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SHAPED FOR ENDURING GOSPEL FRUITFULNESS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Colossians 1:3-14 (p. 1088, pew Bible). Sunday, July 28 th , 2013 Don Little – UC sent Islamic Missiologist. PAUL’S DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL. Colossians 1:3-4,6
SHAPED FOR ENDURING GOSPEL FRUITFULNESS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Colossians 1:3-14 (p. 1088, pew Bible) Sunday, July 28th, 2013 Don Little – UC sent Islamic Missiologist
PAUL’S DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Colossians 1:3-4,6 3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people… 6 In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world...
OUR DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Abdullah – Moroccan “below ground” church planter and leader in Morocco
PAUL’S DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Colossians 1:3-4,6 3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people… 6 In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.
OUR DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Afeef – “above ground” church planter in Amman, Jordan & founder of “below ground” church planting mission in M.E. (photo taken July 5th, 2013 in Cairo)
OUR DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Afeef – “above ground” church planter in Amman, Jordan & founder of “below ground” church planting mission in M.E. (photo taken July 5th, 2013 in Cairo)
PASTOR AFEEF ON MINISTRY SINCE THE ARAB SPRING “Compared to three years ago, the number of seekers and converts has become phenomenal. The reality is that we are seeing more harvest among Muslims than ever. Bibles are running out, again and again. The number of seekers has mushroomed.” “Islam will be destroyed by Muslims themselves. The conflict between Shiia and Sunni Muslims is going to destroy Islam. The power of Islam is based on ignorance and fear. Now fear is no longer strong, and the ignorance is gone.” “The moment that Muslims start thinking they are on their way to Christ.”
OUR DELIGHT IN THE FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Colossians 1:6 6 In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world...
PAUL’S DESIRE THAT THEY WOULD BE MATURE IN CHRIST Col 1:28-29 • He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. 29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.
THE SHAPE OF PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 1. Paul’s Thanksgiving (vs. 3-8) 3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel 6 that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. 7 You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, 8 and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.
THE SHAPE OF PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 2. Paul’s Intercession (vs. 9-14) 9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 1. Paul’s Thanksgiving (vs. 3-8) 3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus. Muhammad – church planter (in the middle)
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 1. Paul’s Thanksgiving (vs. 3-8) 3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus. Abdu – head of Moroccan Bible Society
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 1. Paul’s 2nd Thanksgiving (3-8) 3 We always thank God… when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of… the love you have for all God’s people Mrs. Sarah Kim – much loved Korean in Cairo (with Dr. Matthew Jeong – Korean missiologist)
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) • Kamal – a senior Sudanese Christian leader, based in Cairo • Has great love and compassion for his brothers and sisters suffering persecution around the world in Muslim nations • Began Set my People Free • Kamal is working to abolish “apostasy” and “blasphemy” laws across the Muslim world 1. Paul’s 2nd Thanksgiving (3-8) 3 We always thank God… when we pray for you,4 because we have heard of… the love you have for all God’s people
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 1. Paul’s Thanksgiving (vs. 3-8) 6In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world.
A WIND IS BLOWING THROUGH THE HOUSE OF ISLAMFROM “GOD IS DOING SOMETHING HISTORIC” AT HTTP://WWW.MISSIONFRONTIERS.ORG/ • David Garrison’s recent research, and forthcoming book: A Wind in the House of Islam. • From CE 632 to 1980 – ONLY two voluntary movements of Muslims to Christ – both in Indonesia. • 1980-2000 there were eight(!) movements of more than 1000 Muslims coming to faith in Christ • They were in Iran (x2), Algeria, Bangladesh (x2) and Central Asia (x3). • In the first 12 years of the 21st century, there have been an additional sixty-four movements of Muslims to Christ!!!
A WIND IS BLOWING THROUGH THE HOUSE OF ISLAM Garrison’s “Nine Rooms” in the House of Islam North Africa Arab World West Africa East Africa Persian World Turkestan Western South Asia Eastern South Asia Indo-Malaysia
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) 1. Paul’s 3rd Thanksgiving (vs. 6-8) 6In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doingamong you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. 7 You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf,8 and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) Part 2. Paul’s Intercession (9-14) 9We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) Part 2. Paul’s Intercession (10-11) 10so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord... 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.
LIVING OUT PAUL’S PRAYER (COL 1:3-14) Part 2. Paul’s Intercession (12-14) 12giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified youto share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Dear Friends; Thanks for your prayer support through the years. We thank God that you continue to stand with us. Please pray: we are holding a two-week church planting training event here, August 1st – 15th. The first week is for Moroccans only, and the second week others from across North Africa will join us. Pray for protection, wisdom and guidance. In September, we will start a new group for training key people. We will walk with them the same way we have with others in the past. We will meet with them for weekends from time to time. And we will visit them in their different ministry locations in different Moroccan cities. Thanks for your prayers. May you experience God’s blessings! Abdellah
THE GOSPEL IS BEARING FRUIT IN THE ARAB WORLD SINCE THE ARAB SPRING Egyptian evangelical leaders say: “We might see a turning to Christ in the ME that is unprecedented in history since the Islamic takeover of this region. I think the handwriting has been on the wall for awhile, that God has been opening up Egypt. And I think we’re going to see more and more fruit in the coming period.” “I think God is doing amazing things throughout our region. From the first step in the first revolution in Tunisia and Egypt. My friends in Tunisia told me that this revolution is the hand of God.” • Algerian Christians (from Muslim backgrounds) claim there are more evangelicals in Algeria than there are in France. • Muslims in Saudi Arabia are coming to faith in Christ in increasing numbers. • In Egypt, hundreds of Muslims are going to Coptic Orthodox churches and many are coming to faith in Christ