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Metabolism: An Overview of Cellular Energy Transformation

Explore the basic set of metabolic pathways, catabolism and anabolism, experimental methods, nutrition, and the role of vitamins in metabolism. Discover how organisms convert nutrients into energy and the importance of enzymes in these processes.

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Metabolism: An Overview of Cellular Energy Transformation

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  1. Chapter 18 Metabolism--an Overview to accompany Biochemistry, 2/e by Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham All rights reserved. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to: Permissions Department, Harcourt Brace & Company, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-6777

  2. Outline • 18.1 Basic Set of Metabolic Pathways • 18.2 Catabolism and Anabolism • 18.3 Experimental Methods • 18.4 Nutrition • SPECIAL FOCUS: Vitamins

  3. Metabolism • The sum of the chemical changes that convert nutrients into energy and the chemically complex products of cells • Hundreds of enzyme reactions organized into discrete pathways • Substrates are transformed to products via many specific intermediates • Metabolic maps portray the reactions

  4. A Common Set of Pathways • Organisms show a marked similarity in their major metabolic pathways • Evidence that all life descended from a common ancestral form • There is also significant diversity • Autotrophs use CO2; Heterotrophs use organic carbon; Phototrophs use light; Chemotrophs use Glc, inorganics & S

  5. The Sun is Energy for Life • Phototrophs use light to drive synthesis of organic molecules • Heterotrophs use these as building blocks • CO2, O2, and H2O are recycled • See Figure 18.3

  6. Metabolism • Metabolism consists of catabolism and anabolism • Catabolism: degradative pathways • Usually energy-yielding! • Anabolism: biosynthetic pathways • energy-requiring!

  7. Organization in Pathways • Pathways consist of sequential steps • The enzymes may be separate • Or may form a multienzyme complex • Or may be a membrane-bound system • New research indicates that multienzyme complexes are more common than once thought

  8. Catabolism and Anabolism • Catabolic pathways converge to a few end products • Anabolic pathways diverge to synthesize many biomolecules • Some pathways serve both in catabolism and anabolism • Such pathways are amphibolic

  9. Comparing Pathways • Anabolic & catabolic pathways involving the same product are not the same • Some steps may be common to both • Others must be different - to ensure that each pathway is spontaneous • This also allows regulation mechanisms to turn one pathway and the other off

  10. The ATP Cycle • ATP is the energy currency of cells • In phototrophs, light energy is transformed into the light energy of ATP • In heterotrophs, catabolism produces ATP, which drives activities of cells • ATP cycle carries energy from photosynthesis or catabolism to the energy-requiring processes of cells

  11. Redox in Metabolism • NAD+ collects electrons released in catabolism • Catabolism is oxidative - substrates lose reducing equivalents, usually H- ions • Anabolism is reductive - NADPH provides the reducing power (electrons) for anabolic processes

  12. A comparison of state of reduction of carbon atoms in biomolecules.

  13. Isotope Tracers as Probes • Substrates labeled with an isotopic form of some element can be fed to cells and used to elucidate metabolic sequences • Radioactive isotopes: 14C, 3H, 31P • Stable ‘heavy’ isotopes: 18O, 15N

  14. Nutrition • Protein is a rich source of nitrogen and also provides essential amino acids • Carbohydrates provide needed energy and essential components for nucleotides and nucleic acids • Lipids provide essential fatty acids that are key components of membranes and also important signal molecules

  15. Vitamins • Many vitamins are "coenzymes" - molecules that bring unusual chemistry to the enzyme active site • Vitamins and coenzymes are classified as "water-soluble" and "fat-soluble" • The water-soluble coenzymes exhibit the most interesting chemistry

  16. Vitamin B1 Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) • Thiamine - a thiazole ring joined to a substituted pyrimidine by a methylene bridge • Thiamine-PP is the active form • TPP is involved in carbohydrate metabolism • It catalyzes decarboxylations of alpha-keto acids and the formation and cleavage of alpha-hydroxyketones

  17. Thiamine Pyrophosphate Reactions and rationale • Yeast pyruvate decarboxylase, acetolactate synthase, transketolase, phosphoketolase • All these reactions depend on accumulation of negative charge on the carbonyl carbon at which cleavage occurs! • Thiamine pyrophosphate facilitates these reactions by stabilizing this negative charge • The key is the quaternary nitrogen of the thiazolium group

  18. Role of the Thiazolium Nitrogen Key points: • It provides electrostatic stabilization of the carbanion formed by removal of the C-2 proton • It acts as an electron sink via resonance interactions • The resonance-stabilized intermediate can be protonated to give hydroxyethyl-TPP, an isolatable intermediate! • Study Figures 18.17-18.18!!

