters’ order. Essential task(s) - must be executed to accomplish the mission (task and purpose). Determine Specified, Implied, and Essential TasksMission Analysis Step # 3 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. 5-6 to 5-7
Examine additions to and deletions from the current task organization, support relationships, and status of all units. Determine if assets are sufficient to perform all specified and implied tasks. Identify additional resources needed for mission success. Review Available AssetsMission Analysis Step # 4 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-7
Identify and understand constraints. Constraints take the form of requirements to do something or a prohibition on action. Determine ConstraintsMission Analysis Step #5 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-7
Facts are statements of known data concerning the situation including enemy and friendly dispositions, available troops, unit strengths, and material readiness. Assumptions are suppositions about the current or future situation that are assumed to be true in the absence of facts. They take the place of necessary, but unavailable facts. An assumption is appropriate if it meets the tests of validity and necessity. Validity means the assumption is likely to be true. Necessity is whether or not the assumption is essential for planning. Identify Critical Facts and AssumptionsMission Analysis Step # 6 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-7
When assessing the risk of hazards in operations, the commander and staff must look at two kinds of risk, tactical risk and accident risk. Tactical risk is risk associated with hazards that exist due to the presence of the enemy on the battlefield. Accident risk includes all operational risk considerations other than tactical risk, and can include activities associated with hazards concerning friendly personnel, equipment readiness, and environmental conditions. Risk management steps: Identify hazards. Assess hazards. Develop controls, determine residual risk, and make risk decision. Implement controls. Supervise and evaluate. Conduct Risk AssessmentMission Analysis Step # 7 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. J-1 to J-3
Identify significant tactical and accident hazards. Assess hazards in terms of initial probability, effect, and risk level. Develop controls, determine residual risk, and make risk decision. Risk Management Worksheet based on USAIC Reg 385-6, JAN 97, Ap. A
CCIR identify information needed by the commander to support his battlefield visualization and to make critical decisions. The commander alone decides what information is critical, based on his experience, the mission, and the higher’s intent. CCIR directly affect the success or failure of the mission and they are time sensitive in that they drive decisions. CCIR normally expressed as PIR, FFIR, & EEFI. Determine Initial CCIRMission Analysis Step #8 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. 5-7 to 5-8
Elements of CCIR • Priority intelligence requirement (PIR). • Information about the enemy. • How I see the enemy.* • Friendly force information requirements (FFIR). • Information about his or adjacent unit capabilities. • How I see myself.* • Essential elements of friendly information (EEFI). • Information needed to protect friendly forces from the enemy’s information gathering systems. • How I prevent the enemy from seeing me.* FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-14 & * Battle Command Techniques and Procedures, Battle Command Battle Laboratory
An intelligence requirement associated with a decision that will affect the overall success of the commander’s mission. PIR are prioritized among themselves and may change in priority over the course of the operation’s conduct. Can be information about the enemy or terrain. Effective PIR . . . Provide intelligence required to support a single decision. Ask only one question. Focus on a specific fact, event or activity. Are time sensitive. Examples. Will the enemy defend on the forward slope of OBJ SAW? Will the enemy counterattack use AA 2? PIR FM 34-130, JUL 94, p. G-9
Identify gaps in the intelligence available and determine an initial reconnaissance and surveillance plan to acquire information based on available reconnaissance assets. Update CCIR and taskings to reconnaissance as they collect information and other intelligence sources fill in gaps. Initial reconnaissance annex should contain, as a minimum: AO for reconnaissance. Mission statement. Task organization. Reconnaissance objective. PIR and IR. LD/LC time. Initial NAIs. Routes to AO and passage of lines instructions. Communications and logistics support. Fire support measures. Medical evacuation. Determine Initial Recon AnnexMission Analysis Step # 9 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-8
Expand the Event Matrix into an R&S Matrix by . . . Prioritizing the NAIs. Assigning primary and alternate observers to achieve redundant and continuous observation. Use the matrix as an execution tool by recording observations and remarks as they occur. R&S Matrix Technique
