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The Great Sphinx of Giza

The Great Sphinx of Giza. Saskia Veldkamp. Location. Built in Giza, Egypt Built during the reign of Pharoah Khafre (2520-2494 BC) The structure is in ruins, and the nose and beard have broken off. Purpose. The Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre built the Sphinx.

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The Great Sphinx of Giza

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  1. The Great Sphinx of Giza SaskiaVeldkamp

  2. Location • Built in Giza, Egypt • Built during the reign of PharoahKhafre (2520-2494 BC) • The structure is in ruins, and the nose and beard have broken off.

  3. Purpose • The Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre built the Sphinx. • They built it in hopes to keep thieves and evil gods away from the royal tomb. • The Sphinx never had a functional use.

  4. Uniqueness • What makes the Sphinx unique is it is a very large, old construction with a delicate shape. And also it has a lion body and a human head. • There are no official records or estimates on how long it took to build the Sphinx. • The Sphinx is made up completely of limestone.

  5. Ancient Foresight • The Sphinx was symbolic, it didn’t have a practical purpose, so in that sense, it is similar to the Statue of Liberty, which is also not necessarily practical. • Mount Rushmore is also similar because it was hued out of solid rock and large, and intended to impress, but serves no practical purpose. • The Sphinx is not one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

  6. Sources • www.touregypt.net/sphinx.htm • wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/africa/egypt/the-sphinx/ • http://www.touregypt.net/sphinx.htm

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