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Portuguese Renewable Energy Sector. Lisbon, 17th March 2009. Renewable Energy. Index: ► Framework ► Results ► Focus on wind power ► New investments in hydro power ► Importance of forest biomass ► Investment in solar energy ► Ambitious objectives in the inclusion of bio fuels
Portuguese Renewable Energy Sector Lisbon, 17th March 2009
Renewable Energy Index: ► Framework ► Results ► Focus on wind power ► New investments in hydro power ► Importance of forest biomass ► Investment in solar energy ► Ambitious objectives in the inclusion of bio fuels ► Exploitation of wave power ► Portuguese plan for energy efficiency ► Main Portuguese companies ► Respective Organisations Index: ►
Renewable Energy Strategic Priorities • Reduction in overseas dependency by an increase in production (diversification of primary resources) and in the promotion of energy efficiency Guarantee of a reliable supply Use of environmental processes • Reduction in gas emissions that cause a Greenhouse effect Encourage company competition, competitive- ness and efficiency • Development of an industry that supplies equipment and services – incentives to innovation
Renewable Energy Main areas of activity • Liberalization of the gas and electricity markets • Development of an operator to transport gas and electricity – REN • Promotion of developments in renewable energies • Focus in wind power – wind power cluster in Viana do Castelo • Portuguese Reservoir Plan with a High Potential for Hydro Power • Valuation of biomass • Increase the use of solar energy • Incorporation of bio fuels • Leader in wave energy • Implementation of a plan to increase energy efficiency - Portugal Eficiência 2015
Renewable Energy Some results obtained: • Wind park in Alto Minho – 120 turbines, 240MW installed capacity, production of 530 GWh/year capacity to supply 160 thousand homes The largest wind energy park in Europe • In Póvoa do Varzim (Açugadoura), 3 Pelamis units with an installed capacity of 2.25MW, 5Km off the coast, supplying energy to 1,500 homes The first park in the world to supply wave energy • In 2008 the Portuguese Government signed an agreement with Renault-Nissan to promote the use of electric vehicles. A network of infra-structures will be created to enable the substitution or charging of car batteries. This was the first agreement by the Consortium – Renault and Nissan who, in the past, had separate agreements with only Israel and Denmark. Portuguese platform for electric cars by 2011
Renewable Energy Renewable objective to 2010 (Directive 2001/77/CE) Exceed the target of 39% established by the Directive and achieve, in 2010, a RES contribution of 45% in total electricity consumption (Decision Jan 2007) The Portuguese Government intends to exceed the objectives defined for 2010 In 2008 the RES contribution in total electricity consumption reached 43% in Portugal With a target of 39% Portugal undertook the 3rd most ambitious objective of the EU 15 for renewables Source: Directive 2001/77/CE, Ministery of Economy and Innovation,General Directorate for Geology and Energy; Council of Ministers Resolution nº1/2008
Renewable Energy Evolution of installed power in RES In 2008: ►8,151 MW of electric Energy from renewable sources ► Strong increase in the power installed in wind and photovoltaic energy ► The first working centre for the exploitation of wave energy +10,3% +1,2% +65,2% +2,3% • Hydro: 59% of power installed in RES in 2008 • Wind: 34.3% of power installed in RES; increase of 112% in 2004 and at 2 digits since then Increae average annual rate between 2003 and 2008 Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy +x%
Renewable Energy Focus on Wind Power Number of installed parks Installed Power Meta Number of installed aero-generators • Average annual increases 2003-2008: • 65.2% in installed power • 34.3% number of parks • 41.4% number of aero-generators • 22.3% average power of the parks • 16.7% power of installed aero-generators • 15.8% annual power of the installed • aero-generators Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Renewable Energy Description of the parks by installed power potential Mainland Portugal • Wind parks installed with power of between 1 and 10 MW prevail. These only represent • 13% of installed power in mainland Portugal • 37% of installed power are in parks with > 50MW, of which 5% represent wind parks • in mainland Portugal Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Renewable Energy Distribuition of installed power (MW) and the production of wind power (GWh) – Mainland Portugal - 2008 173MW ► 2,4% 389GWh ► +0,5% 304MW ► +201% 513GWh ► +175,8% 14MW ► 0% 30GWh ► +36,4% 144MW ► +19% 259GWh ► +14,1% 548MW ► + 42,7% 906GWh ► +27,6% 97MW ► +5,4% 205GWh ► +70,8% 126MW ► + 125% 299GWh ► +124,8% 42MW ► 0% 93GWh ► +9,4% 406MW ► + 32,7% 851GWh ► +71,2% 299MW ► +9,5% 641GWh ► +40,3% 152MW ► + 1,3% 388GWh ► +13,5% 167MW ► +12,1% 380GWh ► +31,9% 27MW ► 0 em 2007 10GWh ► 0 em 2007 244MW ► +26,4% 597GWh ► +31,2% 40MW ► 0% 97GWh ► +38,6% 19MW ► 0% 38GWh ► +35,7% Nota: +x%=rate of increase on relation to 2007 Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Renewable Energy Strong focus on wind energy: creation of cluster Wind Cluster - Viana do Castelo Estimated investment: 1,750 Million Euros. Main industrial site near the harbour, will be able to guarantee the immediate supply of wind parks ready for use and will include: ► 29 companies ► 1 main industrial site with 5 factories – will produce up-to-date aero generators – rotor blade factory (inaugurated in Nov. 2007), with concrete towers (already in production), of generators, of mechatronics,of distribution and power transformers. At the same time, a new Centre for Professional Training will be created, establishing a centre of R&D with Portuguese universities and creating a place for innovation. When fully operational: 1,800 jobs, 200 million Euros worth of equipment exported annually, reduction of 1 million ton/year of CO2.
