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Safeguarding Students Online: Guidelines for Social Networks

Learn how students use social networks, why schools restrict access, and how to educate and protect students from online risks.

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Safeguarding Students Online: Guidelines for Social Networks

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  1. Social Networks Overview and Safeguards for Students and Staff

  2. Why students uses them… • To connect with strangers or to keep in touch with friends • Develop relationships based on shared interests or jobs • Connect people with similar language, background, or identities • It is the culture of the future

  3. Some Popular Social Networking sites used by many different cultures today. Site based on college networking became popular at Harvard in 2004 Launched in 2003 to compete with Friendster(’02), Xanga (’05), and Asian Avenue(’99) Developed to leverage Business networks believing they could support each other without competing. Started the Social Networking hype in 1997 but closed in 2000, founder stated that “they were simply ahead of their time” What one are you on?

  4. Posting Messages-many students post messages daily to their friends Sharing Music- one third of students download music or upload video or audio podcasts weekly Sharing Videos- also one third of students upload videos of others weekly, one in ten students upload videos of themselves weekly. Site Building- many students have their own websites, one in ten students update their page daily, one in four do so weekly Blogging-students add to blogs they have created weekly, 30% of students have their own blogs Sharing Photos- one in five students post photos or artwork weekly for others to view What do students do online? KNOWING WHAT STUDENTS DO ONLINE CAN HELP TEACHERS CONTROL HOW STUDENTS USE THE INTERNET.

  5. A study by the National School Board Association reported that.. • Students talk more about school while on Social Network sites than any other topic. • 60% of the topics were college planning, learning outside of school, careers and school work. • Most school districts prohibit the use of Social Network sites during school time Why do schools ban the use of a social network that may be beneficial to students?

  6. 52% of school districts prohibit the use of Social Networking sites 84% of schools have rules in place that students may not participate in online chatting and 81% of instant messaging. 9 in 10 schools require a parent and student to sign an Internet Policy, which 92% of these schools block specific sites from use on school computers When asked about blogging and posting messages on bulletin boards 62% of schools have rules against it Facts about the use of the internet in schools provided by Grunwald Associates

  7. EDUCATE YOUR STUDENTS!! • It is our responsibility to teach students about the safety of online social network sites • This protects the student, teachers and school THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME GUIDELINES ON HOW TO KEEP STUDENTS SAFE WHILE THEY ARE ONLINE

  8. PRIVACY • Schools should set privacy restrictions on computers for limited access of information. • While on SNS set privacy settings to protect themselves from being viewed by potentially harmful people. • Inform students of limiting the private information that they put on the websites REMEMBER: WHAT YOU WRITE ONLINE CAN BE SEEN BY MORE THAN JUST WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO!

  9. If you write it..others see it • Remind students they can be viewed by others online • Students should not write anything that you do not want others to see or share information that is private • Even if students delete something online, it may still be viewable by others • This includes photos and videos that are posted online too

  10. Keep your conversations more informative rather than telling students what to do. There are many predators online and if students feel threatened, it is important that they feel comfortable going to an adult, such as a teacher, to get help Know the proper procedure if a student is threatened online. Make your lessons about safety a comfortable conversation

  11. What to do if a student is threatened online Contact the proper authority Also consider… • Offender- if the offender is known it may be wise to talk to him or her • Parents of the student-they should know what is going on at all times • Principal and Guidance counselor-to safe guard other possible threats • Other students that may have been harmed

  12. The Police should be contacted if… • The child is at risk • Abusive or pornographic images are present • Sexual solicitation occurs Any of these situations should also be reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at www.missingkids.com

  13. Websites Available… • Netsmart Workshops-teaches students to be safe online • Stoptextbullying.com- offers advice about cyber bullying and online safety to students • Staysafe.org- teaches safety and security to students, teachers and parents Prevention is the best bet to keep students in your school safe from online predators

  14. There is value to Social Network Sites in the classroom! • Teaching prevention to your students will reduce the risks associated with these sites. • By using them resourcefully it will make your lessons and group activities more geared towards trends in technology which in turn will be beneficial to your students Do your homework too! How can you safely incorporate Social Network Sites into your classroom?

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