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LIEP: Two-Way Immersion. Presentation By: Sinapalo Elementary School Mr. Ronnie Calvo , SPED Teacher Mrs. Connie Maratita , Kindergarten Mrs. Leslie Barcinas , 1 st Grade Mrs. Annie Mendiola , 2 nd Grade Mrs. Armi Atalig , 6 th Grade Mrs. Rebecca Cuevas, CCLHS March 2, 2013
LIEP: Two-Way Immersion Presentation By: Sinapalo Elementary School Mr. Ronnie Calvo, SPED Teacher Mrs. Connie Maratita, Kindergarten Mrs. Leslie Barcinas, 1st Grade Mrs. Annie Mendiola, 2nd Grade Mrs. ArmiAtalig, 6th Grade Mrs. Rebecca Cuevas, CCLHS March 2, 2013 Instructor: Jane Hill, McREL
Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program History • Began in 1960s in Dade County Florida with the influx of Cuban refugees • Private bilingual schools formed to develop bilingualism for Cuban refugees • English speaking families began enrolling their children http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/ip/twowyimmersion.asp
What is the definition of Two-Way Immersion (TWI) - Dual Language Program? A dual language program, also known as a two-way or developmental program, is a bilingual program designed to help students develop language proficiency in two languages by studying in an environment that relies on both languages for instruction. Usually dual language programs are comprised into two roughly equal parts: one-half of the students are native English speakers, and the other half are native speakers of the second language. http://www.alliance.brown.edu/pubs/twi
What is Two-Way Immersion (Bilingual Education) Program in simple terms? • Programs in which native English speakers and native speakers of another language are in the same class in which both languages are used to teach academic subjects - the goal is for all students to achieve academic success and to become bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. http://www.education.com/definition/two-way-immersion-programs/
What are the TWIs Five (5) Key Principles of Program Implementation? These Key Principles are: • Focus on core academic curriculum • Include high quality language arts instruction in both languages with use of thematic units • Complete separation of the two languages without use of translation or repeated lessons • Use a 90/10 or 50/50 model • Use interactive and collaborative teaching strategies. Collier & Thomas (2004)
TWIs - Program Goals • Bilingualism: • High levels of proficiency in English and a second language • Biliteracy: • High levels of academic proficiency in English and a second language • Multicultural competence: • Understanding of different cultures and development of high self esteem
Rationale for Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Programs • Additive bilingual environment for all students • Second language best acquired by language minority students (ELs) when first language established • Second language best acquired by language majority students (English speakers) through immersion in second language • Knowledge learned through one language facilitates acquisition of second language knowledge • Students will benefit from cognitive advantages with development of bilingualism and biliteracy
What is TWIs Modeled Programs for all students to Achieve Academic Success and to become Bilingual, Biliterate, and Bicultural? • A classroom comprised of 50% English Only Speaking Students & 50% Second Language Only Speaking Students teaching both Languages through Content and Instruction. 50% 2nd Language Speaking 50% English Speaking
How do you approach Two-Way Immersion Bilingual Program? Academic and Linguistic Instruction is provided to students utilizing one of the following approaches: 90/10 80/20 70/30 50/50 60/40
Which is the most Common TWI Program Approach? The 50/50 approach is the most common, whereas half the time only English is spoken and the other half the second language is spoken. 50% English Language Spoken 50% Second Language Spoken 50 / 50 Approach
What Comprises the 50/50 approach? • Classroom languages are split on a A / B Rotation depending upon the age/grade level of students. • Typically, students have two (2) classrooms with two (2) teachers, an English Instructor and a Second Language Instructor.
Does Two-Way Immersion Work? According to the Bilingual Research Journal, an experimental study was conducted on children’s learning through preschool education programs compare the effects of TWI and a monolingual English emersion program.
Results of the Study! • The research study proved the two-way immersion program outweighed the English immersion program by increasingSpanish vocabularyof native speakers. • Both programs demonstrated an increase in academic gains. • However, the Two-Way program proved ELLs and native English speaking students additionally gained improved Spanish language development.
Characteristics for Success - TWI • Strong leadership and administrative support • Qualified instructional personnel • Program duration of five to seven years • Balance in classroom composition • Focus on academic achievement
TWI Model – Promotional Benefits • Adequate exposure to second language • Positive and reciprocal school instructional climate • Monolingual delivery • Promotion of the benefits of bilingualism • Strong home/school collaboration
Instructional Benefits • Students will be assessed in both languages used in instruction • Thematic and Spiral Curriculum – Selected Themes weave in all domains • Students will be exposed to a variety of manipulative and technology
Continued Instructional Benefits • Visual Aids / Pictures • Graphic Organizers / Charts • Model and teach respect and character education in the classroom – creating a community of learners
Student Benefits from TWI Model Students will be able to: • Acquire High Level of Proficiency in Two Languages • Improve Communication Skills with members of other Cultural groups • Accelerate Academic Success through Higher Order Thinking Skills • Have a Greater Appreciation for Diversity • Increase future career readiness opportunities
Standard Benefit & Goal… By the time a student completes 5th Grade, the goal is to develop students into bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural individuals who love learning and thinking critically in a global society
Two-Way Immersion - Challenges • Support required from • School Board and District administration • Support and knowledge of program from • Site administration • Resource personnel • Provisions for • Ongoing professional development • Planning time for teachers
TWIs continued Challenges… • Knowledge of • Academic content and curriculum • Theories and strategies for development of biliteracy • Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Model (TWBI) • Native like proficiency in languages of instruction • Culturally competent
TWIs continued Challenges… • Extended amounts of time are needed to fully develop second language academic proficiency (minimum of five to seven years) • Parents agree to a six year commitment of students in program • Establish classroom with linguistic equity or balance • Ideally 50 percent English learners and 50 percent English speakers • Classroom composition should never fall below one-third of either linguistic group
TWIs continued Challenges… Adequate Exposure to Second Language • Create opportunities for second language use through • Formal and informal language structures • Academic, social, and technical language • Teacher-directed instruction and student collaborative group activities TWBI Secondary Program Model – Transition • Generally a continuation of elementary TWBI program • Minimum of two to three classes in target language per semester • Increased focus on formal language structures • Teacher and material resources used to determine target language courses • Adequate selection of materials in target language (instructional and library)
TWIs Instructional Challenges… • Do not water-down a curriculum • Do not assess with cultural bias (use cultural friendly, simple terms) • Do not use passive learning (keep lectures to a minimum; use cooperative and active learning) • Do not exclude family (welcome them into your classroom • Do not speak fast, slur your words, or speak slang (slow down, enunciate properly and use gestures appropriately
LIEP: Two-Way Immersion Solutions • Programs must be • Effective • Well implemented • Not segregated • Sustained long enough (five to six years) • In order for the achievement gap between ELs and native English speakers to be closed
Two-Way Immersion Continued Solutions… • Parents of ELs must yearly sign a waiver request • English learners who have never been enrolled in a school must receive 30 calendar days of sheltered English instruction prior to being placed in two-way bilingual immersion programs
Two-Way Immersion Continued Solutions… • Strong leadership and administrative support • Qualified instructional personnel – Certified Bilingual and/or ESL Instruction • Program duration of Five (5) to Seven (7) years • Balance in classroom composition - Ratio • Focus on Academic Achievement • The school environment should maintain high academic expectations for all students, encourage parental involvement, and demonstrate clear supportive bilingualism and multiculturalism. • Instructors – Know instructional strategies that promote language development, interaction, and mastery of academic concepts, such as cooperative learning, hands-on activities, thematic units, separation of languages, and sheltered instruction.