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Peter Pan And The Darling family.

Peter Pan And The Darling family. This story has happened before!. The darling family live in London. This is their house on the corner. Look through the window. T his is Mrs Darling getting ready to go out. This is Mr Darling getting ready to go out.

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Peter Pan And The Darling family.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Peter Pan And The Darling family. This story has happened before!

  2. The darling family live in London.

  3. This is their house on the corner.

  4. Look through the window.This is Mrs Darling getting ready to go out.

  5. This is Mr Darling getting ready to go out.

  6. This is Nana. She looks after the children.

  7. These are the children. Meet Wendy, John and Michael.Wendy tells them wonderful stories about Peter Pan and pirates.

  8. Mr Darling is cross!The children have made a pirate treasure map of his best shirt!

  9. He tells Wendy she is to blame for telling stories that are not true. From now on, she must sleep in another room. She is too old for the nursery.

  10. Mr Darling is angry with Nana too. He ties her up outside.

  11. Mrs Darling says “Goodnight “to the children .She is about to shut the window.

  12. Wendy says “ Don’t shut the window. Peter Pan is coming to find his shadow. I have it safe”

  13. Mr and Mrs Darling go out . Mrs Darling is worried about Wendy. She thinks she is talking nonsense.

  14. Who is this on the roof top?It’s Peter Pan.He has come to find his shadow!

  15. Peter is afraid of Nana. He is pleased she is tied up!Peter flies into the nursery.

  16. Tinkerbell is a pixie. She is Peter Pan’s friend.She finds the shadow.

  17. The shadow jumps out of the drawer.

  18. Peter Pan tries to catch his shadow.

  19. He catches his shadow and tries to stick it on his foot.

  20. Wendy wakes up. She is happy to see Peter.She sews his shadow on .

  21. Peter is happy. He plays with his shadow.

  22. Tinkerbell is jealous. She wants Peter Pan all to herself!

  23. Peter meets the family. He tries to teach them to fly.

  24. But, they fall down!

  25. Tinkerbell thinks this is funny.

  26. Peter takes some of Tinkerbell’s pixie dust.

  27. He puts it on the children to help them fly.He wants them to be happy.

  28. The children fly out of the window with Peter Pan.

  29. Peter Pan wants the children to fly to Never Never Land with him.

  30. Away they go to new adventures! Do you think they get there?

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