New investment in hydro power
Renewable Energy New investment in hydro power • Objectives: reach 7,000MW of installed capacity by 2020 Portuguese Strategic Plan for investments in the harvesting of hydro power Strengthening power from existing centres – Picote II, Bemposta II, Alqueva II and Baixo Sabor New structuring projects – Foz Tua, Fridão, Padroselos, Gouvães, Daivões, Vidago, Almourol, Pinhosão, Girabolhos e Alvito. To go from 46 to 67% hydro power exploration Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Renewable Energy New investments in hydro power Portuguese Reservoir Plan with a High Potential for Hydro Power Notes: Adj - Adjudicated; Conc – Under tender; Anunc - Advertised Sources: INAG, Ministério do Ambiente, do Ordenamento do Território e do Desenvolvimento Regional, Media
Renewable Energy New investments in hydro power • Objective: reach 7,000MW installed capacity by 2020 Development of existing projects Reinforce the power of Baixo Sabor with a predicted investment of 250 million Euros Reinforce the power of Alqueva with a predicted investment of 50 million Euros Martifer’s project for the Ribeiradio and Ermida Reservoirs with an investment of 123 million Euros Investment total of approximately 1,600 Million Euros Source:FEPICOP
Importance of forest biomass
Renewable Energy Importance of forest biomass • To boost and revitalize the forestry industry • Minimize fire risks Reasons for the focus Portugal’s situation • 2005: 1 thermoelectric centre (Mortágua) and occasional use of biomass for heating • 2005-2007: Public tender for the construction of 15 thermoelectric centres using forest biomass • An increase of 100MW (+67%) in 2010 are the objective fixed for 2006 • Decentralize biomass network centres, in conjunction with available resources, forestry potential and policies on fire prevention. Fixed objectives In January 2008
Renewable Energy Importance of forest biomass Source:Enersilva
Renewable Energy Importance of forest biomass • Mortágua Centre: • ► Installed power of 10 MVA (predicted power increase to 57 MVA). • ►Provides electric energy to a population of 35 thousand inhabitants • ►Annual biomass consumption superior to 100,000 tn/year. • ►Owned in equal parts by EDP Bioeléctrica and Altri SGPS. • Ródão Centre: • ► Opened in March 2007. Investment of 30 million Euros. • ►Installed power of 14.5 MVA. • ►Provides electric energy to a population of 70 thousand inhabitants • ►Annual biomass consumption superior to 160,000 tn/year and a reduction of 60,000 tn/year of CO2 • ►Owned in equal parts by EDP Bioeléctrica and Altri SGPS. Goals Installed capacity +100% Between 2005 and 2010, the installed capacity increased > 1980% Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Renewable Energies Renewable Energies Renewable Energy Importance of biomass Importance of biomass Importance of biomass Tenders for forestry biomass centres– Centres already awarded Tenders for forestry biomass centres– Centres already awarded Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Renewable Energies Renewable Energies Renewable Energy Importance of biomass Importance of biomass Importance of biomass Tenders for forestry biomass centres– Centres already awarded Tenders for forestry biomass centres– Centres already awarded Source: General Directorate for Geology and Energy
Investments in Solar energy
Renewable Energy Investments in solar energy • A yearly average of 2,200 to 3,000 hours of sun Excellent conditions for harnessing solar power • Majority in the Beja district: • In Amareleja (Moura) – 46.41 MW produced since Dec. 2008 • In Ferreira do Alentejo – 12MW (Generg group), 1.8MW (NetPlan), 10 MW (being constructed – Sociedade Ventos da Serra) • 2 centres in Mértola, 1 in Brinches (Serpa) and 1 in Almodôvar. Photovoltaic Centres • Installation, until 2010, of 50,000 solar hot water system in buildings • New legislation states that all new buildings must have solar power distribution capacity Solar Hot Water Programme Destination of FDI and area of innovation • Portugal (Covilis, in Póvoa de Santa Iria, Vila Franca de Xira) will be the first and only factory in the world of curved mirror of high output from the Saint-Gobain group – world share in the manufacture of glass for the solar market is more than 35%.
