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Explore the potential of a Super B Factory to discover new physics that the LHC may have difficulty in uncovering. With superior signal-to-background ratios and well-understood experimental techniques, the Super B Factory can provide insights into modes involving photons, neutral pions, and neutrinos. Lessons from history show that new physics is often first seen in loop processes, making the Super B Factory a valuable addition to the search for new phenomena.
Is there any NP that LHC has difficulty to discover that a Super B factory can discover ? Theorists: Dimensional arguments give scales of 102 TeV or 10 TeV, depending on whether or not new physics is MFV Experimenters: History shows that new physics is seen first in loop effects. Why should it be different this time ? What can a Super B factory provide beyond the expected reach of LHCb ? Easy answer: modes with photons, neutral pions and neutrinos. Superior signal to background and well understood systematics and experimental techniques for charged decays. Complete coverage of B, tau and D decays and an open trigger
Lessons of History New Physics is usually discovered first in loop processes, which involve high massvirtual particles. (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Example I: Absence of KL allowed theorists to deduce the existence of the charm quark. The rate of K mixing allowed a rough determination of the charm mass. Example II: The absence of bs decays and the long B lifetime ruled out topless models. Large Bd mixing showed the top was heavy contrary to theory prejudices of the time. Radiative corrections from Z measurements determined the rough range of the top mass…… Vtd Vtd Beautiful and precise measurements of the top quark mass at the Tevatron. However, the couplings |Vts|,|Vtd,|and most importantly the phase of (Vtd) cannot be measured in direct top production.
K. Oide (Leading Japanese Accelerator Physicist) “Dai-repoton keikaku” Budget of Japanese acceleratorphysicists Official Announcement from KEK director A. Suzuki on Super B expected in 2007
The Super B Factory is part of a Unified and Unbiased Attack on New Physics n expts accel, reactor, gm-2, mgeg, etc. LHC, ILC Higgs boson mass and couplings. New particle searches n mass and mixing, CPV, and LFV Lepton sector Propagators New physics Quark sector • LFV, t CPV Flavor mixing, CPV phases Super B Factory, LHCb, Rare K expts, BESIII…
Comparison of Super-B and LHCb • Clean environment measurements that no other experiment can perform. Examples: CPV in BgfK0, Bgh’K0 for new phases, BgKSp0gfor right-handed currents. • “B-meson beam” technique access to new decay modes. Example: discover BgKnn. • Measure new types of asymmetries. Example: forward-backward asymmetry in bgsmm, see • Rich, broad physics program including B, t and charm physics. Examples: searches for tgmg and D-D mixing with unprecedented sensitivity. • No other experiment can compete for New Physics reach in the quark sector.