Refine the initial plan for the use of available time. Compare the time needed to accomplish essential tasks to the higher headquarters’ time line to ensure mission accomplishment is possible in the allotted time. Compare the time line to the enemy time line developed during the IPB. Determine window of opportunity for exploitation or times when the unit will be at risk from enemy activity. Specify when and where for briefings and rehearsals. Maximize available planning time by sending additional warning orders as detailed planning develops. Plan Use of Available TimeMission Analysis Step # 10 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-8
Prepare a restated mission for the unit based on the mission analysis. The restated mission will include on-order missions; be-prepared missions will be in the concept of operation. Write the Restated MissionMission Analysis Step #11 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-8
Mission analysis is critical to ensure thorough understanding of the task and subsequent planning. Mission analysis briefing is given to both the commander and the staff to ensure that all staff members are starting from a common reference point. This helps the commander and staff develop a shared vision of the requirements for the upcoming operation. Mission Analysis Brief Outline Mission and intent of HQs two levels up. Mission, intent, concept of operation, and deception plan/objective of the headquarters one level up. Review initial planning guidance. Initial IPB products. Specified, implied, and essential tasks. Constraints . Forces available. Hazards and their risk. Recommended initial CCIR. Recommended time line. Recommended restated mission. Conduct a Mission Analysis BriefMission Analysis Step # 12 FM 101-5, MAY 97, pp. 5-8 to 5-9
XO Introduction. S3 Mission, intent, concept and deception objective (two levels up). XO Review the commander’s initial planning guidance. S2 Initial IPB products. S3 Maneuver (tasks, constraints, forces available). FSO Fires.* ADO Air Defense.* Engr Engineer.* Chemo NBC.* S4/S1 Combat Service Support.* Sigo Command and Control.* XO Recommended initial CCIR, time line, and restated mission. CDR Approve restated mission, develop intent, and issue guidance. * Each SME briefs, within his area of expertise, higher concept, initial IPB, tasks, constraints, forces (assets) available, hazards, issues & recommendations. Mission Analysis Brief Agenda Technique based on FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-9
Immediately after the mission analysis briefing, the commander approves a restated mission. Can be the staff’s recommended restated mission, a modified version of the staff’s recommendation, or one that the commander has developed himself. Once approved, the restated mission becomes the unit’s mission. Approve the Restated MissionMission Analysis Step # 13 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-8
Commanders from company level up prepare an intent statement. Commander’s intent is a clear concise statement of what the force must do to succeed with respect to the enemy and the terrain and to the desired end state. Intent provides the link between the mission and the concept of operation by stating key tasks that, along with the mission, are the basis for subordinates to exercise initiative when unanticipated opportunities arise or when the original concept of operation no longer applies. Develop the Cdr’s Initial IntentMission Analysis Step # 14 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-9
A clear concise statement of what the force must do to succeed with respect to the enemy and the terrain and to the desired end state. Key tasks are those that must be performed by the force, or conditions that must be met, to achieve the stated purpose of the operation--e.g. tempo, duration, and effect upon the enemy, and terrain that must be controlled. May explain a broader purpose that looks beyond the why of the immediate operation to the broader operational context of the mission. Not tied to a specific course of action, but fundamental to force’s success. Does not include the method by which the force will get from its current state to the end state. Normally expressed in four or five sentences or bullets. Commander’s Intent FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-9
If the commander has identified one or more decisive points, or an action he considers decisive, he should convey this to the staff. As a minimum, the commander’s guidance should also address . . . Specific enemy and friendly COAs to consider or not to consider, and the priority for addressing them. CCIR. Reconnaissance guidance. Risk guidance. Deception guidance. Fire support guidance. Mobility and countermobility guidance. Security measures to be implemented. Additional specific priorities for CS or CSS. Any other information the commander wants the staff to consider. Time plan. Type of order to issue. Type of rehearsal to conduct. Issue the Commander’s GuidanceMission Analysis Step # 15 FM 101-5, MAY 97, p. 5-10