Renewable Energy Energy production accessible to all Micro Production Energy – Online Allows consumers to use their homes to become energy producers. All that is necessary is to register online, install the micro-production equipment and sell the excess energy produced. The amount earned can reach 300 Euros a month. Not only limited to solar energy (it also covers wind, hydro, biomass cogeneration, fuel batteries based on hydrogen and any combination of the above), this will probably be the main form.
Renewable Energies Energy production accessible to all Micro-production Statistics – from April 2008 to February 2009: Note: Registration Paid = Already Registered – refused by Sistema de Registro de Microprodução for not complying with the requisites or non payment of taxes Source: www.renovaveisnahora.pt
Renewable Energy Ambitious targets for the inclusion of bio fuels Targets • By 2010, 10% of bio fuels will be included in all fuel used by motor vehicles (10 years before the EU timeframe) Measures • Tax incentives – exemption of ISP (fuel tax) for road fuel Position in 2007 • Exemption of ISP (fuel tax) on 205 thousand tons of bio fuel • The production of bio fuels depends on imports - Portuguese agriculture production has only contributed with 2.4% of the total
Renewable Energy Ambitious targets for the inclusion of bio fuels • ►In 2008 GALP refineries should included up to 5% of vegetable oil in its diesel for the production of bio-diesel • ► There were five working bio fuel factories in Portugal: • Iberol • Prio (da Martifer) • Torrejana • Tagol • Biovegetal (João Pereira Coutinho) • ►And ready to open were • Enerful (Enersis) • Green Cyber (Grupo Sampaio Nunes) • The escalating prices of raw materials has delayed the desired targets
Exploitation of wave energy
Renewable Energy Exploitation of waves – concentration of energy Source: Wave Energy Utilization in Europe, Current Status and Perspectives
Renewable Energy Exploitation of wave energy • Technical and scientific knowledge with more than 20 years of investigation and studies in this sector • Potential of 250 Km of coastline (excluding navigation corridors and natural reserves) • Links to the electricity network near the coast • Different systems already in place for the capture of wave energy Portugal’s advantages • Create a pilot zone with the potential of exploring up to 250MW • Install prototypes in emerging technologies Objectives
Renewable Energy • Favourable conditions and accurate forecasts • Good underground bathymetric readings at 50 m off the coast • Advanced system for the forecast of rough seas - height, duration and wave direction – for 6 days using third generation models such as WAVEWATCH III and SWAM (Simulating WAves Nearshore)
Renewable Energy Ease of integrating energy in the network • 80% of Portuguese electricity • consumption is concentrated • in the coastal area • There is 7,101 Km of coastline: • - 1,588 Km of 400 kV, • - 3,177 Km of 220 kV and • - 2,661 Km of 150 kV • Connected to: • ► 38 electro-producing centres - 63% hydro, 18% solar and 19% in special status • ► 383 sub-stations
Renewable Energy • Pilot Zone: • Created by the Decree Law Nº 5/2008 • Situated west of S. Pedro de Moel, with a depth of more than 30 metres, with 25Km2 and a capacity of 30MW. • Ease of registration, namely: • ► Simplified and reduced licensing time, by using a management company for the display, pre-commercial and commercial phases • ► Power connection: 80 MW (medium tension) + 250 MW (high tension) • ►Infra-structures promoted by the management company • ►Access to the pilot zone for commercial, done by tender. • ►Subsidised tariffs, defined by decree.
