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Transition Towards Post-Carbon Societies

Understanding the driving socio-economic forces, actors, acceptability, heritage, and policies in the transition process towards a post-carbon society. Analyzing variables related to the debate, anticipation, transition, social risks, and daily life patterns.

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Transition Towards Post-Carbon Societies

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  1. WP 4 Transition towards post-carbon societies

  2. Task 4.1 : Driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policies Leader: LSC Task 4.2 : Risks and governance in the transition process towards post carbon societies Leader: TSE Task 4.3: Young people’s human capital and social capital in a post carbon social life Leader: UP

  3. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesObjective Understanding the role of inertia forces, time lags for changes and ruptures, actors behaviours, driving forces, in the transition process towards post carbon society; feed-up chronology for related inputs for VLEEM and POLES models.

  4. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesStrategy Using and valorising the knowledge accumulated on the phenomena of evolution towards a post-carbon society, not only those connected to the transition in itself, but also other relevant processes such as those that anticipate the transition or those related to the debate among the relevant stakeholders, to the main social risks that are being faced by contemporary societies, or to the changing daily life patterns.

  5. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesFive sets of variables 1) State of the debate and opinion of actors 2) Phenomena anticipating post-carbon society 3) Specific variables connected to the transition towards the post-carbon society 4) Major social risks and policies to control/manage them 5) Daily life (habitat, health, education, family, culture, etc.)

  6. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesFive sets of variables/2 • The study of these 5 sets of variables will give inputs – both quantitative and qualitative – to the “post-carbon scenario story-lines” and to the models supporting the scenario quantification. • Work will be implemented on the basis of the results of the work of WP1, WP2, WP3. Nevertheless the analysis of some variable sets will begin since now (set 1 and set 2).

  7. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesSpecific variables connected to the transition towards the post-carbon society a.Emergence and marginalization of social actors (collective bodies relevant for the energetic transition) b. Pull and push factors c. Forms of transition towards post carbon society connected to urban dynamics

  8. b. Pull and push factors • Obstacles to the transition • Phenomena facilitating the transition because they link tradition and social innovation • Acceptability by the relevant actors • Revival phenomena (for example at the religious and cultural levels)

  9. c. Forms of transition towards post carbon society connected to urban dynamics • Demographic transition (the city as a moderating factor of demographic growth) • Epidemiological transition (the change of epidemiological models because of urbanization processes) • Institutional transition (emergence of new social actors, weakening of state structures, diffusion of partnership arrangements, new forms of governance) • Social transition (urban development facilitates poverty reduction) • Anthropological transition (e.g. emergence of women in political and social life) • Technological transition (urban settings facilitate technology diffusion and the pace of innovation)

  10. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesFive main activities 1. Operational project design 2. Data mining 3. Analysis of the scientific literature 4. Consultation of 30 international experts and 30 key persons (e.g. managers of international organizations, leaders of movements and networks of civil society’s organizations active at the international levels, etc.) 5. Focus groups in 5 EU member states to compare points of view of actors (policy makers, CSO and movements’ leaders, business leaders, researchers) through a coordinated, multilateral and interactive consultation

  11. Task 4.1 : driving socio-economic forces and actors, acceptability, heritage, policiesDeliverables • DI4.1.1: Analysis project design (month 3) • DI4.1.2: Report on the role of inertia forces, time lags for changes and ruptures, actors behaviours, driving forces, in the transition process (month 16) • DI4.1.3: Inputs for VLEEM and POLES models coming from the previous analysis (month 18)

  12. Task 4.3: Young People’s Human Capital and Social Capital in a Post Carbon Social LifeMethodology • Students attending high schools focusing on sciences in four European realities will be the subjects of the research. • Two schools in each Country (one in the capital and one in a city with population between 150,000 and 200,000). • Sample: 15-17 y.o. students; two complete classes (about 20 students per class) in each school (so in each city), thus four classes (about 80 students) in each Country.

  13. Task 4.3: Young People’s Human Capital and Social Capital in a Post Carbon Social LifeMethodology/2 • The quantitative data from the survey will be processed using SPSS software. • The qualitative analysis of student essays will be facilitated by the use of a software application that combines hermeneutic and statistical coding in the extraction, organization, and comparison of pre-decided or emergent themes.

  14. Task 4.3: Young People’s Human Capital and Social Capital in a Post Carbon Social LifeDeliverables • DI4.3.1: Report on theoretical and methodological design with results of quantitative analysis (month 16) • DI4.3.2: Final report of the empirical investigation on Young People‟s Human Capital and Social Capital in a Post Carbon Social Life (month 18)

  15. WP 4Transition towards post-carbon societiesFinal Deliverable D4 : Report on transition towards post-carbon societies (month 19)

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