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Comenius project “Mutual Cultural Influence of Colonization and Migration”. General Secondary School “Hristo Botev”, Aytos, Bulgaria. Colonial Product. POTATOES. History of the potatoes.
Comenius project“Mutual Cultural Influence of Colonization and Migration” General Secondary School “Hristo Botev”, Aytos, Bulgaria
Colonial Product POTATOES
History of the potatoes • The earliest known potatoes were discovered in the high mountains of South America, Peru and Chile. The earliest such remains of potatoes date to 400 B.C. They were found at archaeological sites at Chiripa, on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Other findings have been in Bolivia, Lima, Peru; and on the coast of northern Chile. • After its discovery by Spanish conquistadors, the potato was taken to Europe. Although the Spanish took the Inca empire for gold, the potato proved to be the richest treasure they carried home. Potatoes , planted and cultivated , provided food for millions.
It took nearly two centuries… • Spanish records show that it entered Seville in 1570 and was used to feed hospital patients in 1573. It then travelled to Italy, Germany, and into the Orient. Later a royal Swedish edict compelled Sweden to grow the crop. • It took nearly two centuries, following the potato's introduction from South America, before it really achieved common acceptance.
Potatoes Growth and Seasons • Potatoes are grown from seed potatoes, which must be free from viruses and other diseases, which limit yield. • The potato crop has three seasons, first harvest second harvest and maincrop.
Types & varieties • More then 130 potatoes varieties have been developed for various uses. Depends on its use, potatoes differs between: • Steady Potatoes • Predominantly Steady Potatoes • Mealy Potatoes • The most famous Bulgarian varieties created in Vegetables Research Institute in Plovdiv are: • Иверце - Ivertse • Надежда - Nadejda • Перун - Perun • Рожен – Rojen • Орфей - Orpheus
Potatoes “Power”People rarely know the real potato power. Per 100g main crop potatoes, raw: • Water - 77,8 gCalcium - 9,5 mg • Carbohydrate - 18,5 gNatrium - 3,2 mg • Ballast substances - 2,5 gNiacin - 1,22 mg • Protein - 2,1 gIron substances – 0,80 mg • Mineral substances - 1,0 g • Calium - 443 mgBiotin - 0,40 mg • Fat - 100 mgStarch- 15 g • Phosphor - 50 mg • Magnesium - 25 mg • Vitamin C - 17 mg
Some facts about Bulgaria • Bulgaria is a major supplier of grapes, apples, and tomatoes to Europe and the former Soviet Union. Potatoes and paprika are also important crops. Production in 2004 included (in thousands of tons): grapes, 400; apples, 30; tomatoes, 400; and potatoes, 574. • According to the data of ‘Agro-statistic’ in 2002 the total output of potatoes was 627,000 tonnesfrom 52,000 hectares. • The biggest potato producers are inSmolian, Sofia, Pazardgik, Plovdiv and Blagoevgrad regions.
Realisation of produced potatoes • Potato utilisation by industry is small; only 2% and limited to chips and frozen potatoes producing.No potatoes are used for non-food uses in Bulgaria. Realisation of produced potatoes (%) for 2004 • For consumption For market For industry 45% 53% 2% • During the commercial 2009 the production of potatoes is the largest – 232 000 tons. • In 2009 there are 30 480 tons of fresh vegetables exported, such as potatoes and mushrooms. The main export is to EU member states. • The exported quantities of potatoes for consumption have decreased in comparison to the previous year by 92%, down to 53 tons. There is export of potatoes for planting realized (42 tons). The main market for this is Romania.
Potatoes import in Bulgaria • The import of fresh potatoes in 2009 adds up to 22 001 tons (including 2 528 tons for sowing and 19 473 tons for consumption), which is by 23% more than in the previous year. • Traditionally, the main import of high quality planting supplies comes from Netherlands – 1 675 tons. Larger quantities of potatoes for consumption are imported from Turkey – 9 377 tons and Germany – 4 340 tons.
Potatoes nowadays • Today it is the most popular vegetable, cooked and prepared in many tasty and innovative ways. • Oven chips can be found in more and more shopping trolleys, but fresh chips are still prepared at home by 44% of housewives, according to new research by National Statistic Institute. Most consumers (51%) still use a traditional chip pan, while 34% prefer a deep-fat fryer. • Thirty per cent of people in Bulgaria say chips are their favourite potato dish.
One Bulgarian Kitchen • Мусака (Musaka) -The bulgarian moussaka is made of potatoes and minced meat. Carrots are optional. Usually there’s a layer of yogurt and eggs on top. • Огретен (Ogreten) - Gratin usually contains potatoes and white cheese.
Potatoes in different regions: • Patatnik (Potato Dish) - You can prepare patatnik as a main course on Ignazhden. In the old times during cold winter months potatoes used to represent one of the main foods of the Bulgarian diet. They have even been used to make bread. • Кюфтета по чирпански (Kyufteta po Tchirpanski) - Stew of meatballs, potatoes, carrots, onions.
Others: Картофени кюфтета (Kartofeni kyufteta)- Potato balls. Картофена яхния (Kartofena yahniya)- Potato stew. Potatoes salad –Boiled potatoes with onion and vinegar.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information containedtherein.Thanks for your attention!