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Challenges in a Networked World

Challenges in a Networked World. Strategi och styrning 2014 Per Åman. Challenges. Globalization. Integration and responsiveness; scale, scope, reach, diversity, distance; costs, competition. Dynamic s. Pace, change, time, process, innovation; product and process, uncertainty. Intangibles.

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Challenges in a Networked World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Challenges in a Networked World Strategi och styrning 2014 Per Åman

  2. Challenges Globalization Integration and responsiveness; scale, scope, reach, diversity, distance; costs, competition Dynamics Pace, change, time, process, innovation; product and process, uncertainty Intangibles Knowledge, IPR, expressiveness, meaning, values Ethics and ecology Reputation, social responsibility, green, CSR

  3. Globalization

  4. A Flat World? • The world is connected • The world is big • The world is intangible • based on binarycode • is a series of narratives • is branded • is competing on significance • is a service economy • The world is a clashbetweencivilizations • The world is spikey and clustered • The world has a shiftingpoint of gravity • The world is a series of networks • The world is a dynamicecosystem • The world is a an ecologicalclockticking Per Åman

  5. Flat or spikey?

  6. Per Åman

  7. Liberalization and deregulation: The world becamebigger China East E Eu Jap LA US SEA India Time 1989 today Per Åman

  8. Dynamics

  9. A VUCA world?

  10. VUCA • Volatility • Uncertainty • Complexity • Ambiguity

  11. The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. William Gibson author of ‘Neuromancer’

  12. If I hadasked my customerswhattheywantedtheywouldhaveasked for a faster horse. Henry Ford

  13. Intangible Technological knowhow Business Models Binary code/ digital Competing on significance

  14. Intangible assets are also unlikely to be traded (i.e., markets, if they exist, will be “thin”) because their underlying value often derives from the presence of complementary assets, intangible assets are often costly to transfer (Teece, 1981). value can flow to the enterprise from the astute creation, combination, transfer, accumulation, and protection of intangible assets. Intangible assets are the new “natural resources” of the global economy, in the sense that they underpin enterprise (and national) wealth generation capacities. Teece. 2011

  15. Digital 1 0

  16. The world is flat- ”tripleconvergence” New technology – a new platform ”In the yearsroughlycoincidental with the Netscape IPO, humans begananimating inert objects with tinyslivers of intelligence, connectingthem into a global field, and linkingtheminto a singlething.” Kevin Kelly New business models ”..new business practices, that were less about command and control and moreaboutconnecting and collaboratinghorizontally.” New and morepeople ”..the next generation of innovation will come from All over Planet Flat.” Per Åman

  17. Intangibles: The ’conceptualization’ of the economy ”…an electronicplatform for the transmission of ideas at negligible marginal cost.” Alan Greenspan, 2004 Per Åman

  18. Business models Programmer Appstore iTunes iPhone End user

  19. Binaryconsequences: The longtail Per Åman

  20. Competing on significance

  21. Intangibles as significance: narratives as experientialproducts Afictitious story,books(67 languages), films, a brand, an experience, an escape, a global distribution, a meaningful time, a movement of followers, a business success (Books: over £400M 2008, Films: over $2412M, DVD?, Merchandizing ?) Per Åman

  22. Per Åman

  23. Ethics and ecology

  24. T The great acceleration Northern hemisphere averagesurfacehemisphere Population CO2 concentration GDP 1800 1900 2000 Fisheries exploited Loss of rainforest & weedland Water use Paper consumption FDI Species extinction Ozone depletion Motor vehicles

  25. Per Åman

  26. The world is spikey Per Åman

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