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EEL 6935: Embedded Systems Seminar

EEL 6935: Embedded Systems Seminar. General Information. Instructor: Ann Gordon-Ross Office: Benton 319 Email: ann@ece.ufl.edu Office Hours – By appointment only on TR Web page: linked from http://www.ann.ece.ufl.edu/ Nothing on E-learning or Sakai.

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EEL 6935: Embedded Systems Seminar

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  1. EEL 6935: Embedded Systems Seminar

  2. General Information • Instructor: Ann Gordon-RossOffice: Benton 319Email: ann@ece.ufl.eduOffice Hours – By appointment only on TRWeb page: linked from http://www.ann.ece.ufl.edu/Nothing on E-learning or Sakai. • Communication: When sending email, include [EEL6935] in the subject line • Everything will be linked off of the course schedule! That will be the most important page for you!

  3. How this Class is Different! • Seminar style course geared for those with prior embedded systems background and interested in more in depth knowledge • No required textbook • No class projects • Required readings include conference and journal publications – state-of-the-art, cutting edge research • Class presentations over the material

  4. How this Class is Different! • What you will learn: • How to identify current, quality research • Conference and journal quality • Different for computer science vs. engineering • How to read research papers • Difficult to learn the process, MUST practice to get better • Learn what research really is, how to evaluate it • Is a PhD for you? • Gain presentation skills • Excellent for job interviews • Progressive feedback from peers and myself

  5. How this Class is Different! • What you will learn: • Wide knowledge of embedded system design aspects • In depth knowledge of your chosen topics • I love this class! • Always learn new things • Review of 60 papers, but only read approximately 6 • No project • Group work • Public speaking

  6. Course Information • Prerequisites • CDA 5636: Embedded Systems 1 • Computer architecture • Digital logic design • Programming experience with C and/or C++ • Assembly languages • Basic UNIX/LINUX OS and compiler knowledge • Reading • No textbook • Research papers as assigned, linked off of course schedule

  7. Course Components • Tests - 45% (not cumulative) • 3 Midterms, each 15% • Questions covering presentations and related papers • Midterm 3 will be the last day of class – Tues April 22 • Class Presentation – 40% • Number of presentation TBD • Long – 40 minutes over 2 related papers • Short – 20 minutes over 1 paper • Class Participation – 15%

  8. Groups • You will be required to work in groups • Each group will be exactly 2 members • If odd enrollment, there will be 1 group of 3 or a single person may work alone • First request will get consideration • Approved/denied after add drop deadline Jan 11 @ 11:59pm • Must submit group requests via email to me (ann@ece.ufl.edu) by Sun Jan 13 @ 8pm • All individual this semester

  9. Class Presentations • Each group/individual will give several short/long presentations • 5-10 minutes for questions/answers • Each presentation will cover 1/2 papers (short/long, respectively) • 2 papers for long presentations must be related • You will choose them and I will approve them • Must submit papers via email to me for approval at least 2 weeks prior to presentation day • Each presentation will cover a different topic • Select topics via email by Sun Jan 12 @ 8pm • Limited slots per topic, first come first serve • Presentation date will be assigned, but will roughly follow topic list…

  10. Class Presentation Topics • Must choose different topics: • Topic 1 - Sensor Networks • Topic 2 - Communications • Topic 3 - Aero-space Applications • Topic 4 - Real-time Systems • Topic 5 - Reconfiguable Computing • Topic 6 - Hardware-Software Partitioning and Co-Design Principles • Topic 7 - Memory/Cache Optimization Techniques • Topic 8 - General Low Power/Energy Optimization Techniques • Topic 9 - Architectural Optimizations

  11. Paper Selection • Search top embedded system conferences…. • CASES, CODE+ISSS, ISPLED, SOCC, LCTES, DAC, FCCM, DATE, ICCAD, etc. • Consider tier 1 vs tier 2 vs tier 3 conferences • Search top embedded systems journals… • IEEE TVLSI, IEEE TCAD, ACM Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Computers, DAES, TACO, etc. • Not just IEEE or ACM • Google Scholar and Citeseer

  12. Presentation Preparation • Cover enough background so that viewers can understand • Cover details of the papers’ implementations • Results • Last slide by identify questions/shortfalls/disadvantages/future directions • Number slides X of Y

  13. Presentation Preparation • Submit PPT to me via email by 8PM the night before your presentation so I can post it • Each person must submit 4 potential test questions with answers via email by 8PM the night before your presentation • PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

  14. Presentation Deliverables • Papers submitted for approval 2 weeks before presentation date • Presentation and questions (each person submits their own questions) by 8 PM the day before your talk

  15. Presentation Timeline • 9 topics, roughly 12 presentation weeks • Topic choice gives you a rough idea of when your talk will be, I will assign the date • Midterm dates will be added • Special topics/guests may be added • Talks begin Jan 28 • If you choose topic 1, you might present Jan 28

  16. Grading Criteria • Timing – 20/40 minutes • Preparation – slides are presentable and understandable with good formatting and use of visual aids • Submitting papers/slides/questions on time • Presentation clarity • Ability to answer audience questions • Identification of questions/shortfalls/disadvantages/future directions • If groups, each student talks for ½ of time

  17. Class Participation 15% of Grade • Presenter feedback • During each presentation, audience will note strengths/weaknesses for each presenter • Anonymous, just leave the notes at the front of the class for the speakers • Honor system • Question participation • Ask questions after talk • I will record, and keep track of each question

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