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Recycling materials for crafting. A ship made of wood and fabric scraps , various figures out of wood , pins , wool and scraps of fabric . Our kindergarden St. Batholomäus has made with their young pupils a lot of things with recycling materials .
A shipmadeofwoodandfabricscraps, variousfigures out ofwood, pins, woolandscrapsoffabric.
Ourkindergarden St. Batholomäushasmadewiththeiryoungpupils a lotofthingswithrecyclingmaterials.
Pupilsofourschoolmadefirguresfromtoiletpaperrolls, glass, yogurtcupsandpaper.
The class 3b hasmadecarnivalmasks out ofold CDs, bottlecaps, piecesofpaperandpaperstreamers.
Old boxeswerecoveredbytheclass 3c withaluminiumfoilanddecoratedwithlightbulbs, corkandotherresidues.