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COMENIUS PROJECT MEETING. Different numbers . Same values. FORT DE FRANCE 19 - 26 March 2011. The project and the partners. The Comenius project Different numbers . Same values is a school partnership project . Its includes 6 schools of 4 countries :
COMENIUS PROJECT MEETING Differentnumbers. Same values FORT DE FRANCE 19 - 26 March 2011
The project and the partners The Comenius projectDifferentnumbers. Same values is a schoolpartnershipproject . Itsincludes 6 schools of 4 countries : Austria : Europaschule in Wiener Neustadt Spain : Colegio Maria Auxiliadora in Salamanque France : Martinique : Lycée Joseph Gaillard in Fort de France Metropolitan : Institution du Sacré Cœur in La Ville du Bois United Kingdom :BrauntonSchool and CommunityCollege inBraunton PiltonCommunityCollege in Barnstaple
The host school 1 098 students, 152 teachers
Programme of the meeting • Saturday, March 19th : arrival of the Europeandelegations • Sunday, March 20th : withfamily • Monday, March 21st : atschool - PowerPoint presentations by the differentdelegations • Tuesday, March 22nd : visit of « L’habitation Clément » • Wednesday, March 23rd : atschool- Traditionaldances • Thursday, March 24th : visit of the garden Balata – visit of St Pierre • Friday, March 25th : atschool– Learning sailingwith « yoles » • Saturday, March 26th : departure of the delegations
Departure of the French delegationat Roissy -Charles de Gaulle airport … … Somehourslater … Arrivalat the airport Aimé Césaire in Fort de France...
M. Yoyotte, headmaster of the Lycée Joseph Gaillard and M. Brailly , headmaster of the ISC-School New contacts: teachers, headmasters and students of different countries
New friends: on the left, M. Yoyotte, headmaster, welcomes Noah Troubal , studentat the ISC-school
Lunch together atschool
Meeting with the powerpointpresentations of the differentdelegations
Visit of « L’habitation Clément » One of the mostfamoussugar plantation and rumdistillery in La Martinique, a cultural and patrimonial site
Project meeting for teachers
Visit of Saint Pierre May 1902: eruption of the volcano of the Montagne Pelée. 28 000 inhabitantsdied Only 1 personsurvided : a prisoner in hiscell !!! ..
The street Victor Hugo The cell of the prisonerwhohadsurvived
A new lessonwith a typicalsailing boat of La Martinique: the YOLE
After the explanations of the responsables… …we are sailingtogether
4 260 Miles 6 864 km
Logos made by the students for the project « European » logo by a Spanishstudent, selected by all the partners French Logo, by Julien M., student of the class 3C at the ISC-School
Pedagogical team: M. Brailly, headmaster, M. Coffinet and D. Lavollée Photos D. Lavollée English version Carrière Alexis and Gautier de Lahaut Guillaume: Students of ISC (2e A)