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NXT Lesson Planning for Sturdy Structures and Instructional Builds

Learn to plan engaging lessons using Mindstorms NXT for building sturdy structures, incorporating programming functions, sensors, and integrating curriculum areas. Detailed guidance on creating, teaching, and assessing lessons with extensions and design challenges.

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NXT Lesson Planning for Sturdy Structures and Instructional Builds

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  1. Lesson Planning Mindstorms NXT

  2. Sturdy structures instructional builds  original builds Functions moving forward  moving backward  turning Sensors needed touch  light ultra sonic sound Programming Teams or individuals Points to consider before creating a lesson.

  3. Challenge/Objective What problem will students try to solve? What task or tasks should the robot complete? • TEKS Correlations Identify TEKS the lesson will cover. Planning the lesson

  4. Materials NXT building elements Non-LEGO materials needed • Building Skills Prerequisite skills students need New skills that will be learned Planning the lesson

  5. Programming Skills Prerequisite skills students need New skills that will be learned • Curriculum Integration What other subject area knowledge and skills will be integrated? Planning the lesson

  6. Procedures What steps will the teacher follow to teach new skills? How will the teacher guide the students through the project? • Time How long will it take to teach and complete the lesson and task? How will the lesson work into the schedule? Planning the lesson

  7. Assessments Product evaluation/rubric Group evaluation/rubric Individual evaluation/rubric Students must write about their experience and evaluate what they have learned. • Extensions How can this task be extended or modified to address a related challenge or question? Planning the lesson

  8. Math • Create ratio tables based on wheel rotation and distance traveled. • Use estimation to determine how far a rover travels along a number line. • Create a game that is based on probability. Working with Design Challenges

  9. Science Design and program an instrument that measures weather changes. Design and program a model of the earth that will simulate day and night. Simulate echolocation to locate and retrieve offspring. Design and build a robot that will avoid obstacles while retrieving an object. Design and build a device that will test how well sound travels through different objects. Working with Design Challenges

  10. Language Arts Design and build a device that solves a problem in a story. Design and build a robot that recreates a scene from a story. Working with Design Challenges

  11. Don’t try to do it all in one year. • Set Long Term Goals • Plan simple activities that build in difficulty. • Network with other teachers. • Trouble shoot projects before class introduction. • Be a learner and have fun! WORDS OF WISDOM…

  12. Where to start… Teach the Language of LEGO Klutz Book: excellent jumping off point Set up your challenge routine Show students how you want things organized = classroom procedure …WORDS OF WISDOM

  13. The Engineering Journal

  14. James Floyd Kelly, author of The Mayan Adventure • He created the Design Journal found in his book. • demonstrates the development of a robot • uses a step-by-step method • keeps thoughts organized • moves forward in a constructive way • he calls this the Planning & Design Process The Engineering Journal

  15. The Journal is divided into 6 sections. There is nothing printed on the • back so students may continue a section on the back if needed. Use • pencil and encourage changes, as students observe the robot. Nothing • is written in stone and the best answer is not always the first. • Robot Name (name) • Robot Purpose (what is the robot suppose to do?) • Task List (list of small, single-item tasks) • Limitations & Constraints (obstacles) • Ideas on the Fly (aka brainstorming) • Schematics (basic shape, drawings, layout of course, but you don’t have to be Da Vinci!) The Engineering Journal

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