Renewable Energy • First commercial park for wave energy Technology: Pelamis (Scottish) Installed capacity: 2,25 MW Promoter: Enersis
Renewable Energy • The various wave energy technologies All known technologies are either in use or being tested in Portugal. New technologies such as Waveroller and Pidreo are also being tested. Sourcee: Exploitation of wave energy: panorama and perspectives, António F.O. Falcão, Instituto Superior Técnico
Renewable Energy • Portuguese experience in wave energy • PICO CENTRAL Technology: Oscillating water column Installed capacity: 400 KW Promoter: EDA – Empresa de Electricidade dos Açores Date of construction: 1998
Renewable Energy • Portuguese experience in wave energy • ARCHIMEDES WAVE SWING (AWS) - PÓVOA DO VARZIM • Device that absorbs energy, completely submerged, created with the cooperation of the Instituto Superior Técnico • Oscillating water column technology • A pilot unit of 2MW was installed in 2004, in Póvoa do Varzim – 6 Km from the coast and 43 metres deep. • CEODOURO/BREAKWAVE • Technology: Oscillating water column • Installed capacity: 500 KW + 200 KW • Installed in Foz do Douro
Renewable Energy • Portuguese experience in wave energy • WAVE DRAGON • Installed project in • S. Pedro de Moel • Promoter: TecDragon
Renewable Energy • Portuguese experience in wave energy • WAVE ROLLER - PENICHE • Pilot project using pioneering technologies installed on the ocean floor. • Developed by Eneólica (Lena Energia) in lmagreira, in Peniche • PIDREO – PROJECTO DE INVESTIGAÇÃO E DESENVOLVIMENTO PARA RECUPERAÇÃO DAS ONDAS • Still at the initial stage, but will be a floating system, • with Portuguese technology, based on simple aspects, • of a simple construction, with high revenue and ease of • maintenance • Developed by Martifer
Renewable Energy • Portuguese Programme for Energy Efficiency • In 2005/2007 Portugal reversed the tendency of its increasing use of energy as registered since 1990, however, it registers higher values than the European average (presently 120Tep/million GDP). In a Business as Usual scenario, Portugal would take 15 years to reach the current European level. Portugal Eficiência 2015 – Efficency Portugal 2015 Objective: To reach 10% of energy efficiency by 2015 (Vs 8% expected in the Directive 2006/32/CE from the Energy Services), lessening the increase of the energy account by 1% per year until 2015. Twelve programmes were outlined for energy efficiency performance: - Adoption of new technologies and organisational processes, changes in behaviour and taking into account typology values and sustainable consumer trends - Measures with emphasis in the sectors of Transport, Residential and Services, Industry and Government and also Social Behaviour, Incentives and Tax Incentives
Renewable Energy • Portuguese Programme for Energy Efficiency Estado Source:ADENE
Renewable Energy • Portuguese Programme for Energy Efficiency • Transports –Programmes, Measures and Objectives • Programmes for renewing cars, urban mobility and transport system for energy efficiency • Reduction by 20% in the number of light vehicles with more than 10 years • Reduce 20% of average CO2 emissions of new sold vehicles (of 143g/Km in 2005 to 110gr/Km) • 20% of all cars to include monitoring equipment (on board computer, GPS cruise control or automatic tyre verification) • Create an innovative platform for traffic management with GPS optimized routes • Create an urban mobility programme for district capital and business centres with more than 500 employees • Change ways of travel by 5% from individual to “share a car” • 20% of international trade to change from road to sea Source:ADENE
Renewable Energy • Portuguese Programme for Energy Efficiency • Residential and Services –Programmes, Measures and Objectives • Programmes to renew homes and offices, system for energy efficiency of buildings, renewable online and solar programme • Incentive programme for urban redevelopment: with 1 in every 15 homes having a high energy rating (superior or equal to a B-) • Programme to renew 1 million white goods • Substitution of 5 million light bulbs to LED • Benefits in licences for efficient construction (increase in construction area) • 75,000 homes will create their own energy (165MW installed power) • 1 in every 15 buildings will have solar powered hot water Source:ADENE
Renewable Energy • Portuguese Programme for Energy Efficiency • Residential and Services – Incentives • Focused on substituting white goods and urban redevelopment: • Credit efficiency – Government subsidized personal loans to finance efficiency measures • Cheque efficiency – Bonus for reducing electricity consumption to invest in efficiency measures • Renove+ Programme – Benefit to exchange any old white goods for new rated A+ or A++ • To improve urban redevelopment • - Measure for Efficient Windows – Incentive to improve 200 thousand homes by 2015 • - Measure for Thermal Insulation – Incentive to improve around 100 thousand homes by 2015 • - Measure for Green Heat – Installation of 200 thousand efficient heating systems (recuperation of heat by biomass and COP heating pumps equal to or more than 4). Source:ADENE
Renewable Energy • Portuguese Programme for Energy Efficiency • Industry –Programmes, Measures and Objectives • Energy efficient system for the industry • Agreement with the manufacturing industries to reduce energy consumption by 8% • Create a Management System for Intensive Energy Consumption available to medium sized companies (>500 tep) and incentives to carry out the identified measures • Creation of an Energy Efficient Fund • To promote urban redevelopment, to substitute white goods and to improve energy service companies that help the implementation of energy efficiency measures in conjunction with the Portuguese Programme for Climate Change Source:ADENE