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Find someone you don’t know and ask them these three questions:

Find someone you don’t know and ask them these three questions:. What is your earliest memory of Sunday School? Who was the most life-changing teach you have ever had? Why did this teacher have an impact on you?.

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Find someone you don’t know and ask them these three questions:

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  1. Find someone you don’t know and ask them these three questions: • What is your earliest memory of Sunday School? • Who was the most life-changing teach you have ever had? • Why did this teacher have an impact on you?

  2. 2 Timothy 1:13“Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

  3. Teachers make huge imprints on our lives.

  4. Share your earliest memory of Sunday School

  5. Describe a life-changing teacher who taught you.

  6. Turn to the scripture on the other side of the handout you received when you entered. • Find the others with the same scripture. • Be ready to share what the passage says about the biblical mandate to teach for spiritual transformation.

  7. Sunday School is the foundational strategy in a local church for leading people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and for buildingon-mission Christians through open Bible study groups that engagepeople in evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship.

  8. Turn to pages 4-5 and find the five questions under “The Traits of a Transformational Sunday School.”

  9. Psalm 119:33-35, 105 What is the difference between a curriculum plan and curriculum resources?

  10. Curriculum Origin from two Latin words:currere – to runcurrus – a course or trackCame to refer to a course, track, or path of study.

  11. Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.”

  12. Are the curriculum resources you pick for your Sunday School important? Why?

  13. Turn to the thirteen questions under “Evaluating Curriculum” on pages 7 and 8.

  14. Review the 8 learning approaches listed under statement 13 on page 8.Which are your preferred learning approaches?

  15. How important is curriculum in the process of teaching for spiritual transformation?

  16. Can curriculum support transformational teaching?

  17. What would you do in this situation? One of your teachers approaches you in the hallway between Sunday School and church and says, “My class has decided not to use curriculum any longer. We are going to have our members make suggestions and then the class will vote on what to study.”

  18. Do you have a policy for curriculum selection? • Why do you think a policy is important? • How did you arrive at your policy? • Turn to “Steps for developing a curriculum selection policy” on pages 11-12.

  19. Steps in Developing a Curriculum Policy Pages 10-11 in your book.

  20. Why use LifeWay curriculum? Turn to page 11.

  21. Who compiles and places the Sunday School literature order for your church?

  22. There are four ways a Sunday School curriculum order can be placed. Online Mail Fax Phone

  23. Don’t forget the 5% early-order discount. Online Mail

  24. Does someone at your church dread the arrival of all the literature? Turn to pages 12-13 “How to Order, Receive, and Distribute Curriculum

  25. I will never forget the first time I tried to…

  26. Three Primary Areas of Sunday School Curriculum • Prepare • Sunday School Leadership Meeting • Personal Bible Study for the Teacher • Encounter • Continue

  27. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Unit theme and overview – presentation of study theme for a unit overviews the individual sessions and introduces the purpose of the study.

  28. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Bible Passage – Lists the passages studied in the session

  29. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Biblical Setting – Provides a short background summary of the passage being studied.

  30. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Biblical Truth – States the primary truth to communicated from the passages being studied.

  31. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Key Bible Verse – Identifies the central or key verse being taught. (Preschool uses Key Bible Phrase.)

  32. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Life Impact – Suggests the learner’s knowledge, understanding, attitude, and action changes that might result from the study.

  33. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Life Question – Relates the lesson to a question in the life of learners.

  34. Key Items in Most Dated Leader Guides Unit theme and overview – presentation of study theme for a unit overviews the individual sessions and introduces the purpose of the study.

  35. Chapters Five, Six, and SevenAn overview of age group curriculum resources

  36. Complete theCurriculum Self Study Guideusing the resources displayed in the room.

  37. LeaderLifeLeading AdultsLeading Student MinistryinmINistry with kids

  38. EXTRA!

  39. Ephesians 4:11-13 What is our primary responsibility as leaders?What is the measurement we are to look for in the lives of our people?

  40. How can leaders really know if their teaching is effective? • Are believers changing into the likeness of Jesus? • Are believers growing in their love and trust of God? • Are believers becoming more obedient to God?

  41. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Adjust your Sunday School leaders’ mindset. • As you enlist teachers, defining teaching as spiritual transformation

  42. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Discuss with teachers what they see taking place in the lives of their members as a result of Sunday School’s teaching and ministry.

  43. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Help teachers teach out of a fresh relationship with the Lord. • Pray for your teachers by name. • Recognize and encourage teachers.

  44. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Encourage teachers to relate to class members beyond Sunday morning. • Educate your congregation in how people are transformed through the teaching and relationships of Sunday School.

  45. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Guide teachers to expect to see lives transformed. • Use every tool and opportunity available to train your leaders.

  46. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Help teachers understand their pupil’s characteristics, interests, needs, the ways they learn, and effective ways to teach.

  47. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Provide sound, high quality curriculum resources, and train teachers how to use them for maximum benefit. • Provide resources and environment for teaching and learning.

  48. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • Build effective Sunday School leadership meetings than plan for transforming lives. • Focus on Mission • Focus on Relationships • Focus on Bible study

  49. How to Build a Sunday School That Teaches for Spiritual Transformation • The strongest influence you can have on Sunday School leaders is being transformed yourself.

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