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Oral presentation. Who, what?. You will do an oral presentation by pair or alone . You will talk at least 10 minutes . It will deal with a question concerning a company. What?. Examples: How did Apple become the most expensive company?
Who, what? • You will do an oral presentation by pair or alone. • You will talk at least 10 minutes. • It will deal with a question concerning a company.
What? • Examples: • How did Apple become the most expensive company? • Why is Starbuck’s a success in the UK and not in France? • How to make money with low-cost service, the example of Easy Jet?
When? • The presentations will take place on June 18 and 20. • Don’t come up with lousy excuses (I forgot my usb key…)
You must include in your presentation • I. A history of the company: • Whenwasitfounded? • By whom? • Why? • How? • Where?
You must include in your presentation • II. A descrption of the company. • Whatproduct or service doesitsell? • Evolution of the turnover and the profits. • Humanresources: • how many people are there in the workforce, • whatis the evolutionsince the beginning, • whatis the tendency (growing or downsizing), • whatis the profile of the workforce (engineers, executives, sales staff, factoryworkers/office workers), • whatis the type of management.
You must include in your presentation • Place: how many outlets/subsidiaries does the company have, in which/how many countries? • Who are its customers (market segment)? • What is its market share? • Who are its competitors?
Marketing strategy: What are the objectives of the company and what marketing tools do they use? • III. Explain your question, and try to give an answer.
List of companies and questions. • 1. Why is GOOGLE so successful? • 2. Why is APPLE so successful? • 3. Starbusks: why aren’t they successful in France? What new competition are they facing worldwide? • 4. Easyjet: how can you make money with a low-cost service? • 5. Explain Ryan Air model?
6. Abercrombie and Fitch: the reason for their commercial success, the ethicallimits (exclusion of bad-looking people/fat people) • 7. Nespresso: how didtheybecome the market leader? • 8. ZARA: how to besuccessfulwithoutadvertising?
9. Can you run an ethical company and be successful: Innocent (http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/) • or The Body Shop (http://www.thebodyshop.co.uk/)
The rules! • You must involve the audience during your presentation (do a survey, ask someone to come to the board for someting, ask a question to the audience, make them guess something, vote, calculate. Etc) • BE ORIGINAL!!
The rules! • Catch the attention of your audience in the introduction (bring a product, show a little video…) • BE DYNAMIC!!
The rules! • You MUST use languagesignposts. • You must use the list of vocabularyyourteacherwillgiveyou. • Do not use for your translation. • You MUST do a powerpoint • Finish yourpresentation by a conclusion.
Nulle part en France est inconnue: c'est à peine une terre de surprises. Néanmoins, le voyage de Paris à Cognac est moins familier que de nombreux. Au 18ème siècle il a été l'une des routes les plus fréquentées par les voyageurs commissions de travail de l'eau de vie et les métiers du vin de Bordeaux. Un voyageur a été commis - et est toujours - un voyageur de commerce, un explorateur du monde des affaires nouvelles, c'est une invention typiquement française que le cognac lui-même.Vous vous demandez comment le cognac est devenu un éponyme pour le brandy, j'ai pensé qu'il serait amusant de redécouvrir le voyageur commissions sur cette route, en reproduisantle parcours de la chair de poule Alphaville-comme le réglage de Paris-Montparnasse en TGVà Tarbes, via Poitiers et Angoulême, où vous descendez du train dans un marigot Balzacien calme.
A few tips! • Do not readfromyour notes! Have somebullet points ready. • Speakslowly(let people time to integratewhatyousay). • Pause (silence is a powerfulmeans of communication). • Speakclearly and loudenough. • Watchyour audience, smileatthem.
Assessment. • There will be a 360° feedback by: • Three students • Yourself • The teacher
Evaluation sheet Person(s) presenting : _________ 1 (needs improvement) 5 (good) • The presenter spoke clearly (I heard and understood everything) 1 2 3 4 5 • The presenter used proper English 1 2 3 4 5 • The presenter spoke at a good pace (not too fast) 1 2 3 4 5 • The presenter didn’t read from his/her notes 1 2 3 4 5 • The presenter made eye-contact and faced the audience1 2 3 4 5 • The presenter used language signposts and the required words 1 2 3 4 5 • The presentation was interesting 1 2 3 4 5 • I learned something 1 2 3 4 5 • The audience got involved 1 2 3 4 5 • The introduction caught my attention 1 2 3 4 5 Total : /50