  19. Adenine Nucleotide Coenzymes All use the adenine nucleotide group solely for binding to the enzyme! • Several classes of coenzymes: • pyridine dinucleotides • flavin mono- and dinucleotides • coenzyme A

  20. Nicotinic Acid and the Nicotinamide Coenzymes aka pyridine nucleotides • These coenzymes are two-electron carriers • They transfer hydride anion (H-) to and from substrates • Two important coenzymes in this class: • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+)

  21. Nicotinamide Coenzymes Structural and mechanistic features • The quaternary nitrogen of the nicotinamide ring acts as an electron sink to facilitate hydride transfer • The site (on the nicotinamide ring) of hydride transfer is a pro-chiral center! • Hydride transfer is always stereospecific! • Be sure you understand the pro-R, pro-S designations

  22. Nicotinamide Coenzymes Structural and mechanistic features • The quaternary nitrogen of the nicotinamide ring acts as an electron sink to facilitate hydride transfer • The site (on the nicotinamide ring) of hydride transfer is a pro-chiral center! • Hydride transfer is always stereospecific! • Be sure you understand the pro-R, pro-S designations

  23. Last Notes on Nicotinamides See box on page 590 • Nicotinamide was first isolated in 1937 by Elvehjem at the University of Wisconsin • Note similarities between structures of nicotinic acid, nicotinamide and nicotine • To avoid confusion of names (and functions!), the name niacin (for nicotinic acid vitamin) was suggested by Cowgill at Yale.

  24. Riboflavin and the Flavins Vitamin B2 • All these substances contain ribitol and a flavin or isoalloxazine ring • Active forms are flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) • FMN is not a true nucleotide • FAD is not a dinucleotide • But the names are traditional and they persist!

  25. Flavin Mechanisms Flavins are one- or two-electron transfer agents • Name "flavin" comes from Latin flavius for "yellow" • The oxidized form is yellow, semiquinones are blue or red and the reduced form is colorless • Study the electron and proton transfers in Figure 18.22 • Other transfers are possible!

  26. Coenzyme A Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) is a component of Coenzyme A • Functions: • Activation of acyl groups for transfer by nucleophilic attack • activation of the alpha-hydrogen of the acyl group for abstraction as a proton • Both these functions are mediated by the reactive -SH group on CoA, which forms thioesters

  27. Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine and pyridoxal phosphate • Catalyzes reactions involving amino acids • Transaminations, decarboxylations, eliminations, racemizations and aldol reactions • See Figure 18.26 • This versatile chemistry is due to: • formation of stable Schiff base adducts • a conjugated electron sink system that stabilizes reaction intermediates

  28. Pyridoxal Phosphate Mechanisms • Figure 18.27 is a key figure - relate each intermediate to subsequent mechanisms • Appreciate the fundamental difference between intermediates 2-5 and 6,7 • It would be a good idea to devote some time to the mechanisms in the end-of-chapter problems.

  29. Vitamin B12Cyanocobalamin • B12 is converted into two coenzymes in the body: • 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin • methylcobalamin

  30. Vitamin B12Cyanocobalamin • Dorothy Hodgkin determined the crystal structure of B12 in 1961 - at the time it was the most complicated structure ever elucidated by X-ray diffraction and she won a Nobel prize • Most striking feature - the C-Co bond length of 0.205 nm (2.05 A) - an essentially covalent bond

  31. B12 Function & Mechanism See Figures 18.28-18.29 • B12 catalyzes 3 kinds of reactions: • Intramolecular rearrangements • Reductions of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides • Methyl group transfers (assisted by tetrahydrofolate - which is covered in a later section of this chapter)

  32. Vitamin C Ascorbic acid • Most plants and animals make ascorbic acid - for them it is not a vitamin • Only a few vertebrates - man, primates, guinea pigs, fruit-eating bats and some fish (rainbow trout, carp and Coho salmon) cannot make it! • Vitamin C is a reasonably strong reducing agent • It functions as an electron carrier

  33. Roles of Vitamin C Many functions in the body • Hydroxylations of proline and lysine (essential for collagen) are Vitamin C-dependent • Metabolism of Tyr in brain depends on C • Fe mobilization from spleen depends on C • C may prevent the toxic effects of some metals • C ameliorates allergic responses • C can stimulate the immune system

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