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Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA: Success Story of Shrimp Farming Modernization

Learn about Korea's successful Fisheries ODA with Algeria, focusing on technology transfer and aquaculture development through a Master Plan.

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Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA: Success Story of Shrimp Farming Modernization

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  1. Korea-South Pacific Fisheries Forum(KOSOPFF) March 16th, Noumea, New Caledonia Korean Fisheries ODA and its Successful case for Algeria Myeonghwa Jung, Director(International Fisheries Research Deparment) jmh@kmi.re.kr Seoyeon Oh, Researcher(International Fisheries Research Deparment) Seoyeon_oh@kmi.re.kr

  2. Contents Korean Fisheries ODA Overview Introduction of Korea-Algeria fisheries ODA Implication

  3. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview Ⅰ

  4. Ⅰ. Korean fisheries ODA Overview Korea ODA Authority Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(MOF) Authorized Ministry Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA)

  5. Ⅰ. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview Korea ODA Process Establishing strategy Project identification Receiving recipient country’s project Request Form Initial screening (policy screening) Evaluation Enforcement and monitoring project Selection and approval of project Second screening (technical screening) Project completion Source: KOICA

  6. Ⅰ. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview KOICA ODA • Development Consulting, Project-type Technical Cooperation, etc. • 9.5%(2014)→11.4 %(2017) • Total # of projects in 1991~2014 - Agriculture(145, 77%) 〉 Forestry (34, 14.6%) 〉 Fishery projects(8.4%) 2014 Annual Result (million won) Education Public Administration Health Agriculture and fisheries Industrial, Energy emergency aid etc Source: KOICA

  7. Ⅰ. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview KOICA ODA Projects (1991-2014) Source: KOICA

  8. Ⅰ. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview Korean MOF ODA • Education and training program, In-Kind assistance, support for fisheries infrastructure and Ocean & Fisheries International Conference • To help support sustainable fisheries and to build a close relationship with coastal states < Korean MOF budget allocation in Ocean and Fishereis ODA(2013~2017) > (million won) Source: MOF

  9. Ⅰ. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview Korean MOF ODA(2017) Source: MOF

  10. Ⅰ. Korean Fisheries ODA Overview Korean Ocean & Fisheries ODA Stakeholders Building a close relationship with costal countries Continuously expanding ODA project Strengthening cooperative networks • ODA Project (2017) • - Establishment of Fisheries Training Center • (Timor-Leste) • - Capacity building of the fishery experts • (Solomon Islands) • - Establish production base of inland fish farming • (Myanmar) • - Consulting Program for Sustainable • Fishery and Aquaculture Production(Algeria) - KORAFF(Korea-Africa Fisheries Forum) - KOSOPFF(Korea-South Pacific Fisheries Forum) - KOSAFF(Korea- South America Fisheries Forum) KMI KOICA MOF • In-Kind assistance • Ocean & fishery technology and policy training • Conference on International fisheries and ocean cooperation • Support for building fishery sanitary facilities and infrastructure

  11. Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA Ⅱ

  12. Ⅱ. Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA • 2008~2011 • Project for technology transfer and construction of farm for Kuruma shrimp in Algeria • - Algeria’s first success of farming Kurumashrimp • ※(‘11) 6 millions of juvenile shrimp and 2 tons of shrimp • ▶ (‘13) 7million of juvenile shrimp & 1.5 tons of shrimp • 2011~2016 • The Development of Shrimp Farming and Research Centre in Ouargla • ※ Start to commercial production of white shrimp in • breeding farm (Litopenaeusvannamei) in 2017 • 2014~2017 • Consulting project for modernization & • industrialization of fishery and aquaculture • Establishing Algerian Fishery sustainable • Development Strategy Master Plan

  13. Ⅱ. Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA Korea-Algeria Project Consulting Program for Sustainable Fishery and Aquaculture Production Master Plan in Algeria A. Project title B. Duration 29. Dec.2014~30. Dec.2017 ▶ Master plan: from July 2015 to December 2017 Realize fisheries modernization through technology transfer and support in fisheries research ㆍ(KMI)Establish national development plan based on Master Plan ㆍEnhance fisheries productivity through technology transfer on fisheries and aquaculture C. Objective ㆍConsulting for Master Plan ㆍDispatch of Korean Experts to Algeria ㆍTraining Programs in Korea ㆍProvision of Equipment D. Project programs

  14. Ⅱ. Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA Project Implementation Unit NFRDI (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Korea) MADRP (Ministre de l'Agriculture du Développement Rural et de la Pêche) PIU( Project implementation Unit) CAPA (Chambre Algérienne de Pêche et d'Aquaculture) PMC, KOICA CNRDPA (Centre National de Recherche et de Développement de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture) KMI Establishing long-term fisheries development plan

  15. Ⅱ. Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA Field Survey for establishing Master plan Field survey(Algerian Inland aquaculture) Discussion with MADRP Port survey Korea-Algeria expert conference

  16. Ⅱ. Korea-Algeria Fisheries ODA Korea-AlgeriaODA Program Training Programs in Korea Training Programs in Korea Transfer farming shrimp technology Inauguration of Algerie-KoreaCooperative Research Center

  17. Implication

  18. Ⅲ. Implication Lessonslearned • (Developing country) • ⇒Lack of fisheries resource management (fisheriesstatistics, unregulated fishing, • overfishing, depletion of fish stocks etc.) • ⇒ Lack of production technology, infrastructure, skilled manpower, and policy effectiveness • (Korea) Fisheries development experience and policy-making know-how • ⇒ Transfer of fisheries and aquaculture technology, fishery resource management, • Building a Korean Model of Cooperation • ⇒ Shrimp Farm in the Sahara Desert (Algeria): Exchange of inland aquaculture experts • between South Korea and Algeria • Korean Fisheries ODA • ⇒ Strengthening cooperation with South Pacific Islands and contributing to sustainable fisheries • and aquaculture through the expansion of ODA in the fisheries sector • ⇒ Recipient-oriented practical aid, customized program, and contribution to the world • ⇒ Hardware, Software, and Human-ware towards the Win-Win Partnership ‘Let's build a better ocean and world together’

  19. Thankyou

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