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COMP 14: Control Flow: if, if-then

COMP 14: Control Flow: if, if-then. May 26, 2000 Nick Vallidis. Review. We talked about input and output What symbols do we use to force the order of operations? What are the equality operators? What are the relational operators? What are the logical operators?. Let's try this again.

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COMP 14: Control Flow: if, if-then

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  1. COMP 14: Control Flow: if, if-then May 26, 2000 Nick Vallidis

  2. Review • We talked about input and output • What symbols do we use to force the order of operations? • What are the equality operators? • What are the relational operators? • What are the logical operators?

  3. Let's try this again • There are class methods and what I'll call object methods. • Class methods are called using the name of the class: • Object methods are called using an instantiated object: result = Math.abs(-17.2); String greeting = new String("Hello, "); greeting = greeting.concat("everyone");

  4. What's the difference? • The difference is that class methods have static in front of them when they are defined

  5. Today • Control Flow • if statement • if-else statement • nested if and if-else statements

  6. Back to the cake • To bake a cake we need: • ingredients • recipe • Similarly for a program we need: • data • algorithm

  7. Yep, time for the algorithm • We've already talked some about representing algorithms: • assignment • expressions • methods • But, we need to be able to control the flow of the program...

  8. Control Flow • Generally, Java statements are just executed in order, one after another • This is pretty dull. We couldn't even make a calculator… • It would be nice to be able to control which statements get executed (we need to make decisions!) p. 110

  9. Good news! • Two types of statements that modify flow: • conditional statements • repetition statements (loops) • Conditional Statements • if, if-else, switch • Repetition Statements • while, do, for p. 110

  10. if, if-else • Today, we'll cover these two • We'll come back to switch at a later date • We'll talk about loops next week

  11. if • Here is the general form for an if statement: if (condition) statement; p. 111

  12. if • Here is the general form for an if statement: if is a Java reserved word if (condition) statement;

  13. if • Here is the general form for an if statement: condition is a boolean expression It must evaluate to true or false if is a Java reserved word if (condition) statement;

  14. if • Here is the general form for an if statement: condition is a boolean expression It must evaluate to true or false if is a Java reserved word if (condition) statement; If the condition evaluates to true, then the statement is executed, otherwise it is skipped

  15. if • Here is the general form for an if statement: if (condition) statement; This indent is VERY important. The compiler doesn't need it, but it helps people read the program

  16. Example int age = 22; if (age < 18) System.out.println("Can't vote!"); System.out.println("Always printed");

  17. condition evaluated true false statement if Control Flow Diagram if (condition) statement;

  18. Another example int year = 2000; if (year == 2000) System.out.println("Sydney Olympics!"); System.out.println("Always printed");

  19. Another example int age = 12; if ((age <=12) || (age >= 65)) System.out.println("Discount!"); System.out.println("Always printed");

  20. if-else • Here is the general form for an if-else statement: if (condition) statement1; else statement2; p. 114

  21. if-else • If the condition is true then statement1 is executed. If the condition is false then statement2 is executed. Never both! if (condition) statement1; else statement2;

  22. if-else Diagram condition evaluated if (condition) statement1; else statement2; true false statement2 statement1

  23. if-else example int age = 22; if (age < 18) System.out.println("Can't vote!"); else System.out.println("Can vote!"); System.out.println("Always printed");

  24. Block Statements • What if we need to do use more than one statement in an if or if-else? • You can use the braces ({ and }) to make a block statement p. 115

  25. Example int age = 22; boolean canVote = true; if (age < 18) { System.out.println("Can't vote!"); canVote = false; } System.out.println("Always printed");

  26. General format { statement1; statement2; . . . statementn; }

  27. Recommendation • A block statement doesn't have to contain more than 1 statement • I recommend always using the block statement form with if and if-else: if (age < 18) { System.out.println("Can't vote!"); }

  28. Nested if and if-else • The statements you execute could be another if or if-else!

  29. Nested if and if-else if (age > 12) { if (age > 65) System.out.println("Discount"); else System.out.println("Normal price"); } else System.out.println("Child Discount");

  30. Examples

  31. Homework • Read 3.1-3.2, 3.4 again • Assignment P2 goes out today and is due on Thursday

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